Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:11 AM

Chapter 50

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Previously, the person who extorted a confession from Lei Yin didn't tell him where Capone Becky was, but another 50 million person who offered a reward.

Back to the present.

Lei Yin stands in front of the girl. The middle finger and index finger of the right hand make a white energy ripple in the void. The white energy like chopping directly kills all the people who rush up.

After a glance at more than a dozen fallen bodies, Lei Yin turned around and looked at the girl in shock: "can you tell me what's going on?"

The girl ran out of this place and was chased by so many people. Something must have happened.

The girl is still a face of panic, voice trembling way: "you... Who are you?"

Lei Yin thought for a moment: "don't be afraid. My name is balamak. I'm a pirate hunter. I only kill those with a reward."

At this time, Lei Yin has become another image with e-level [stunt], balamak, which is the name he gave to this image.

The girl saw that he had no malice, so she told Lei Yin about it.

Girl: the men who arrested themselves are a pirate group. The captain's name is Taylor. He offered a reward of 52 million Bailey. He was responsible for the massacre of more than 100 residents in residential areas at night some time ago, and he was responsible for the disappearance of dozens of young girls, among whom he was one. This guy is not only powerful, but also lecherous. Every night he will find these girls to enjoy himself. The Navy led troops to arrest many times, but they all failed. I really can't stand Taylor, so I want to sneak out.

Hearing the girl say so, Lei Yin thinks of the two pirates in the latest issue of the newspaper.

One is Capone Becky, a Superman with the ability of "fruit of a strong city", who is now offering a reward of 78 million Bailey.

And the other is this Taylor, and from the description of the girl, it's very different from the news in the newspaper.

There's no place to go when you've broken your iron shoes.

"By the way, do you know what he can do?" Lei Yin asked the girl.

Girl: "well, I've seen one time. One of his pirates once made him angry because he didn't do a good job, and Taylor turned into a green rope and strangled him alive."

Lei Yin: "green rope? strangle? Is it about the fruit of the rope? "

Girl: "well, I don't know..."

then, Lei Yin asked her where Taylor was, and gave her a sum of money to help her run away.

According to what the girl told her, Lei Yin looked for it.

In front of a big house, the gate is iron, and the gate is closed to the heaven.

If you look carefully, you will find that it's like a small fortress built here. If the army comes, it won't be able to attack for a while.

Seeing this scene, Lei Yin couldn't help laughing: this guy is really careful. No wonder the navy can't catch him several times.

Thinking like this, Leiyin is gathering a blue cyclone in his hand, a powerful force is brewing, and then suddenly comes out...

big jade spiral pill!

"Boom" a loud noise, the blue cyclone hit on the iron gate, directly hit the iron gate out of a big hole.

When I opened the door and went in, I found that it was bigger than I expected. Many pirates heard the loud noise and came around with all kinds of weapons.

"Where did you come from? Dare you come here to die?"

Lei Yin said faintly: "if you don't want to die, get out of here and tell Tyler to get out!"

"You're living awkwardly, aren't you?"

"Brothers, cut this boy into meat sauce!"


seeing the people rushing up, Leiyin steps on the ground, jumps up and down in the air, turns his hands up and down, and completes the seal...

"Huodun - the art of haohuoqiu!"

The hot fireball fell down vertically and burst apart in the crowd, directly submerging the pirates into the sea of fire.

When Lei Yin fell to the ground again, there was a big fire behind him. He walked in front of the fire and looked very emotional.

Lei Yin made such a big noise, which had already alarmed the people inside. Then, a skinny man led some pirates out.

Some of the pirates saw the flame that had not been extinguished behind Lei Yin and couldn't help taking a breath: is this the fruit ability of the flame system?

Lei Yin looked at the thin man at the head: "are you Taylor?"

Unexpectedly, Tyler stretched out his orchid finger and said in a whiny voice: "Oh, you little devil, you have taken my people...


This guy's a motherfucker?

No wonder he behaved indecently. He built his house like a fortress for fear that the navy would catch him.

Niang Pao is Niang Pao. It's still so colorful. When you think about the scene when he catches a young girl, Lei Yin has goose bumpsForget it, even if he is a Niang gun, it has nothing to do with him.

Lei Yin was thinking, and Taylor spoke. He held out his orchid finger and pointed to Lei Yin: "Hello, boy, who are you? We have no injustice and no enmity. Why should we do this? "

Lei Yin said with a faint smile: "my name is balamak. I'm a pirate hunter. Come and get your dog's life and change some pocket money. "

"Oh, I'm so scared..."

although Taylor's tone and image are not like that kind of ferocious person, his heart is extremely cruel and twisted. Otherwise, more than 100 innocent residents will not be slaughtered, and some beautiful young girls will be used for their own use.

It's hard to paint a tiger or a man without skin.

Let's get rid of those who are in the way.

With this in mind, Leiyin starts Ninjutsu again...

tudun - the art of Tulong bullet!

At the end of the speech, a huge Earth Dragon rose from the ground. The pirates were scared. With a wave of Lei Yin's right index finger, the Earth Dragon opened its mouth and spat out mud balls the size of football. These mud bombs rained down on the pirates, who had no strength to fight back and were killed alive in their frightened eyes and desperate screams.

Looking at the colorful corpses on the ground, Leiyin unties the seal, and the Earth Dragon disappears in place.

Why? What about Tyler?

When Lei Yin just flashed this idea, a green thing entangled him firmly...

what is this?

Yes, that's what Tyler is capable of.

Lei Yin is tightly entangled. When he turns his head to look at it, he sees a ferocious face...

this guy is not the girl's ability to say [rope fruit], but...

PS: asking for a wave of rewards, recommendation tickets, all kinds of requests. I hope you can give me more support ↖ (^ω^) ↗ , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!