Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:08 PM

Chapter 529

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When they thought they had defeated the scorpion, the eyes of the scorpion suddenly opened and the body creaked.

"No, no!"

The next moment, I saw it holding a blade, like a gust of wind to the millennium.

Long knife directly into the body, blood light everywhere!

Qiandai's eyes are full of amazement.

Xiaomeng actually stood in front of her and got the knife for herself!

Even the Scorpion was moved, and his face was full of incomprehensible looks.

"Xiaomeng, you..."

"Keke..." Xiaomeng coughed up a mouthful of blood, turned to Qiandai and said, "Qiandai grandma, use the remaining antidote..."

scorpion's face returned to indifference: "I've been hurt like this, and I still have the heart to worry about others. I really can't afford it."

Xiaomeng's face is not good-looking, and she feels it is more and more difficult to breathe.

Scorpion smile makes people feel even colder: "it seems that the poison has worked, this knife is also toxic of course."

Scorpion is right. Xiaomeng feels paralyzed and can't control her chakra.

At this time, Chihiro's condition is not very good. Breathing heavily, she takes out the antidote that Xiaomeng just gave him from her pocket, and points it out to Xiaomeng to take it.

But the scorpion wants to get rid of himself to solve the problem, but Xiaomeng can't get rid of the knife because it's too tight.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qiandai suddenly manipulated two puppets, and the left and right sides suddenly attacked, and instantly pierced the core of the scorpion.

Scorpion eyes suddenly open big, as if can't believe what happened in front of the reality.

"Scorpio, in the end, you still relax..." Chihiro said meaningfully, "in this case, you can't move, can you? Even though your body is a puppet, as long as you use chakra, there must be a physical part of your body, which is also your weakness... "

at the last moment, Chihiro gave scorpion a fatal blow.

Scorpion can no longer support, and finally fell.

Xiaomeng is also seriously injured and dying.

At this time, Chihiro's hands and two bright chakras are placed on Xiaomeng's body.

This is the reincarnation Ninja that she gives her energy to Xiaomeng!

Originally, this Ninjutsu was created by chiyodai for scorpion, and even can give puppets life.

And the price is... Pay your own life!

Qiandai wants to exchange his life for Xiaomeng's life...

on the side of Leiyin.

Didala was flying, looking back at them.

Kakashi put her hands together all the way and didn't know what she wanted to do.

"Not yet? Mr. Kakashi

"Don't worry, I don't have as many chuckles as Naruto, so it will take some time..."

after a while, Kakashi pulled up her forehead and showed her left eye, which turned into the scarlet shape of a three leaf windmill.

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?!

"Almost. Let's go! Naruto! Thunder

For this, Lei Yin is very familiar.

Naruto is curious: "this is what you just said...

" yes, this is my new writing wheel eye! "

Naruto: ---

Kakashi: "what's the matter?"

"I'm thinking, even if Mr. Kakashi fails, it's OK, because I can get rid of him in the end!"

Kakashi smiles: "I know... If you have a chance to do it..."

with that, Kakashi's whole eye is aimed at Didala, and the scarlet trifoil windmill turns faster in his eyes.

"What... What's going on?"

At this time, Didala felt that the space around him began to twist. The center of his body was like a black hole out of thin air. His body was involuntarily absorbed by a huge attraction.

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye · Shenwei!"

Didala desperately resisted this force, his left hand had been completely sucked in, and in this extremely distorted space, he felt very uncomfortable all over.

Seeing this move, Lei Yin can't help but think of the time when he took the Zhongren exam. He once used this move to RI Ningci. It was just to capture the scroll. When he used this move at that time, he felt that there was basically no pressure and he did it easily.

Of course, it's impossible for Lei Yin to show the Naruto here.

Because of the chakra amount, Kakashi suddenly felt severe pain in his eyes, and he covered his eyes.

Didala's left arm was thus broken by the twisted space.

And Kakashi covered his eyes, a face of chagrin: "hateful, lost, I still have no way to accurately control the size and location of [Shenwei] border..."At this time, Naruto and Leiyin attack Didala from left to right , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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