Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:21 PM

Chapter 516

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Qiandai's mother-in-law and Hai laozang bring Meng Xiaomeng to their backyard. The ground is full of herbs.

"Sha Yin has so many herbs. It's really unexpected..." seeing these, Meng Xiaomeng can't help sighing.

Hai laozang: "I'm really sorry, the soil here is not very good, so it's difficult for herbs to grow, especially the Youzhi herbs you need are rare...

Xiaomeng:" it's OK, these are enough...

in Qiandai residence.

"When Xiaomeng is ready, let's start."

Naruto can't wait. He is eager to try.

"Yes, yes." Two black also agree with a way.

Kakashi: "wait, Naruto, erhei."


Kakashi turned his head to shayin's Ninja: "is there anyone following [Xiao]

"Kan Jiulang went after him himself, that's why he did it. We didn't send any more people to follow Shayin Ninja replied truthfully.

"That is to say, there is no trace of them now?"

Ma Ji lowered his head and looked ashamed: "yes..."

Kakashi lowered his head, touched his chin and pondered for a moment: "now, I can only go to the place where Kan Jiulang and [Xiao] once fought. I can find some clues by smell..."

"there's no need!"


While everyone was discussing the countermeasures, Kan Jiulang, who had been lying on the hospital bed, sat up: "there are two enemies, one of them took my arrow, so we just need to track the smell of my arrow..."

Kakashi looked at Kan Jiulang, who had come to life, and thought to himself: "it's really Sha Yinde ninja. Even if he suffered heavy damage, he can think of remedies ”

seeing that Kan Jiulang had woken up, Ma Ji ran to him quickly: "kan Jiulang, are you ok?"

"Fortunately, it's not as bad as it was just now..."

"Hi, hello..." Naruto and Lei Yin take the initiative to say hello to Kan Jiulang who just woke up.

"Hello! Kan Jiulang, are you right? Is there really a scorpion in there? " Qiandai's mother-in-law also came forward and asked.

"Why? A thousand generations of mother-in-law? Hai laozang, grandfather Kan Jiulang also wondered why he was here.

"Are you sure? "Kawabata?" Hai laozang asked again.

Kan Jiulang: "well, he really calls himself the scorpion of red sand..."

kakasi: "scorpion of red sand, it seems that he can get some information about Xiao from you..."

while we are discussing, Xiao Meng has prepared the poison from the back and given it to Kan Jiulang to drink.

"Well, you have to drink it all... Well... I think that in this case, there should be no big problem. Next, you need to have a rest before the medicine is too strong."

As soon as Kan Jiulang took the medicine, Naruto put on a headscarf and couldn't wait: "OK, let's go now."

Kan Jiulang: "whirlpool Naruto?"


"My brother (I love him) just please."

Naruto smell speech, the corners of his mouth raised a smile: "don't worry, but sooner or later I will become Huoying, first sell personal feelings to Fengying."

So the party was ready to go.

Markey said, "why don't you wait and go, so we can send you more people."

Kakashi put her hands in her pocket to show her agreement with Markey.

"Let me go!" At this time, Shouju also stood up and volunteered to fight.

At this time, Qiandai's mother-in-law, who was standing on the high platform, said, "hand Ju, please stay and guard the border line. I will go with them on behalf of shayin."

Smell speech, Ma Ji also feel quite strange: just please don't come out, now actually willing to go together?

"I'm afraid it's not suitable, mother-in-law Qiandai?" Maggie can't help it.

Unexpectedly, Qiandai stepped down from the top of the platform and said, "don't take me as an old man!"

Chiyodai's action made everyone jump.

It's really valuable to have such agility.

"I just want to love my grandson whom I haven't seen for a long time..."

at this time, kaiban and his party were coming quickly.

Everyone is basically sweating, every day said: "have run for a day, or we have a rest."

Li Locke looked back at her: "every day, you should strengthen your cultivation."

Suddenly, Ning CI uses "white eyes" to see a change in front of him. When the figure suddenly comes out, it turns out to be a dog.

It's Kakashi's puku.

"Wait, akey."

"PACU?""Well, our eight tolerance dogs are ordered by Kakashi to track [Xiao] from eight directions. As a result, they were traced to the state of Sichuan between Muye and shayin... "

" the state of Sichuan? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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