Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:53 PM

Chapter 544

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Since he came to this world, Daiwa has always been very good to himself, and he is also his own teacher, so Lei Yin regards Daiwa as his family.

Dahe, Meng Xiaomeng, erhei and Naruto are their relatives and friends.

Others he can ignore, even if it is exposed strength, he can't watch big and injured, no matter who the opponent is.

Sasuke sneered: "it's Lei Yin. It seems that you haven't been abandoned in the past three years."

Lei Yin smile: "thank you for your praise."


Sasuke seems to have absolute confidence in his own strength, and the thunder and lightning around his sword makes a sound:

"Leidun · thousand bird blade!"

Lei Yin's eyes congealed and made a simple seal. Then he was covered with thunder and lightning. He still used his armed fists to fight against Sasuke's sword body.

in the eyes of people's consternation, his fists and swords collided with each other again, and the sound of thunder and lightning rubbing against the air was heard all the time.

Sasuke's face sank: "why do you do this? Did Kakashi teach you that? "

The more Sasuke looks at it, the more wrong he feels. This "thousand birds flow" is improved on the basis of his own thousand birds. Why does he also know it?!

Seeing Sasuke's surprised expression, Lei Yin laughed: "I have nothing to say about this. You just need to know that there are many things you don't know in the world, so don't think you can be invincible if you learn some Kung Fu!"

"Three... Three legged cat?"

Hearing Lei Yin say such words, Sasuke gnash his teeth, it is completely in denial of their own strength.

"I will kill you!"

With that, sangouyu in Sasuke's eyes turned faster. He quickly made a seal, and then spat out a big flame:

"Huodun · haohuoqiu skill!"

Lei Yin: "Shuidun, the art of water chaos wave!"

Almost at the same time, water and fire collided, and large white steam came out of the air.

"Lei Dun, thousands of birds, thousands of books!"

Sasuke seems to be a little angry, see a move is not good, and use a move. A dazzling thunder and lightning suddenly turned into thousands of tiny electric needles, which were launched densely.

"Thousands of birds, thousands of books!"

Leiyin made a seal at random, and Sasuke used the same move, small lightning have hit together.

It's still a move created by Sasuke. I didn't expect that the opponent would do the same.

"Who on earth are you?" Sasuke, who couldn't figure out how to explain it, said while making a seal, spitting out a raging flame in his mouth, "Huodun, the art of Haolong fire!"

"Shuidun, the skill of water dragon bullet!"

It's like watching the end of the world, the flood and the beast. The water wave and the flame are even stronger than just now. The air around is almost full of steam.

Although it's not as good on land as it is on water, it's not a big problem to resist the dragon fire on the ground.

Lei Yin didn't want to continue to play. At the next moment, his fist became dark and moved faster than Sasuke:

"armed · six moves · iron fist!"

A hard punch hit Sasuke's abdomen, Sasuke mouth foaming, hit several roll on the ground to stop.

After the event, Lei Yin looked at him coldly: "there are people outside, there is a day outside, so I say you are a three legged Kung Fu. If you take revenge on your brother like this, you are undoubtedly looking for your own death. It is estimated that in another 10000 years, you will be able to draw with me."

Sasuke looks at Leiyin fiercely and wants to split it into two ends. He wants to fight back desperately, but a sharp pain in his abdomen makes him fall down again.

"The weak people had better not try to be brave. Now there are 100 such people, and you can't beat me." Lei Yin looked at him and said faintly.

"Damn it! Damn it

Sasuke, who has always been calm, seems to be very upset at this time.

Dahe, Naruto and Sakura chunye have been watching their gorgeous battle from beginning to end, and they are all muddled from beginning to end.

Who is Lei yin?!

Is it possible to achieve this level only by a moderate tolerance?

Daiwa can't help but think of the first mission, Lei Yin showed far more than the team's Meng Xiaomeng and ER Hei strength.

Naruto and Sakura chunno also think of Lei Yin's success in the Zhongren exam.

This time, when no one could deal with Sasuke, he was able to win.

I can't help suspecting it.

This kid must be abnormal...

in the previous battles, Lei Yin always concealed what he could hide and pretended to be weak if he could pretend to be weak. However, although he also concealed a considerable part of his strength this time, his performance was somewhat brilliant.

But also to Sasuke said so arrogant words!

What does Lei Yin think? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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