Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:08 AM

Chapter 53

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The annual qualifying examination finally began, and a slightly tense atmosphere enveloped the whole youth training camp.

Students are eliminated and promoted in a one-to-one way. The higher the ranking, the more games they win, the higher the rank they get and the more room they can be promoted.

For example, Drake's rank as a lieutenant, Smog's rank as a captain, and Tina's rank as a lieutenant are basically obtained by this competition.

There were more than 200 participants in the competition. They were divided into more than 100 groups by drawing lots to fight each other.

Because the youth training camp is the cradle of future naval officers, the annual ranking assessment is extremely important, and the upper level attaches great importance to it, so the Navy's top level will come to watch the battle every year.

High platform, observation platform.

The former Navy General [black wrist] zefa, who is sitting in the center, has retired to the second line and become the commander in chief of the Navy. But even if he retired to the second tier, he was also a teacher of many senior naval officers present.

Sitting in zefa's right hand, they are general sakashki, Admiral Kapp, major general and Deputy General of the youth training camp, and so on; sitting in zefa's left hand, they are admiral polusalino, Admiral and young training camp, and so on.

Sakasky, the red dog, is a general of the Navy headquarters, who has the ability of terrifying natural magma. Lei Yin remembers that in the war on the top a few years later, red dog hit the strongest white bearded pirate group among the four emperors several times, and its strength was extremely strong. After that, marshal Fozhi resigned in the Warring States period. Chigou fought with general Qingzhi kuzan for ten days and nights and won the final victory. He became the new marshal. The two men's war even changed the local weather and climate, which shows their strength. In order to maintain the prestige of the Navy, he can pay any price, even by any means, and has the belief of "absolute justice".

Polusalino, the Yellow ape on zefa's left hand, is now a general of the Navy headquarters. Naturally, he is a man of great ability, and his strength is just as strong as others.

Two of the three generals are coming, and the lineup is not luxurious.

Off the field, more than 200 people were assessed, and more than 100 participants stood opposite each other.

"Lei Yin, that smelly boy, doesn't know how much he can do." Kapp thought to himself, focusing on the 16th Division area...

because Leiyin is waiting for the password to start the match in the 16th Division field, and standing opposite him is...


"Don't let the water out when you're playing." Lei Yin said to AI Yin.

AI Yin sweet smile: "rest assured, I will go all out."

Releasing water in a duel is disrespect for the opponent, even if the relationship is good.

"The game begins!"

Under the command of the starter, the whole youth training camp began to fight.

AI Yinjiao's eyebrows wrinkled, her feet gathered energy, and a blue chop shot shot out, "six moves - LAN feet!"

The blue chopping shot flies, and Leiyin steps on the moon step to avoid the blow...

"this boy, it's ok..." Kapp looks at Leiyin and uses the moon step, which makes him happy.

At this time, on the high platform of the observation platform, not everyone is as concerned about the 16th point competition as Kapp. For example, red dog saakashi is watching Drake in the 45th point competition. As the No.1 of every year, the first competition of this year has not let everyone lose hope...

Drake did not even pull out the Western sword at his waist, just waved a fist Go, directly Ko opponent, the whole game time, less than half a minute.

"45th division, winner, x-drake!"

There's almost no suspense.

"Oh, Drake, that little guy won again." The Great General Huang ape is slow, with the symbolic obscenity in his tone.

Red dog a face proud cold: "this is just the first game, Drake's strength did not show."

Major general instructor Tao Tu: "almost every year, but this year, Drake's first victory seems to be a little faster than usual..."

Drake easily won. Next, most of the senior managers focused on the 98th Division...

"White Boxing!"

A student with broken silver hair turned his right arm into a thick cloud of smoke. Then, the big fist of the sandbag came out and knocked his opponent unconscious.

Referee: "ninety eighth division, winner, smog!"

"That guy is not bad either." [damaiting] lieutenant general darmesa said with a cigar in his mouth.

Lieutenant general mole: "smorga is the only natural fruit player in the youth training camp. He has a unique advantage. It's natural that he can win easily..."

however, Kapp turns a deaf ear to the judgment of the high-level players, and his eyes are always focused on the 18th point competitionThere is another person on the high stage who pays close attention to the 18th point competition. Because of this competition, there is a student he attaches great importance to. This student is Ayn, and the person who looks at her is the Navy General instructor [black wrist] zefa.

Lei Yin uses [yuebu] to avoid AI Yin's [Lanjiao]. The next moment, AI Yin's hand appears a peach flame like a ghost fire...

"backward shooting!" AI Yinjiao drinks, and the flame of Tao se is out of her hand, and she is shooting towards the thunder....

AI Yin didn't release any water, so she used the ability of Superman [retrogressive fruit] in her second move.

How will Lei Yin deal with AI Yin's attack?

PS: Thank you for the crazy God, the lonely hope and the reward of the gourd evil god king.

QQ reading here, Yu, Korean, Mr. and Lori are not very cute, mobile labyrinth! I'm just a child from a rural family. I'm happy and drunk. I hate to leave. I'm the reward of Dongji.

and old fellow's recommendation.

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