Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:15 PM

Chapter 522

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After the seal is lifted and the rock is broken.

suddenly, as like as two peas came to Kay, a stone man came up. The rock statue was made of clay and changed into a shape similar to that of Kay.

"What's going on?"

"Me too."

"I'm afraid it's a trap set for us by the enemy."

In the radio interconnection, we learned that Li Locke, rixiangningci and Tiantian all had such a situation.

Keaton understood: "it turns out that even if the border is untied, this mechanism will be activated to stop us..."

"let the team members in a group of four act alone, and set up another layer of insurance around the border, which is really powerful...

on the other side.

Meng Xiaomeng and chunyeying broke the big rock with one punch, and there was a huge cave behind them.

There were two people sitting in the cave, which surprised everyone.

It's Scorpio and Didala. They're still sitting. I don't know whether they passed out or died. I love Luo. They seem to have been waiting for them for a long time.

"Said, nine tail person pillar strength should also come."

For the arrival of so many enemies, Didala didn't feel nervous at all. Instead, he looked like a fool.

Naruto saw this scene, his anger seemed to rush to the sky: "you bastards! I'll kill you

"It seems that it's really him..."

"well, it can't be wrong."

The more Naruto looked, the more irritating he felt: "I love you! Where did you sleep! Come on, get up! Hello! Do you hear me

"Naruto, it's ok..." seeing that he was so emotional, Kakashi dissuaded him: "you should know, I love him already...

" hateful! "

Hearing this, Naruto immediately gnashed his teeth. Originally, a cat's face was like an angry tiger, "give me my love back! You bastards

As he said it, he rushed straight up.

Kakashi's action is more rapid, suddenly blocking Naruto's body: "calm down, if we don't think about it carefully, we may all die..."

Scorpio: "this kid looks like he wants to get him back."

Didala: "I'll take care of him."

"Scorpion glared at him:" but a person a request, you can't advance an inch

"As an artist, if I don't seek more intense stimulation, I will be less sensitive to things, big brother. Moreover, I've heard that jiuweiren's pillar strength is very strong."

It seems that Didala wants to deal with Naruto.

"Well, what are you talking about? Can explosion be regarded as art? Art is a beauty that has been handed down for a long time. I can't agree with you... "

in the face of so many enemies, they chatted there, and Erhai couldn't bear it for a long time.

"You two bastards, what are you talking about there?"

He didn't care so much. He pulled out two Ninja knives and rushed straight over.

"Two black! Don't be impulsive Kakashi yelled again, but it was obviously too late.


Looking at the oncoming imp, scorpion just glanced at him, but he didn't move. Behind him, scorpion's tail like a dominoes blocked Er Hei's sword strike.

Didala didn't even look at it, but still talked to Scorpio: "brother Scorpio, my explosion is art, completely different from your amazing puppet comedy..."

then he finally stood up and rode on his big white clay bird. The bird opened its mouth and swallowed me up: "goodbye, brother!"

Naruto saw this scene, of course, extremely unwilling: "damn guy! Stop

How can he watch me ELO being taken away? Regardless, he rushed up.

Seeing this, Kakashi turned around and said, "I, Naruto and Leiyin will go after Didala, and the Scorpion will be handed over to you!"

"I understand!"

In this way, the Ninja soldiers from Muye come in three ways. As like as two peas adorable,

kakash, Lei Yin, and Naruto pursued Didara, who escaped with my love.

kakan went to four four seals that were exactly the same as her own;

thousand generation mother-in-law, Haruno Sakura, Meng Meng and two black scorpion.

Chiyoi here.

"The dance of the moon in three days!"

Two black changes two shadows to separate body, holding the sword together to the scorpion head, and the scorpion not only easily block, but also at once bounce him away.

Xiaomeng and chunyeying stand on both sides of Qiandai, with a look of fear on their faces.

Just confrontation, they can feel the oppressive breath of scorpion.

"You don't have to be afraid with me. Let's step back. " Qiandai's mother-in-law seldom has a serious expression. She holds a handful of bitterness in her two hands and throws it out directly.At this time, the scorpion turns around, and you can see that his whole back has turned into a terrible mechanical face, which has eaten the pain of those projectiles , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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