Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:06 PM

Chapter 531

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On the scene, only the white eyes of hiningci can see that chakra on Didala is concentrating towards the heart.

"This is... Bad!" Ning Ci was shocked in his heart, and then he yelled at everyone: "everyone, get out of here quickly!"

Ningci's rude shout must be a big deal.

Not surprisingly, Didala's body expanded more and more severely, and finally, it exploded!

"It's too late!" Ningci was shocked in his heart and saw that everyone would be affected by the bomb.

At this critical moment, people only felt that the space around them was slightly distorted, but the explosion disappeared by surprise.

when they looked again, Kakashi's eyes in the distance changed into a kaleidoscope: "fortunately, I caught up."

Kay looked at him, then showed a happy smile: "I really deserve to be my enemy!"

It turned out that Kakashi used Shenwei again to transfer the explosion to a different space-time.

Originally chakra was rare, kakasi couldn't support it any more and fell to the ground.

"How are you, Mr. Kakashi?" Naruto steps forward and holds Kakashi.

"Are you... All right?" Kakashi looks listless. It seems that she is over consumed.

And I love Luo's body was also taken back, Naruto looked as if I love Luo had been "sleepy" in the past, tears could not stop falling down: "why? Why is he the one who suffers every time? He has just become a wind shadow...

Qiandai: "calm down, Naruto...

" stop talking nonsense! " The more Naruto said, the more excited he was. "If you hadn't put a tail into his body, this would not have happened at all! Who cares what he thinks? Wuwu... I can't help Sasuke, and I can't help Ailuo. I've been practicing hard for three years, but it's still the same result as three years ago... "

these words seem to make chiyodai moved. She went straight forward and put a white light on Ailuo's body with her hands.

"What's that?"

Naruto: "what are you going to do?"

Xiaomeng's face was a little startled: "she wants me to revive Ailuo!"


"Bring him back to life? How can such a thing be done? " Naruto is even more incredible.

Xiaomeng: "this is a skill that only a thousand generations of grandmothers can do..."

when Lei Yin heard this, she hesitated. No matter how strong you are, you don't have the ability to bring the dead back to life.

However, in the middle of Qiandai's treatment, he gradually felt weak: "Damn, my chakra is not enough."

Naruto came up and said, "then use my chakra... Can you really revive him, grandma Qiandai?"

Qiandai: "put your hand on my hand."

Naruto did it.

At this time, the Ninjas of shayin village have arrived.

Chakra slowly infused into my arrow.

"Naruto, I beg you... You are the only one who understands the pain of my love Luo. I think I love Luo also understand you, so please try your best to help him," he said

Soon after.

I love Luo's eyes actually slowly open, the first person he sees is Naruto, and then all around are sand hidden ninja.

I love Luo: "this is...

Naruto explained to him:" they all came here to save you. You've given us so much trouble. "

Kan Jiulang and Shouju also came.

Kan Jiulang: "yes, your brother has really given us a lot of trouble."

Shouju: "I said you were too arrogant, right? I love Luo but wind shadow, speak carefully! I love you. How are you feeling? "

"Wuwu... That's great. I thought Lord Fengying really died...

" what do you mean, how can I love Lord Luo die easily? "

"Next time, we will certainly block the danger for my lord arrow!" All ninjas of Sharen said in unison.

I love Luo Fa from the bottom of my heart: "thank you very much, Naruto!"

"It's not me that you should thank, it's grandma Qiandai who saved you with her powerful medical ninja."

And when we look at Chihiro again, Chihiro's eyes are closed tightly, as if he were asleep.

Naruto: "although she is tired to sleep now, she can have a good sleep..."

"no..." before Naruto finished, Kan Jiulang interrupted him.

"Well? What's wrong? "

Kan Jiulang explained: "it's not medical Ninjutsu, but reincarnation Ninjutsu. She has passed away."

"What did you say?" The Naruto hears the speech, the pupil contracts.

Shouju: "this technique is a kind of Ninjutsu that sacrifices one's own life to bring the dead back to life. The puppet troops in shayin village once wanted to develop the Ninjutsu that gives the puppet life, and the leader of the research team is Qiandai granny..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!