Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:51 PM

Chapter 546

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Muye hospital.

ASMA didn't see the outside at all. Pushing the door was like Kakashi saying hello.

For the teacher's behavior, Inoue some dissatisfaction: "teacher, how to say also should first knock on the door?"

Luwan looked at them with a smile: "Lei Yin, Naruto and Sakura, how are they? Has the task been completed?"

Naruto lowers his head slowly.

Of course, everyone understood what was going on, and laughed to ease the embarrassment: "don't think so much. I'll invite you to have a barbecue. If you don't mind, Kakashi will come too!"

On hearing this, Qiu daoding raised his hands and agreed: "barbecue, good!"

As a result, ASMA took everyone to a barbecue, but Naruto was still thinking about Cultivation in his heart...

the next day, in a forest in Muye.

Naruto looks at Kakashi on the opposite side and laughs like a psycho.

Kakashi's eyelids drooped, as if she didn't wake up: "what's the matter?"

Naruto felt the back of his head and seemed to be embarrassed: "nothing... Nothing. It's just that he hasn't practiced with Kakashi for a long time, and he's inexplicably excited..."

Kakashi is in a cold sweat.

Lei Yin didn't know when he was coming.

"Thunder sound?"

"If you don't mind, can I have a look here?" Said Lei Yin.

Kakashi said with a smile: "of course, you can guide Naruto if you have any shortcomings, because I think your strength is far above me."

Although it's true, Lei Yin doesn't want to admit: "Mr. Kakashi, you're flattered."

With that, Lei Yin sat down on a rock not far away.

Is Lei Yin far superior to Kakashi? 】

this sentence, Naruto has gone to his heart, he bowed his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

Suddenly, Kakashi turned his head: "Naruto, time does not wait for you. This cultivation is to make you become the most original Ninjutsu and surpass the Ninjutsu of spiral pill."

Naruto raised his head, and Kakashi continued: "this is the two skills that need to make chakra 'change in nature' and 'change in shape', one of which is indispensable."

Naruto certainly doesn't understand what it means.

Kakashi continues.

Take "qianniao" and "spiral pill" for example. "Qianniao" belongs to Leidun, which is a "change of nature", while "spiral pill" is a "change of shape" that compresses and rotates chakra.

Naruto holds his arms, squints, and looks thoughtful: "well, the nature has changed..."

sitting on the rock, Lei Yin thinks: This product must not understand.

Kakashi continued: "if you want to practice Ninjutsu beyond the spiral pill, you must master the 'nature change'!"

Naruto smashed his fist on the palm of his hand: "Oh, Soga, then learn to 'change the nature'!"

Kakashi has a cold sweat on the back of his head. He thinks the same as Lei Yin.

Well, it varies from person to person. Naruto is the kind of person who learns from practice.

The reason why Lei Yin wants to listen to "rub class" is that his memory of this plot is a little vague. If he wants to listen to Kakashi's teaching personally, it may be beneficial to him.

Lei Yin's IQ is different from Naruto's, and now he has some ideas of his own.

Kakashi added: "but it will take a lot of time to learn this skill. I came up with a way to greatly shorten the time."

On hearing this, Naruto was instantly excited: "is that right? Is there a way to shorten the time

"I don't want to play tricks on you. The way is to use the technique of multiple shadows and separation."! When the separation is released, restore it to the caster, and those experience points will accumulate on the caster. "

On Naruto's head, rows of crows pass by.

His cat's face narrowed into a slit and didn't say a word.

After a while, he said to kakasi, "CC, can you make it simple?"

Naruto does not understand, of course, Kakashi expected things.

If you can understand it. 】

although Lei Yin understood it, he didn't think it would have much effect.

But he listened very carefully for fear of missing a word.

Kakashi split a shadow, he let Naruto also split a body.

Their shadows split into the woods.

They can't see what they are doing at all. Naruto is very curious.

Kakashi: wait a minute, you'll know

After a while.

Kakasi asked Naruto to release his separation, and Naruto did as he did.

At the moment when the separation was released, Naruto's tiger body was shocked.

Kakashi: "how's it going? Do you know now? "

Naruto: "they're guessing, and I won."

Lei Yin suddenly realized!However, Naruto's face is still puzzled: "however, even so, what does it have to do with shortening the cultivation time?"

Kakashi almost vomited blood: "I really lost to you. I'll tell you that."

[how did you teach this "spiral pill"? 】

"hurry up, hurry up!" Naruto looks impatient.

In fact, it's very simple.

If you gain twice as much experience after two separations are released, the time spent is half of the original.

It takes one thousandth of the time to divide a thousand bodies!

This is definitely a shortcut to cultivate new skills!

Kakashi said, Naruto's face suddenly brightened: "Soga, it's like this!"

"Then, the next step is to carry out the cultivation of" nature change ", which is to use multiple shadows to separate the body."

"I understand!" Naruto smile incomparably brilliant, "no wonder Kakashi teacher you are so strong, the original has been using this method in practice."

Kakashi looked lazy: "no, I haven't used this method once!"

Naruto was stunned: "eh? Why? Isn't Mr. Kakashi also able to shadow the art of separation? "

Kakashi: "but my chakra is not as much as you, and the duration of shadow separation is very short. Because this technique requires an average distribution of chakras, people like me who have fewer chakras are not suitable for this technique

Naruto: "that is to say, my chakra is more than Kakashi teacher?"

Kakashi had a straight face: "about four times as much as me!"

"Four... Four times?"

"If we don't restrain the power of the nine tails, it will be more than a hundred times as strong!"

Naruto was stunned. Kakashi's words startled him.

"So this method is very suitable for you to practice."

"Yes? Why? What about Lei yin? " Naruto looked left and right, but could not find the figure of Lei Yin, "he was sitting there just now...

Saint Buddha ridge.

After listening to Kakashi's words just now, Lei Yin seems to have found treasure.

The idea moves, came here.

If he was practicing in Muye, he was afraid of causing unnecessary disturbance.

Here, he is divided into 10000 parts.

If the water attribute chakra is directly injected into the "spiral hand sword", then I don't know how long it will take to master it.

"However, with this method...

the 10000 splits are all spinning chuck pull balls in their hands...

" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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