Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:22 PM

Chapter 515

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"Miss Shouju, you're back at last. Let's wait. This way, please

In chiyodai's residence, a ninja saw that Shouju was bringing six people and said eagerly.

"What happened?"

"Fengying was arrested, and Kan Jiulang chased him, but he also came back injured."

Shouju: "what? Even Kan Jiulang... "

" yes, he's very poisonous. Up to now, he doesn't know what's going on. I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for a long time. "

"Hand Ju, take us there quickly."

"I can heal him." Sakura chunye and Meng Xiaomeng share the same voice.

After that, ninja ran into the medical room with a group of people.

Seeing this group of people break in, Qiandai's mother-in-law is stunned at first, and then focuses on Kakashi's body: "this... This is the white tooth of wood leaf?"

Kakashi is very uncomfortable to see by her, looking at her is also a Leng.

All of a sudden, Chihiro attacked directly, and Lei Yin was the first one to react. He flew up to resist his attack, but felt as if his arms were powerful.

The two men's attacks resisted each other, and both were shaken back a few steps.

"What a powerful old woman." Lei Yin couldn't help sighing.

"Hey, why did you attack Mr. Kakashi directly? You wrinkled old woman Seeing this, Naruto can't help but get angry.

Qiandai's mother-in-law ignores Naruto, and still stares at Kakashi fiercely with her eyes: "Muye Baiya, today you finally come, I want to avenge my son!"

"No... no..."

"cut the crap!"

All of a sudden, Hai laozang came up to block Qiandai's mother-in-law: "sister, please have a look. Although this is very similar to Bai Ya, he is not Bai Ya...

at the beginning, Qimu Shuo Mao, Kakashi's father, did kill Qiandai's son. At this time, I don't know whether Qiandai was deliberately funny or really murderous. But then, somehow, she scratched the back of her head with her hand: "I'm teasing you, ha ha ha ha..."

Kakashi's black line: "ah?"

"Don't make trouble. Let's hurry up and treat Kan Jiulang." Chunye Sakura said to the crowd.

As chunye Sakura says, Meng Xiaomeng checks Kan Jiulang's injury, and then sees that he suspends his hands on Kan Jiulang's chest. The purple ones don't know what's gathering in his hands and getting bigger and bigger.

This lasted for a few minutes, and the transparent sweat on Xiaomeng's face fell down.

"All right! In this case, his life should not be in danger. The toxin has been sucked out by me. " Meng Xiaomeng wiped his sweat and said.

Hand Ju patted his chest and sat down on the ground: "thank God...

Xiaomeng was embarrassed to smile, but glanced at Leiyin, and then said:" next, I have to remove the residual toxins in my body. Now it's not the time to rest assured. "

Then, Xiaomeng asked for a pen and paper and wrote a list, "I still need these things. Please help me prepare them..."

erhei was always around, and her eyes never left Xiaomeng. She had a yearning expression: now Xiaomeng looks really handsome... I really don't know what to say...

Lei Yin: Although Xiaomeng is the foundation among us The worst, but the fastest growing one...

Sakura chunye, who came from the same school with Xiaomeng, is not reconciled: she is more proficient than me. Is it true that this girl who used to be very humble is much better than me now? Even the appearance and figure are... Damn, what am I thinking about!

Women's jealousy is stronger, and their teachers are the same master, so the face of Sakura chunye can't hang...

"elder sister, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead." Everyone has different ideas, and Hai laozang speaks his mind directly...

at this time, Muye village, Huoying office.

"You have the same task as the Daiwa class and the Kakashi class. Go to shayin immediately to join them and complete this task together. Do you understand?"

Gangshou said solemnly to the four people in front of him.

These four people are just four members of kaiban.

"I understand!" All four of them have a high morale.

"Sneeze!" Suddenly, Kay sneezed.

Gangshou: "do you have a cold?"

"No, I had some pollen allergy before, ha ha ha... OK! In that case, let's get to shayin in one day! " Kay said, raising his right fist like a teaser, and the middle two yelled at his students.

Li Locke said: "teacher, what you said is wrong. It should be in half a day!"

Smell speech, everyday frown: "you two, don't say such words again, OK?"

Ning CI: "it will take at least three days to get there?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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