Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:54 PM

Chapter 543

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Unexpectedly, dasheban looked at the crowd and seemed to be counselled: "Naruto, I'll let you continue to live. I hope you can get rid of more members of Xiao. I have something else to do. Excuse me first."

With that, he turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared in front of people's eyes.

It seems that Da Shewan has absolute confidence in Sasuke. He doesn't believe that Lei Yin and his gang will find Sasuke, or that even if they can find Sasuke, Sasuke will never go with them...

"Damn, Da Shewan looks down on people!" Chunye Sakura said fiercely.

Naruto said: "don't worry about so much, I think of a way, although it will be a waste of chakra, but it will be faster to split up with multiple shadows, Captain Daiwa, you and Sakura continue to go there..."

before Naruto finished, an empty voice reverberated in the corridor: "you guys, you've been noisy from the beginning, disturbing my dream, it's so noisy It's boring

"This is...

Naruto can't help but close his pupils when he hears the sound.

The familiar voice, even if separated for three years, can not be forgotten.

Then came a sound of feet, a handsome young man gradually came to the eyes of the people.


"Naruto, Sakura... Long time no see... And Leiyin, you are here..."

after three years, they see Sasuke again, especially Naruto. I don't know how happy they are when they see Sasuke? Anger? Resentment?

Maybe even Naruto himself can't make it clear.

In sharp contrast to Naruto, Sasuke's tone and face are colder than Bing's: "you're all here, so Kakashi is here?"

Daiwa: "I'm really sorry. I'm replacing him now. Now, kakashiban is going to take you back to Muye."

Sasuke: "sorry, I don't want to go back."

Naruto can't help but drink to Sasuke: "at the beginning, why didn't you kill me? Is it because there's still love left? "

Naruto refers to Sasuke's battle at the end valley when he left here.

Sasuke a look of Indifference: "I'm not unable to cut the fetters between us, just don't want to get the power I want to have according to his method."

Naruto's cat face appeared angry: "what do you mean?"

"I don't have to explain to you. But what I can tell you is that I saved your life because I was so happy. "

With that, he moved in front of Naruto at a speed he couldn't see with his naked eyes. Except for thunder, they were all startled.

Sasuke, who was almost pasted with Naruto's body, was still indifferent: "I remember, didn't you have a dream of becoming Huoying? If you have time to look for me everywhere, you'd better hurry up and practice Naruto. "

"Sasuke... Sasuke..." see Sasuke just met like this, chunye Sakura showed a very ugly face.

"So this time..." Sasuke said and pulled out the grass shaving sword on his waist, "I'm also very happy to take down your head."

Although Lei Yin can't help but want to help Naruto, he also wants to see what kind of dialogue this pair of old enemies will have.

In the face of Sasuke, Naruto looks as if: "if even the partners are not well protected, then what qualifications to become Huoying?"

"Hum!" Naruto's words, let Sasuke sniff, directly pulled out the waist of the grass shaved sword.

"Mudun, the art of silent killing and binding!"

Seeing that Naruto was in danger, Dahe quickly made a seal, and a thick cane stretched out like a python.

Sasuke saw that in his eyes, sangouyu's writing eyes appeared, and lightning quickly covered his whole body:

"Leidun · thousand birds flow!"

This blow not only broke the Mudun of Daiwa, but also knocked Naruto to the ground.

Chunye Sakura can't even watch it, so she gives it a shot.

However, fearing that she would lose something, Daiwa blocked Sasuke's grass shaved sword with bitterness.

However, how can ordinary bitterness block the blade of grass shaved sword? With Sasuke's amazing speed, he directly stabbed at the heart of Daiwa...

seeing that Daiwa was in danger, Lei Yin finally stopped him.

"Don't be too arrogant, boy. Have you forgotten that there are still people here?"

Leiyin's fist is dark, and his red hand blocks Sasuke's sword.

"Thunder sound?"

Naruto's eyes are wide open, some can't believe it.

If you don't talk about it, even Naruto and Daiwa can't beat Sasuke.

Naruto can also understand this.

Therefore, Leiyin took Sasuke's sharp grass shaved sword with his bare hands, which inevitably made him feel a little incredible.

That is to say, the power of Leiyin is far above itself.

Thinking of this, Naruto is a little , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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