Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:00 PM

Chapter 537

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Looking at the communication between dashevin and the pharmacist, Dahe saw that something was wrong with them: "what's the matter? Dou, aren't you a spy sent by Xiao? And you should be controlled by scorpion's skill all the time...

the pharmacist said with a smile: "sorry, that skill has been untied by the big snake pill for a long time...

at this time, Daiwa understood:" you pretended to be in scorpion's skill and betrayed him... Are you in the big snake pill's skill? "

"No, I just agree with Lord dashuewan. This is my own wish. In other words, who are you? I was going to kill scorpion here, but you disturbed me

Pharmacist Dou didn't know Dahe at all, and even if he was a real scorpion, they had planned to kill him.

Big snake pill licked his lips: "Dou, I'll tell you about him then. By the way, why don't you call out the three little mice behind?"

At the end of the speech, Daiwa's heart "clattered": unexpectedly, they saw through it completely.

At this point, Daiwa made a gesture. Lei Yin and the other three flew from behind the rock.

Seeing Naruto, the pharmacist sneered: "it's you again."

Big snake pill is very happy: "hee hee, actually nine tail people column force also came, then accompany you to have fun."

Say, the right hand of big snake pill became the flower snake of dozens of frightening again: "latent shadow many snake hands!"

Dozens of snakes scrambled to bite each other.

A moment ago, the corner of Lei Yin's mouth curved slightly, and there was an invisible picture on the ground in front of him. If you look carefully, it was dozens of terrible python.

At the moment when the snake came face to face, almost the same number of Python appeared on the ground. The snake was obviously not the opponent of the python, and was bitten by the python immediately.

Everyone present was stunned.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the big snake pill, there are people in the world who can use snake art.

The snake pill used a move [Snake step] to resist the dozens of boa constrictors.

"The kid in the middle, what kind of magic did you use?" Big snake pill looks at Lei Yin fiercely.

In fact, this is the new ability that Leiyin has possessed after swallowing Sakai, but Leiyin has improved it. Although he has the superb painting skills of Sakai, he can draw what he wants with chakra without using a brush, and then summon these things out.

This is more powerful in defense and attack than the ink painting. It can be said that it has made a great improvement on the super animal fake painting. This skill is named "summon · seal of God", and the level of Ninja is s.

That is, the strength of Leiyin, if it is sasai, it is absolutely impossible.

Lei Yin laughs: "if I say this is a magic, then what is yours?"

"Well, I think you are too proud?" Big snake pill says, take out a sword in hand, after seal, throw out, "the sword shadow in hand divides body skill!"

The sword in his hand shot like a meteor. When Dahe saw it, he suddenly made a seal: "Mu Dun, the art of wooden ingot wall!"

In an instant, a row of wooden columns on the ground curved from the ground to form an arch wall in front of the body, and the swords in hand hit on it one after another, unable to penetrate.

"Hum." With a sneer, Lei Yin jumps out of the back of Gongbi and takes out a sword in his hand. First, he attaches Lei's attribute chakra to it, and then seals it:

"Lei Dun, the art of separating sword shadow in his hand!"

Lei Yin's sword is obviously stronger than the big snake pill. The sword in his hand almost forms a dense sword array, which is overwhelming.

Big snake pill heart way a "not good", quickly bite a finger, to the ground hard a pat: "channeling · triple Luosheng gate!"

All of a sudden, the gates of the three ghosts rose from the ground, and the swords in their hands collided with each other, constantly making a sound of gold and iron contention. Some of the swords in their hands penetrated the first floor door to the second floor, and some of the swords in the second floor were also penetrated, while only a dozen swords penetrated the third floor.

The big snake pill dodged.

However, pharmacist Dou didn't have such good luck. The luoshengmen summoned by the big snake pill didn't block the impact of Dou. Dou used several doubles to avoid it, and finally was stabbed several wounds.

"Damn, this kid..." big snake pill looked at Lei Yin and said fiercely.

"Leiyin, you..." Dahe and other three people also have an unbelievable look at Leiyin.

You know, Lei Yin is just tolerant now, but [sword shadow separation in hand] is a real A-level ninja, and this Ninja is generally used by or close to shadow level ninjas, and Lei Yin injects chakra of Lei attribute into it, so its level is no lower than s level!

Who the hell is this guy?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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