Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:47 PM

Chapter 551

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Just after the crisis of the Baron tiger was lifted, the mercenaries fell into panic again.

Many leech like creatures fell from the trees, most of which fell on the wounded mercenaries.

This is not an ordinary leech. It's called blood sucking leech. It lives in trees all year round. Once it smells blood, it will become very excited.

Some people who have just been mercenaries grab the leech and pull it down.

However, I didn't expect that the mouth of the leech was very firm. The more it pulled out, the more painful it was. When it finally pulled out, it brought out a lot of flesh and blood.

"Idiot, it's a blood sucking leech. You can't pull it out directly!"

Cain yelled, then looked left and right, fixed his eyes on a bush.

He pulled out a bush leaf and crushed it. The juice dropped on the leech.

As if the leech was frightened, he immediately stopped sucking blood and fell off from the wound.

It turns out that leeches are very afraid of salt. This shrub is called Haloxylon. The trunk, rhizome and leaves are rich in salt.

The mercenaries attached by the leeches followed suit one after another, and the leeches fell off one after another.

"The captain." Some mercenaries don't forget to flatter the captain.

After wrapping up the wound, a big mercenary strode over and glared at Lei Yin: "you guy, follow us and don't help. I saw just now that you've been watching when you hit the Baron tiger!"

"That's to say, we are kind-hearted to take you in, but you just watch our companions being bitten to death and turn a deaf ear to it!"

The mercenaries nearby also began to blame Lei Yin.

Lei Yin looked at them with a sneer: "I can't take care of your ass, you say I follow you? That's bullshit. This is the only way here. You can walk as well as I can. If there's any more nonsense, I'll kill you! "

Lei Yin said, already holding the handle of the grass shaved sword behind him.

"Kid, I don't think you're tired of living, are you?" The big man took out his pistol and aimed at Lei Yin.

"I think it's better to kill him and sell his organs on the black market." Another small mercenary had a sinister face.

These mercenaries are not good men and women. They can do anything bad.

"To die!"

Lei Yin revealed the murderous spirit. When he was about to kill these people, there was a strange hiss in the marsh nearby.

The mercenaries who wanted to kill Lei Yin quickly turned their attention away.

A naked snake head came out of the swamp.

The head alone is the same size as an ordinary person's body.

It opened its eyes.

It was a pair of murderous red eyes.

Then he opened his mouth and a stench came.

Marsh snake, a boa constrictor that lives in swamps all the year round. Capture level 5.

The terrible cry alone scattered many people's souls.

Because it came too suddenly, the mercenaries took up their weapons to fight back.

The marsh snake didn't give them this chance at all, and their whole body fell down and flattened.

Natalie would come forward again, but she was stopped by thunder.

As he saw just now, this young lady can't even fight a level 3 Balong tiger. How can she fight a level 5 marsh snake?

Leiyin grabs Natalie's arm and avoids the dangerous area. She still waits and doesn't start.

There was a constant scream in the forest.

Shells and bullets hit the snake sparsely, only causing slight damage.

And where the marsh snake passed, it killed several people in one bite.

Kane drew his knife and was about to cut off the snake's neck. Unexpectedly, the snake suddenly wagged its tail and whipped Kane on the ground like a big whip.

Kane was badly hurt, his throat was sweet, and he vomited two mouthfuls of blood.

The snake opened its mouth to swallow Kane.

Another sharp hiss.

The marsh snake suddenly stopped attacking, and its ugly face became more ugly.

Then, the huge body suddenly fell on the swamp.

Kane's sword didn't do any damage to the snake. Why did the snake fall?

Lei Yin didn't do it either.

When we looked at it again, another giant also crawled out of the marsh, his mouth full of blood and the broken meat of the marsh snake.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

It was a crocodile more than 12 meters long.

The marsh snake was bitten off by it.

No more than three out of ten mercenaries are in complete panic.

If the capture level of swamp snake is 5, then it is impossible for a monster of the same level to bite its life with one strike.

Although it's a sneak attack, the monster's strength is above the marsh snake.

Gala crocodile, capture level 7!What about level 5?

It turns out that the average GrallA crocodile has a rank of 5, and this one has lived on the island of Baron for more than 200 years.

Kane, who had been badly hit, came forward with a sword.

His swordsmanship was taught by Marcy, the president of the "gourmet underworld". His emphasis was on turning the sword's intention into sharpness, and attacking people invisibly with extremely fast speed.

A sword flashed over the alligator.

There was only a jingle.

Kane's whole body bounced away.

The life span of the two hundred year old grula crocodile is comparable to that of steel.

Kane's sword, not only did not cause any damage to the giant, but also angered it.

The alligator growled and snapped off Kane's legs.

In the forest, people scream.


Natalie can't bear it. She's coming up again.

Lei Yin pressed her shoulder with one hand: "in the past, she died for nothing."

"Let me go! I'm going to save him Natalie tried to break free, but Leiyin's hand was like Mount Tai, which made her unable to break free at all.

Where did the kid get the strength?

Over there, Kane's broken legs were bleeding, and he cried out in pain, "Natalie! What are you doing over there? Come and help me

At this time, the alligator is cruelly killing other mercenaries, fighting in the circle, like hell.

Natalie turned her head and looked at Lei Yin with resentment in her eyes. "Are you just going to stand by like this?"

Lei Yin disdained a smile: "you give me sober, even your captain is not the opponent of that guy, what can you do in the past? I think he knows this in his heart. He wants you to go there and die for nothing

If it wasn't for Natalie, Leiyin wouldn't care about her.

Natalie was even more angry: "why don't you go and save people?"

Lei Yin: "when do I do it, it's not up to others to tell me!"


over there, Kane covered his legs and looked resentfully at this side:" Natalie! You stupid bitch! What can that little punk do? Come and help me

"Well, your soft sword is insulting swordsmanship! The title of waste is more suitable for you! " Not waiting for Natalie to speak, said Leiyin.

Natalie's eyes were full of anger, looking at the thunder: "you can only talk big! You... You let me go

"Well, if he can be regarded as a swordsman, I'm afraid the three-year-old boy is a swordsman."

Lei Yin looks at them like a group of mole ants and rats. Suddenly, his eyes are fixed and his fingers are extended.

I don't know why, but Natalie faintly felt a kind of imperialist air.

Lei Yin just played it lightly.

A chopping wave with a length of more than tens of feet came out from the fingertips and cut through the sky , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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