Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:16 PM

Chapter 521

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"What's the matter? It turns out that the real person is still in other places..." after fighting for a long time, they just hit the fake body, which makes Naruto angry.

"It seems that they just want to delay us and get information. The skills of those people are really not simple."

"Time is pressing. We have to hurry to save my arrow." Kakashi reminds you.

After hearing the speech, everyone got up and went forward.

When Naruto thought of me, he could not help clenching his fists.

I love Luo and myself are human beings, and have the same experience.

The important thing is, why did God just give me some light, but I saw that I would fall into darkness again?

Naruto thought of these, but also for I love Luo feel not reconciled, his face a hateful expression, speed up the pace of foot movement.

"Naruto, wait!" Looking at the Naruto at the front, Kakashi calls out like a pioneer.

Qiandai's mother-in-law also saw Naruto's eagerness: "why does that child want to save me, Ailuo? They are not from a village... And what is he...

Kakashi:" he is also a human pillar, and his body is sealed with [nine tails]. "

Hearing this, Qiandai's mother-in-law's eyes widened and her face was obviously shocked.

"It's true that for Naruto, Sha Yin doesn't have any concept, but he is different from I love Luo, who is the same person as him. Compared with Sha Yin's people, he is also the person who can understand I love Luo's mood most..."


on the other side.

Kaiban and his party went to a cliff, a huge rock with a word "ban" written on it.

Li Locke: "I love Luo should be behind this rock?"

"White eyes, open!"

The green tendons around the eyes of Suning times burst up to check the situation behind the rock.

All of a sudden, his pupils closed, his face uncontrollable surprise: "that... What is that?"

Every day: "Ningci, what is behind the rock?"

Ning Ci was a little scared, as if he saw something terrible: "I can't describe it..."

Kai's eyes were frozen, no matter what happened, he rushed forward and hit the rock with a punch. At this time, there was a strange wave, so Kai concluded: "there is a border here."


"That's the seal of the five elements!"

Just as kaiban's people were in a deadlock, a group of people came not far away.

It's Kakashi and Leiyin.

Seeing kakasi coming, Carey had the color of sarcasm: "you are so slow, kakasi."

Kakashi has a casual look: "sorry, I met some tough guys on the road..."

Li Locke: "Naruto, Leiyin, Xiaoying, Xiaomeng, erhei, you're all here..."

and seeing Leiyin every day seems to be out of breath. Seeing him and Meng Xiaomeng always standing together, I'm even more upset: they are two Isn't there something?

"This granny is...

" Oh, he's shayin's mother-in-law, who is here to support us. "

"Well, Kakashi, let's do it!" Kay can't wait to see a large number of reinforcements coming. "You have to untie the border first, right? What should we do? "

Kakashi: "this [five enchantments] is the enchantment formed by pasting the spell with the word" forbidden "on five places around. That is to say, in addition to the note in front of me, there are four other places. Only by uncovering all these can we untie the boundary. "

Erhei: "so where are the other four?"



Ning CI said, turned on the white eye again, and then looked around: "see, on the rocks about 300 meters away from here in the Northeast; on the tree trunks about 500 meters away from here in the Southeast..."

Ning CI said the location of the four charms, and then Kai took out four radios from his pocket: "good, it seems that these things are not far away from here, in this place Radio can still be useful at a distance. We will contact each other according to Ning Ci's instructions, and then find the location of the charm. "

Kaiban's people tried the radio, and there was no problem. Then kaiban extended a thumb to Kakashi: "our class is faster, wavelength 123, you will contact us later."

Kakashi: "please...

" OK! " Kai smell speech, is a face two lack of appearance, "kaiban, full of youth horsepower start! Everybody, break up

At Kai's command, all four disappeared in the same place...

"Xiao Li, go further south...

" OK, I see it! "

"I found it, too!"

"You are very good. Let's take off the post at the same time!"Kay's voice came out of the radio, and then the five people took off the post together.

"Xiaomeng, Xiaoying!"

After unveiling, Kakashi ordered that the two girls hit the rock with their fists, and the huge rock broke like glass...

after that, Kakashi ordered that the two girls hit the rock with their fists , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!