Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:24 PM

Chapter 513

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Shayin village, sandy border.

Kan Jiulang's mechanical puppet has been broken to pieces. It is obvious that he has been defeated. "Damn, his body has no consciousness. Can he use poison?"

Scorpion cloak, a gloomy face: "although your skill is good, but choose the wrong opponent, because I know from the beginning that your puppet is poisonous."


When he heard scorpion's words, Kan Jiulang was shocked.

"Hee hee, you look surprised. You must be thinking about how your attack was seen through? That's normal, because the puppets you use are from me

"Well?" When Kan Jiulang heard this, he couldn't hide his astonishment.

The puppet skill that I am good at originally met Shizu. It can be said that Lu Ban was bold in front of him, and scorpion could not help sighing.

"Well! I didn't expect that I would play with the rest of my generation. It's a long time since I've seen you. It's interesting. "

Kan Jiulang seemed to have an expression that he just understood: "you... You are not the red sand scorpion who has been made into a puppet genius, are you?"

Scorpio: "it's a great honor for a kid like you to know my name."

"Why did you leave shayin more than 20 years ago?"

Smell speech, the huge tail that the white bone sort arranges behind the scorpion moves, "death is imminent, still ask so many words to do what?"

With that, the huge tail behind him, like a white bone, was pulled out from Kan Jiulang...

at this time, Muye village.

Kakashi class and Dahe class are gathered together.

Because Dahe had other important tasks, he was sent to other places, so Leiyin, erhei and Meng Xiaomeng were unified under the command of Kakashi.

"All right, let's go!"

Six of them are ready to go.

"Let's go, master gangshou." Meng Xiaomeng said goodbye to gangshou, but some of the male ninjas from Murakami who came to see them off refused to take their eyes away from her.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared: "Hi! Are you going on a mission? "

It turns out it's from here.

Naruto: "yes."

Zilai also turned his head to gangshou: "gangshou is not good, the wind and shadow of shayin..."

gangshou held his arms in his chest: "needless to say, I already know that this mission is for this purpose..."

and Zilai also waved to Naruto: "Naruto, come here."


"Don't fight with people who meet Xiao." Since then, I have been serious.

Naruto is Zhuli, a Nine Tailed man. This identity becomes the target of Xiao.

Naruto is a face that does not admit defeat: "they actually want to come to me, so this time I will go directly to them."

Zilai also pondered for a moment: "you have become stronger, but if you can't calm down, it's like suicidal. Your biggest disadvantage is that you are easily excited."


"Naruto, I hope you think about it for yourself." Since then, it doesn't seem like a joke, "that skill, you can't use it anyway, understand?"

Naruto lowered his head, some unwilling appearance: "I... Understand."

"And Kakashi, you have to watch Naruto well, don't let him mess. Please...

in fact, I don't want Naruto to take risks in public or in private. Yu Gong, who is a pillar of strength, is the coveted goal of Xiao. Although his strength has become stronger, he has never grown up to compete with Xiao. In private, he is his own apprentice. They get along with each other day and night just like father and son, and they don't want him to be in danger.

However, how to say Naruto is a ninja, if you are afraid of taking risks, what kind of Ninja is that?

"Then, everybody, let's go!"

"Growth, how incredible..."


shayin village.

Scorpion easily hurt Kan Jiulang, but he didn't kill him. Maybe it's because for the sake of shayin puppet master, scorpion didn't hurt him and left.

And Kan Jiulang was not only injured, but also poisoned by scorpion. He was saved by shayin's ninja.

Ma Ji and a group of ninjas gathered in front of his hospital bed, all of them frowned: "we have never seen this kind of poison, and we don't know the solution of the toxin. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't last long, at most two or three days..."

Ma Ji was in a low mood: "I love Luo, Kan Jiulang all... Now, I'm afraid we can only look for the elder sister who has retired for a long time I'm sorry


at this time, Kakashi, Leiyin and other six people are making rapid progress towards shayin...

and Scorpio has caught up with teammate Didala.

"You are so slow, brother Scorpio..." Didala, who had been waiting in the sand for a long time, complained.Scorpio: "don't complain. I'm trying to help you get rid of it...

" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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