Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:35 PM

Chapter 500

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After the failure of the task of recapturing Sasuke, Naruto also embarked on the road of cultivation. During this period, Muye was more peaceful than ever.

It was midsummer, and the sun was burning in the forest. The sound of cicadas came one after another. The three teenagers were sweating like rain.

The three are Lei Yin, er hei and Meng Xiaomeng from Dahe class.

Meng Xiaomeng wears a delicate ponytail and a lovely bow tie behind her clothes, which makes Er Hei on one side look intoxicated. Lei Yin even looks a little distracted.

As it was almost noon, the sun was more intense, so they found a cool place to rest.

Lei Yin: "erhei, I heard that you went to learn Mudun with teacher Dahe two days ago?"

Erhei wiped the sweat on his face: "well, I want to be strong, and I'd better be as strong as you."

Meng Xiaomeng: "is Mudun the family of the first generation of adults? Is it the blood inheritance limit of the thousand hands of Mori? Can you learn this? "

Hearing Xiaomeng's words, erhei sighed: "teacher Dahe said the same thing."

As Meng Xiaomeng said, it is impossible for mu Dun to learn without the blood inheritance of his family or the chance encounter system like Lei Yin.

Lei Yin: "Er Hei, I think your swordsmanship is very good now. As long as you study swordsmanship wholeheartedly, you will become a strong one."

Hearing Lei Yin's words, erhei smiles: "I'm nothing. Xiaomeng is now the apprentice of Huoying of five generations."

Lei Yin looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said with a smile, "yes, at the beginning, I heard that master gangshou officially took Meng as an apprentice, and he also made a big jump."

During this time, Xiaomeng went to ask gangshou to accept herself as an apprentice several times. Gangshou was a kind-hearted person, and when she saw that the little girl was so sincere, she accepted her.

Also a female disciple of gangshou is Sakura chunye of Kakashi class.

"I... I just don't want to drag you down. Every time I go out to do a task, I can't help you, and I honestly ask you to sacrifice your life to protect me. I really blame myself... Master gangshou is the best medical ninja in Muye. If I study with her, my future task will not be a burden." Meng Xiaomeng said these words and looked at Lei Yin.

"Xiaomeng, you really are...

erhei doesn't know what to say. Xiaomeng is not only very beautiful, but her heart is the same as her appearance.

Erhei's eyes looked at her for a long time, and Leiyin had never met such a girl...

at noon, Daiwa didn't know what was going on, so he called erhei away alone. So Lei Yin suggests eating Yile Ramen with Xiaomeng.

But Xiaomeng says no. she takes Lei Yin by the arm and directly invites him to her home. She says that when food is ready, we will go together.

Meng Xiaomeng takes Lei Yin's arm carefully. For this, Lei Yin doesn't refuse.

Meng Xiaomeng is also an orphan and has been alone for many years. Since I met Dahe, Leiyin and erhei, I don't know when her character became cheerful. For her, this is also a good sign that she had been silent all day.

Maybe now in her eyes, the members of Dahe class are like family members, and she will never forget. When he was seriously injured in the exam, it was the members of Dahe class who took good care of her, and it was Lei Yin who avenged her and killed someone in the exam. In front of her family, she doesn't need too much consideration, so she takes the initiative to pull Lei Yin's arm.

Maybe it's like this...

as they were walking between them, they met Tian Tian, who was going to the forbearance shop.

Seeing Xiaomeng holding Leiyin's arm every day, she pulled down her face for no reason: "Hello, you... You...

when she was bumped into by an acquaintance like this, Xiaomeng felt very uncomfortable and put down her hand.

Meng Xiaomeng: "you... Hello, everyday..."

"you... You..." hesitates every day. What you want to say, but you want to say it.

"Hello everyday, goodbye everyday." Lei Yin said, pulling up Meng Xiaomeng and going.

Come to this world, Lei Yin's most afraid person is every day, this guy and his entanglement at least five times, every time is defeated, every time is not reconciled, and then repeatedly defeated. Recently, Leiyin intentionally lost to her, which made her even more angry and threatened that she would never let Leiyin go.

"Lei Yin, what did you do to me last time? I can't just let it go. "

What have you done?

Hearing this, Xiao Meng frowned.

Lei Yin said helplessly: "I made a joke with you last time. My strength is not as strong as you think. Please stop pestering...

" no way! "

Every day, he resolutely obstructed, especially when he saw Lei Yin involuntarily pulling Meng Xiaomeng's hand , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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