Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:09 PM

Chapter 528

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At this time, the scorpion is completely like a robot, with blades all over its back. The palms of its hands are full of air holes, and it spurts out a raging fire at Qiandai and Xiaomeng.

Qiandai and Xiaomeng hide behind a rock to avoid their attack.

"Well, do you think you can avoid my attack? Are you naive? "

The scorpion grinned, and a mechanical tail behind him gradually extended to the front, and then it became longer and longer. It turned into an iron whip tens of meters long, and it pulled hard towards the rock.

Xiaomeng can't dodge, so his arm is wiped directly and a bloodstain is made.

"Die for me!"

The scorpion gallops towards it with its mechanical tail. Unexpectedly, Xiaomeng holds the scorpion's mechanical tail and drags it back.

Chihiro was also surprised by his actions: "Xiaomeng, you...

" don't be kidding! "

Xiaomeng, who is always gentle, gives a big drink and tugs at scorpion's tail and drags him to his body. Scorpio can't resist this strange force at all. He is pulled to him as usual. Then he is called by Xiaomeng's "Cherry Blossom rush", and his mechanical body is hit by one blow.

"Yes, just within the effective time of the antidote..." Xiaomeng turned her head, looked at Qiandai and poked out her tongue playfully, "grandma Qiandai, we beat him."

"Xiaomeng, you...

when they thought they had won, suddenly, they heard the voice of" gragragra "behind them.

Xiao Meng "clatters" in her heart and turns her head again.

I saw that the scorpion's scattered body was slowly stitched together, almost restored its original shape.

However, scorpion's right hand is not there. Instead, it is a gun tube. He rushes the muzzle of the gun tube to Xiaomeng.

At this time, Qiandai threw a piece of rock and accurately blocked the muzzle of the gun.


When Xiaomeng was shocked, Qiandai took out several scrolls: "these are the skills sealed by me. I thought they would never be used again, but it seems that I have to do them now."

Say, thousand generation hands fly up and down seal, suddenly, from the scroll appeared ten strange puppets!

When seeing this puppet skill, scorpion's eyes were suddenly stunned: "old woman, you are really powerful. It is said that a puppet master's ability is to control the number of puppets. This is the ultimate skill of Qiandai you [ten finger puppet]. It is said that you have conquered a city by this

"White secret skill, nearly ten people!"

"These are the ten masterpieces of the first generation of puppet masters, wenzuoweimen."

"Your collection of puppets is really amazing, but..." scorpion said, throwing his scroll into the sky.

Suddenly, more than a hundred puppets in black appeared in the low sky.

"I'm really ashamed of myself. I spent so much time with the old woman and the little girl. In the end, I even took out the ultimate ninja."

"Red secret skill · 100 machine drill!"

"I'll show you! I used this to conquer a country

The black puppets came down like a blanket, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.

"Xiaomeng..." at this time, Qiandai's face became dignified, "the antidote on you has passed the effective time, so don't interfere."

Unexpectedly, Xiaomeng said with a smile, "I think you should know my character after such a long fight, right?"


"I will fight with you to the end!"

"Hum, it's ridiculous..." I can't help but say that the scorpion spread hundreds of threads on his hand and manipulated more than 100 puppets to attack.

Chihiro also controls ten puppets to fight.

There is no other way. One must be ten!

The three puppets on this side of Qiandai line up in the character "pin" and make the gesture of "three treasures suck up!"

A huge shock wave shot out, and dozens of black puppets flew out, but there were too many of them, and most of them still attacked.

The white puppets took the lead and fought left and right in the black puppets. However, Chihiro was a little too busy and was besieged by many puppets.

"A thousand grandmothers!" Xiaomeng drinks anxiously.

"Don't worry about me, you attack scorpion directly!" Chihiro said, throwing an energy ball to Xiaomeng.

"I see!" Xiaomeng catches the energy ball and throws it directly towards the scorpion.

"Boom," a direct hit, scorpion immediately fell.

Xiaomeng also sat down on the ground and gasped: "finally... Won..."

Qiandai looked at the dead scorpion: "he can't move any more, scorpion, it's all over... That energy ball is the seal made by [Jinsong ten people]. If you win this, you can't use chakra..."Did they really beat scorpion? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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