Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:27 PM

Chapter 509

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The master and apprentice are preparing for the trial, but they don't know when Lei Yin comes here and looks at them silently.

Kakashi said as she closed the book.

Naruto put his hands behind his head: "Hey, hey... Don't you plan to fight us while reading this time? Mr. Kakashi

Sakura also put on a pair of black gloves, also joked: "or the teacher you have read it?"

"Not yet. I want to keep it until I go back. And this time... "Kakashi said, putting the book into the bag, and then pulling up the forehead covering her left eye to show her scarlet eyes." I have to show some real skills. "

Even Lei Yin, who was watching the battle, knew that with Naruto's growth, if Kakashi was still fighting with them while reading a book, it would be Chi Guoguo's death.

In fact, Lei Yin also wanted to see if they could show any skills that they couldn't do. If there were, he could copy them by the way, so he secretly hid in the dark and opened the eye of the writing wheel...

in the battle circle, Kakashi and two apprentices stood opposite each other, and sangouyu in Kakashi's left eye turned slowly.

Suddenly, the impatient Naruto takes the lead in launching an attack, throwing a sword in his hand at Kakashi. Kakashi takes out a kuwu left and right to block, and knocks the sword to the ground.

"Damn it..."

Naruto saw this, and the cat's face showed a reluctant look. He crossed his index fingers with his hands and turned into a shadow. He rushed to Kakashi.

And Kakashi's figure also disappeared immediately. When he reappeared, he had grasped Naruto's real body with his grabbing hand, but Naruto's shadow was behind him, pointing kuwu at Kakashi's head.

The mantis catches the cicada, the Yellow sparrow is behind.

Although Kakashi has fallen behind, she has a comfortable smile on her face: "Naruto, you've really grown up."

"Well, let's get down to business!"

Kakashi said, the figure disappeared again, I don't know where to hide.

On the other side, Sakura looked around and said, "if you don't have it, it's..."


Chunyeying drinks like a tigress, smashing her fist on the ground. The surrounding ground seems to have been hit by a 12 magnitude earthquake, and the rock ground is cracked like a clod, stretching for more than ten meters.

Kakashi, hiding in the crevice of the ground with the technique of earth hiding, was shocked: "good... Terrible power, it seems that it's not only medical technique..."

the broken ground has been extended, and Kakashi's figure has been revealed.

Naruto is also muddled: look... It seems that it's better not to provoke her in the future, otherwise she will be flattened very miserably...

Kakashi, who has already appeared, jumps on the gravel that was just broken by Sakura chunye, and when he sees dozens of meters of gravel pile, he can't help feeling: it's the power that will focus chakra on his fist, and it's a great help to chakra The requirement of pull control is very high. In this way, Sakura... May become a ninja beyond the five generations of Huoying...

Lei Yin in the dark thinks that Xiaomeng can do this now.

In the end, Naruto reveals the ending of "intimate strategy" to make Kakashi's mind confused. The master is captured by two disciples.

Naruto's brain is very good when he plays this kind of prank.

After the event.

"You are growing up so fast that I didn't expect you to steal the bell." Kakashi seems to be a little reluctant, but he is happy for them from the bottom of his heart.

Naruto smiley: "Kakashi teacher, we will certainly surpass you in the future."

"Cut, don't brag."

Although Kakashi said so, he didn't think so in his heart. If he grows up at such a speed, it's only a matter of time before he can surpass himself.

"Well, it's not just you who have become stronger. I've also learned new Ninjutsu..."

while Kakashi is talking solemnly, Naruto and Sakura chunye are talking about killing Kakashi at noon.

"Cough, the fire shadow asked me to report the list of new ninjas in this issue, so excuse me first."

Kakashi how cunning, hear two people say so, in situ a smoke will disappear without a trace.

Naruto: "hateful, let him slip away!"

Sakura chunye: "he said that. I think he probably wants to go back to reading..."

seeing Kakashi escape, Naruto suddenly realized that this is a good chance to be alone with Sakura!

"Sakura, let's go on a date!"

Chunye cherry is a face of Indifference: "good, but you want to treat."

Smell speech, Naruto quickly turned up his wallet, but found himself in the pocket.

It seems that for two and a half years, Naruto is still obsessed with green tea cherry , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!