Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:10 PM

Chapter 527

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On the side of Chihiro.

Xiaomeng is injured and poisoned by scorpion. Her eyebrows are wrinkled and her face is white.

"How are you, Xiao Meng?" On the other side, Qiandai felt a little worried.

Xiaomeng forced herself to get up from the ground: "I'm... I'm ok."

A thousand generations of "expected" expression: "it seems that the iron sand is really soaked in toxins."

Seeing this, scorpion laughs bitterly: "hum, when the poison breaks out, she will soon be paralyzed and unable to move, and then her life will only have three days left..."

seeing Xiaomeng who is already in a bit of a mess, scorpion doesn't show any compassion at all. He controls the shadow puppet and comes in a fierce manner.

Seeing this, Xiaomeng didn't step back, but still clenched her teeth. Chakra gathered on her fist again, and hit out with one punch:

"Cherry Blossom rush!"

"Boom" of a loud, a sharp burst of air in the air of the sound of breaking, lifting the ground countless gravel.

The puppet was directly repulsed.

At this time, Xiaomeng took out two small bottles of medicine from his pocket: "this is the antidote, and there are two bottles. This bottle will be handed over to grandma Qiandai."

"When are you?"

"In your back garden, I made three copies of antidote for Kan Jiulang. After learning that the enemy would use poison, I did so just to cope with the current situation. However, the effect of this antidote is only three minutes. In these three minutes, the toxin can be completely transformed into harmless protein... Scorpion must not know the existence of this antidote, and this one should be used at the last moment... "

Xiaomeng said, drank one bottle of antidote, and Qiandai put the other bottle away.

The toxin is instantly removed, and Xiaomeng feels much lighter, and then he begins to heal for Qiandai.

The Scorpion was looking at it and said, "isn't she poisoned by me? Why can you still move? Did she get rid of the poison? How did she do it? No, no, it's a deadly poison. It's absolutely impossible... "

looking at Xiaomeng as if he had nothing to do with it, he gave Qiandai medical treatment. Scorpion's head is full of question marks.

However, see her for thousand generation healing, scorpion know, originally this little girl is a medical ninja.

The toxin on Xiaomeng's body resolves, and helps Qiandai recover. They pick themselves up again. Get up.

"Let's go, Xiaomeng!"


Scorpion see this, can't help but faint smile: "kid, I admit you have two brushes, but don't look down on me, next, let you see what is called the real puppet technique!"

Scorpion said, took off his flaming cloud uniform, revealing his body as mechanical: "I really haven't used my body for a long time."

Xiaomeng frowned: "he turned himself into a puppet..."


on the side of Leiyin.

Naruto rushed to the front like a vanguard. Kakashi went up and hugged him: "Hey, didn't I ask you to wait?"


" don't worry, the three of us will get my arrow back. "

At this time, Didala was flying at low altitude in a big white bird, and the three people were chasing him closely.

While chasing, Kakashi said: "Naruto, listen, you haven't mastered the essentials of dealing with this kind of opponent. He is the most troublesome long-range attacking opponent for you, so don't attack rashly."

"There are only two ways to defeat this enemy. One is to shorten our attack distance, and the other is to surpass our opponent's attack distance."

"Well, what should we do?"

"This needs to have a companion who is good at long-range attack. If there is no such companion, then there is a brain like Luwan."

"Don't beat around the Bush, Mr. Kakashi. What about you?"

"Me... Hum..." Kakashi showed uncontrollable self-confidence in her eyes, "I have the brain like Luwan, and I can resist long-range attacks."

Lei Yin said with a smile, "don't you meet these requirements?"

"That's why I told Naruto to calm down and not act rashly."

"I see."

Then, Kakashi looked at the white bird still flying in the low sky: "it's true, but it's not so easy. We can't find any flaw just by tracking like this. Don't forget, he beat me arrow with his own strength, and he is a member of Xiao."

"So what do we do?"

"Now, the only way is to force him to show his flaws. Let's do it together... "

then kakasi let Lei Yin and Naruto get close to each other and whisper to them.

"If you understand, just follow what I said. Let's act together."

"I understand."

......In fact, it doesn't need any trouble at all. As long as Lei Yin thinks, he can beat Didala every minute, but he can't do it...

he can't do it , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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