Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:04 PM

Chapter 533

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Leiyin's fist is as powerful as thunder, and one blow will smash the beast into a pool of water.

A pool of water?

Ink, to be precise.

"What is this?"

Naruto is in doubt when he suddenly sees a young man with a short sword on his back and a writing brush in his hand.

This man is Sakai.

"He! It's the guy who did it

Naruto is good at pointing out that sasai quickly unfolds a scroll, takes out a writing brush, and quickly draws a line of beasts similar to Kirin on the scroll: "forbearance · super beast fake painting!"

Suddenly, it was like a dream. There was a loud roar in the scroll, and the beasts in the painting ran out one after another.

It's like a magic pen, Ma Liang.

"Feng Dun, beast wave, strong wind palm!"

Just when the beast came, Leiyin had already finished the seal, and then the palm came out like a dragon!

How can this monster made of ink resist the hurricane? In an instant, the smoke was blown away.

At this time, Naruto rushed to Sakai with kuwu, and Sakai also took out kuwu to stop him.

"Who are you? Why attack us? "

Sasai a face of symbolic fake smile: "your strength is really weak enough, this is also a man?"


the country of fire is famous.

Compendium and two names sit opposite, silent standing behind compendium.

Female name a face serious: "gangshou, Naruto is not an ordinary ninja, I think you should be more clear than me?"

Male name: "originally, he should not be allowed to leave the village. He should even be closely monitored. We have already made considerable concessions by only asking him not to fight. "

Compendium: "I agree to act in groups of four, but I don't agree to use these conditions to restrain him! Even if Naruto is put in the village, the people organized by Xiao also come back to find him, just like this time in shayin village, Fengying is directly captured and killed under the eyes of others. Moreover, Naruto has great talent. For our village, he is a very important fighting force. "

The man frowned and pushed his glasses: "gangshou, what you think is too simple. In this case, what qualifications do you have to hold the position of flame?"

Gangshou slapped the table and drank, and suddenly shook his chest: "I've made a concession!"

"Can you guarantee that Naruto will not be defeated by [Xiao]

Gangshou pondered for a moment: "Naruto will not be knocked down, I believe him!"

Just as gangshou was fighting for the chance for Naruto in Daming, Naruto and Sakai were fighting.

They moved back and forth, but never collided.

After more than 20 rounds, sasai's figure suddenly jumped into the low sky: "Naruto, we will meet again!" Then he disappeared.

"Don't run!" The Naruto below holds kuwu up and drinks at him, but it doesn't help.

Although Naruto is at a loss about the origin of Sakai, Lei Yin knows it well. Looking at his back, Lei Yin's face is a little envious, because his favorite Ninjutsu is Sakai's super animal puppet painting, which can turn things into entities. This is a powerful summoning skill!

Unfortunately, we can only think about it. The world of fire shadow is not like the world of pirates. As long as there are enough Bailey, we can extract ninja. The only way to copy the world is to use the eye of writing wheel.

However, the super animal forgery is not in the scope of copying. Lei Yin secretly tried it just now, but it really can't be...

gangshou called Dahe to see him when he returned to Huoying office.

Dahe looked humble: "it's my honor to be able to replace Mr. Kakashi."

"It's not a secret mission, it's a routine mission."

"I understand."

"In addition, a member of the root will also be assigned to kakashiban. But... "The look of gangshou suddenly became dignified.

This makes Daiwa feel that things are not so simple: "what's the matter?"

"You should pay special attention to him."

"What do you mean?"

"This man... Was recommended by Tuan Zang."

Zhicun tuanzang, whenever Huoying mentions him three generations later, it is like a synonym for wolf's ambition.

But Daiwa did not agree: "do you think too much?"

Compendium hand ponders for a while: "forget it, tomorrow morning you go to gather with the team members."

"I understand!"

That night.

Leiyin meditates alone and wants to further extract chakra from nature to increase the attack power of fairy art.

All of a sudden, he felt the call of Saint Buddha ridge, so his mind moved and disappeared in the same place.

"Buddha? What can I do for you? ""Let me ask you, what is your state now?"

"High level of ghosts and gods."

"It seems that we haven't broken through the bottleneck yet...

" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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