Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:26 PM

Chapter 510

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"Thunder! Xiaomeng! Who do you think this is? "

Just when Naruto sees his wallet empty and feels lost, Sakura shouts when she sees the two people in front of him.

Lei Yin and Xiao Meng are stunned when they see Naruto, and then Lei Yin has a surprise expression: "Oh, isn't this Naruto?"


After all, they are classmates of the same class. We once took the Zhongren exam together, and we went through life and death together when rescuing Sasuke. We haven't seen each other for two and a half years. Of course, we feel different.

"You're back...

" well, you just came back yesterday. "

"Well, I don't think you've changed much, except for your height..."

Sakura: "yes, he's still the same."


then Naruto leaned to Lei Yin's ear and said with a bad smile, "you two are not dating, are you?"

Although his voice was very small, Meng Xiaomeng heard it and her face turned red like an apple.

It has to be said that after two and a half years, Meng Xiaomeng has become a beautiful girl, and it is not too much to use the word "beauty".

Hearing this, Lei Yin's face remained unchanged: "no matter. This year's Zhongren examination starts immediately. Zhongren and Shangren basically have to take part in the work in the village. Oh, by the way, this time the people of shayin are also here."

Hearing the speech, Naruto's eyes narrowed slightly: "it's really memorable to take the Zhongren test..."

Lei Yin: "by the way, Naruto, you just came back this time. Do you have any plans?"

"What's the plan?"

"Of course, it's the Zhongren test. It seems that you are the only one who didn't become Zhongren... After hearing the words, the air around Naruto seems to solidify.

"What are you talking about?" Three seconds later, Naruto almost roared out, "is Sakura also tolerant?"

"Of course, Leiyin is Shangren now, and Xiaomeng is Zhongren too. In the same period with Leiyin, Shangren also has Ningci, and shayin's hand bow..."

Naruto: "how can this happen... By the way, I love you? What about him? "


at this time, two men in the uniform of huoshaoyun were walking on the border sand of shayin.

These two are two members of Xiao, Scorpio and Didala.

Didala looked indifferent: "compared with the man sent to the big snake pill, we should kill him first. It's like one of us betrayed and leaked information. "

Scorpio is also a face gloomy: "what way? I don't even know what will happen after the operation. "

"Is that all right? The other side is a pillar of strength, and it's still the shadow of the wind! "

All of a sudden, Didala stretched out her right hand with a mouth on the palm of her hand, which seemed a little scary.

But soon, they were discovered by shayin's ninja.

The two people came with a high flying flag. They didn't even know how to avoid it. It was hard to find them. This is also their absolute confidence in their own strength.

Under the command of a shayin captain, dozens of ninjas rushed up together.

Seeing this, Didala took out a large mass of clay and kneaded it in his hands. For a moment, he kneaded many white birds and threw them directly at those people.

"Feel the art of explosion!"

Didala quickly made the seal, and all the white birds thrown to the side of the shayin Ninja exploded.

They were all killed.

They walked all the way to the center of shayin village.

The center is a castle made of sand bricks. The current Fengying I love Luo and many elite ninjas of shayin live here.

A ninja is watching on the high platform. He sees a big bird coming here.

Suddenly, three white spiders were thrown down in mid air and landed on him.

"This... What is this?" The sentinel Ninja was a little panicked.

"I don't know anything about art when I say what it is

The man sitting on the hundred birds is Didala. "Just let the guy you don't know feel it!"

Didala said, his hands folded, and the spiders that landed on the sentry exploded quickly.

The sentry was quickly killed.

Didala jumped from the hundred birds and landed on the high ground of sand castle.

At the same time, a man with a gourd on his back also appeared in front of him.

It's the wind that I love.

Although he was found, Didala was happy in his heart. He didn't have to look for it himself, and the goal appeared.

Then, I lift my left arm, the ground several sand under his control, toward Didala.

Didala saw this, instantly jumped hundreds of birds and flew into the sky.

Of course, he didn't want to run away, but to attack him with the advantage of air to ground.Unfortunately, he thought better.

At this time, at the foot of I love Luo, the sand rises rapidly and pulls into the distance between myself and Didala...

I love Luo , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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