Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:28 PM

Chapter 508

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The Naruto who just came back looked at the shadow rock of Muye and couldn't help sighing, "the head of gangshou's grandmother has been engraved on it."

"Oh, I've grown a lot, Naruto." Not far away, a man's voice came.

"Teacher Kakashi!" I haven't seen you for two years. Naruto rushes over excitedly (Kakashi's hand is still holding "intimate paradise"), "I haven't seen you for such a long time, you are still the same."

"Hi Although Kakashi was very happy to see Naruto, his face was still lazy.

"Teacher Kakashi." Naruto said as he reached out to the bag and said, "here's a gift for you."

Kakashi saw this, and suddenly his whole body was like a lightning strike, "is it true or not?"?!! This... This... This is...

this is the latest masterpiece of the intimate series after three years, and the intimate strategy, which is also written here!

"I don't think it's very good, but you will like it very much."

Kakashi, of course, likes it and holds it in his hand like a treasure.

Naruto was very happy to see Kakashi. His hands fell in one fell swoop, like a lack of two: "good! Let's have Yile Ramen

With that, he ran like a child.

Zilai also walked side by side with Kakashi behind him: "according to the agreement, I gave Naruto to you."


what other thoughts does Kakashi have? Holding that "intimate introduction" to read carefully.

Seeing that he was so serious, I didn't mean to disturb him. I thought to myself: is dawn ready to move now? I have to hurry to collect intelligence...

Naruto, on his way to Yile Ramen restaurant, met another teammate: "Xiao... Xiaoying, is that you?"

In front of her, a girl in a pink robe turned her head to see Naruto, who was also stunned: "Naruto?"

In the past three years, both of them have changed a lot.

But Sakura had a twist: "how about it? Am I a little feminine? "

Naruto still laughs like a lack of two: "how? You haven't changed at all

"You really don't understand women's mind..." Zilai also shook his head and sighed.

"Why? Do you look taller than me? " Sakura is good at measuring Naruto and her head.

"Oh? Is that so? "

"Brother Naruto!"

Just as the old acquaintances exchanged greetings, a young man's voice came.

"Color glaze technique!"

Then "touch", a nearly naked beauty appeared in front of everyone.

Since come also of eye bead son almost stare out!

It's a puff of smoke again, and the beauty returns to her original appearance. It turns out to be muyewan.

"How's it going? That's good enough, isn't it? " Muyewan pointed to himself with his thumb and said with a proud face.

Unexpectedly, Naruto's face suddenly became solemn: "muyewan, we are not children, and you can't always be like before."

Muyewan "...

seeing Naruto's serious appearance, Sakura is really surprised: it seems that what he has changed is not only his appearance. Although he seems to lack something, you should be strong, right? I must have learned a lot of powerful Ninjutsu...

Naruto made Sakura chunye feel reverent.

"Muye pill! This is not enough for a long time. Next, I'll show you my newly developed Shiqing Ninjutsu! "

Handsome but three seconds, his two lack of appearance and show.

"You idiot!"

With a bang, haruno Sakura's fist smashes Naruto's face, and Naruto spits out a mouthful of old blood and flies out directly.

"Why didn't your heart grow at all? Don't just look at you for three minutes and then you'll be the same again! " Chunye Sakura not only blows it away, but also shakes his body desperately in the past, "people just have some heart, you are like this again!"

See Sakura this way, muyewan scared to hide behind Kakashi.

Just when the scene was very "harmonious", gangshou appeared: "since Naruto has been with you for so long, he is more and more like you in the past..."

when he heard that, he was thinking: seeing Sakura's angry appearance and that strange force, he became the second gangshou...

"well, let's finish this long goodbye, Kakashi."

Under the order of gangshou, kakasi closed the book "intimate introduction" and turned to Sakura chunye and Naruto, "in the future, we are going to perform tasks together, but this time it's not the teacher-student relationship, but the ninja of the same level..." he said, taking out two bells from the tool bag, let me see the growth of you two in the past two years, and the rules are like our first The first time we met... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!