Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:10 AM

Chapter 51

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"Ha ha ha, I'm a snake fruit (green snake form) capable person from the animal department. If I entangle you like this, you'll have to die."

Taylor turned into a monster with a snake in his face. His facial features had already become twisted and hideous. If ordinary people saw it, they would be scared to death.

This is even more terrifying than the changed snake pill, thought Lei Yin, trying to get rid of Taylor's entanglement...

flying thunder god chop!

Leiyin uses high-speed movement to break away from Taylor, but when he doesn't want to move to the other side, he is still entangled by Taylor.


Seeing Leiyin's failure to break free, Taylor was even more proud: "ha ha ha, useless (mu Da Da), useless (mu Da Da). I said that as long as you are entangled by others, you will have to wait to die..."

as he said that, Taylor tightened her body violently, Leiyin turned pale, breathing more and more difficult, dying...

"ah ha ha, Boy, where's your momentum just now? Don't you want to take my head? Come on, my head is right in front of you, ah ha ha...

Taylor gave a loud shrill laugh and swallowed his last breath by the tight thunder.

Did you die like this?

Looking at Lei Yin's dead body on the ground, Taylor can't help but feel proud: no one can catch me, not to mention you are an unknown kid?!

It's all over...

is that really the case?

"Well, I'm in pain for you."


Taylor suddenly turned his head. Lei Yin was standing behind him, and there were three gouyu in his eyes.

"You... When are you..." Taylor's eyes were terrified, and he couldn't speak.

It turns out that just before the flying thunder god chop, Lei Yin had already started the writing wheel eye. The process of Lei Yin from suffocation to death that Taylor saw just now was caused by the magic of Lei Yin's writing wheel eye!

How did Lei Yin break free?

He used the most basic form of Ninjutsu - dejuana.

This humble e-level Ninjutsu helped a lot at the most critical time.

But Taylor didn't know that. His eyes were full of disbelief.

"Then it's my turn to fight back?" Lei Yin carelessly pulled out his ear.

With that, a blue cyclone gathered on his hand again...

Dayu spiral pill!

Lei Yin steps on the moon, and the blue energy in his hand drops abruptly!

The blue energy is like a pronoun of destruction. After a huge roar, half of the fortress like houses nearby collapsed. A large hemispherical pit of more than ten meters was smashed out on the ground.


It didn't hurt Tyler.


It turns out that the moment before Leiyin's attack, Taylor's ability to launch snake fruit (green snake form) was completely brutalized, and turned into a small green snake to escape.

At this time, Lei Yin understood why the Navy failed to capture him many times. It turned out that Taylor's fruit ability was very easy to hide himself. No matter how many people came, Taylor turned into a snake and found a small hole to go in.

However, it took so long to make you escape easily?

Thinking like this, Lei Yin's hands fly up and down to complete the seal, "water escape - water chaos wave technique!"

This time, Lei Yin used chakra three times more than usual to spit out a huge water wave and hit the courtyard in all directions. After a while, the green snake was rushed out!

Taylor was all wet and depressed. "What's your ability to force me to this place?"

"If you want to break your head, you and I are not dimensional people." The thunder sound lightly responds a way.

"Don't be complacent. I'll kill you!" Taylor gave a big, hysterical drink and changed into a thick green snake.

"Die, snake whip!"

With that, Taylor waved his huge blue tail and pulled it down hard...

Lei Yin said slightly: "it seems that you still don't understand."

Flying thunder Chopper - grass shaved sword - thousand bird blade!

Taylor didn't have time to react at all, and he had already been cut into two sections by the bladed blade of dazzling lightning...

then Lei Yin took out the seal scroll and put two parts of Taylor's body into it.

Because his reward order is live or die, Leiyin successfully exchanged 52 million Bailey's reward money at the Naval Station of shampoo islands.

When exchanging the reward, the Navy looked at him in surprise.

Navy: we went out for no less than three encirclement and suppression, but there was no result. How can you catch him alone?"What's your name, boy?" a colonel asked



the three-day holiday soon ended, and the students of the youth training camp returned to their camp.

"Well, have you heard? Two days ago, a pirate named Tyler was offered a reward of 52 million Bailey in the shampoo islands. The Navy led thousands of troops to encircle and suppress him three times and failed to catch him. Just two days ago, a pirate hunter named baramak killed him alone and exchanged the reward. "

"I know. It's said that the Navy went to the scene of their fight yesterday. It's a mess. Some of the bodies of the pirates were burned to coke, some were buried alive, and it seems that many of them were drowned. "

"I also heard that this pirate Hunter showed no less than three kinds of abilities, which are unimaginable."

Hearing the students' comments, Tina lit a cigarette and said, "who is this balamak? How is it possible to have such an ability? "

"No matter how powerful he is, he is still a pirate Hunter after all. He does not carry out true" justice "to our navy."

"Come on, I'm more concerned about our ranking than those things that have nothing to do with us."

"By the way, there's less than a week left. I'm so nervous."

"What's the point? Every year, let alone the top three, even the top ten, I never dare to expect

"It's Tina who's nervous. He's in the top ten every year. Last year, I remember it was eighth, right

"Well, Ayn seventh..."

it's a woman's nature to keep up with the Joneses, especially Tina. When it comes to Ayn, Tina always feels uncomfortable. Although there are many boys who like her, there are more people who secretly love Ayn than her. In addition, every year, in the highly valued ranking examination, Ayn is in front of herself, which makes Tina even more unhappy. On the surface she didn't care about Ayn, but in fact she cared more than anyone else.

Tina breathed out a puff of smoke and thought to herself: we should surpass her, whether it's strength or beauty... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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