Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:20 PM

Chapter 517

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"The kingdom of Sichuan? In this way, the wood leaves are closer to dawn... "

PACU ran to the front and said," please follow me first. We'll talk about the details as we walk. "

"Well, let's go!"

After walking for a while, the party suddenly stopped.

Kay noticed the abnormality: "what's the matter, Ningci?"

"Everybody, watch your back!"

As soon as Ning Ci's voice fell, a wave of water came like an iron cannon. Li Locke quickly flew up, and a [wood leaf whirlwind] kicked it into a spray, splashing it all around.

Opposite, a guy in huoshaoyun uniform with a big knife appeared in front of everyone.

When Kai saw him, he was stunned: "er... You are...

Li Locke:" Mr. Kai, do you know him? "

"Who are you?"

Kay had forgotten.

This man is also a member of Xiao, the partner of yuzhibo weasel, dry persimmon ghost shark. I had a fight with Kay.

"If you don't remember, I'll help you remember."

Ghost mackerel a face bad smile, one hand directly in the hands of the mackerel muscle thrown into the air.

What a lot of strength. I can't help sighing in my heart every day.

As soon as the shark's muscles were thrown into the air, before it stopped, the ghost shark's hands flew up and down and began to seal:

[the invasion of violent tsunami, unprecedented flood! 】

"water escape, water burst and wave burst!"

Later, the ghost shark released a water wave which was more grand than the previous water escape technique!

In addition to the low-lying terrain, this move actually formed a lake several meters deep!

"Good... Terrible chakra!" Ningci stood on the water and spoke in amazement.

Indeed, although this move is only a B-level ninja, how can it create a lake in an instant without a huge amount of chakra?

"Hum, I'll do it!"

Ghost mackerel had a bad smile, but he was very excited. He rushed to Kai with [mackerel muscle] and hit him head on.

"The leaves are blowing!"

At this time, Li Locke attacked from the flank and blocked his attack with one foot.

"Eight trigrams empty palm!"

Behind the ghost shark, an invisible wave of air comes and blows the ghost shark away. Then it falls on the water and splashes.

It turned out that it was a new move developed from close combat to long attack by RI Ningci over the past two years.

The ghost mackerel just got a firm foothold on the water. He only felt that something suddenly came from the side. He protected it with [mackerel muscle], and with a clear and loud "Dang", he blocked a wolf tooth ball.

The wolf tooth ball, clearly written with a "explosion" word.

"No... no!"

Ghost shark heart secretly read a, body shape quickly back, at this time that wolf tooth ball instantly burst open.

"Damn it, he was dodged." On the other side, he unfolded the scroll every day and looked at the ghost shark reluctantly.

The ghost shark hid on the other side, as if he had a lingering fear: "what a group of dangerous kids, what a trouble..."

at this time, looking at the ghost shark, Kai seemed to be a little bit suddenly enlightened: "you are good at water escape Ninja, and the big knife on your back, are you...

ghost shark snorted coldly:" it seems that you have a little memory. ”

Kay still looked at him straightforwardly: "I always feel like I've seen you there."


after talking for a long time, it turned out that Kai still didn't know who he was.

"You really make people angry, so I can only enlighten you before you want me to come..."

at this time, Qiandai mother-in-law, Leiyin, Naruto and other people all went to the battlefield.

While moving forward, erhei looked at Naruto: "Naruto, may I ask you a question?"


"When did you get targeted?"

Naruto: "I'm not sure."

Kakashi continued: "there were two members who came to Muye in order to snatch Naruto, but that was three years ago. We didn't expect that after such a long time, they took action again. We didn't know what they wanted."

Of course, we need to gather Nine Tailed animals to synthesize ten, realize the eye of the moon plan, and let the whole world fall into magic.

Of course, only Lei Yin knows about it, and he won't say it.

"But why did they wait three years?" Erhei seems to be very interested in this matter.

In this regard, Kakashi made an analysis: "they don't want to, I think they just don't have a chance, because in the past three years, they have been around Naruto, and they can't find a suitable opportunity to start..."

at this time, Qiandai's mother-in-law said: "no, according to the information I have, they don't just do it for Naruto, their goal is all Human pillar force, we need to extract all the tail animals in human pillar force... ""Tailed beast?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!