Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:46 PM

Chapter 552

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Nothing can describe the blow.

A huge white chopper swept away.

The ground was cut out a gully more than one or two meters wide and tens of meters deep!

The GrallA was cut in two.

Lei Yin didn't even pull out his sword. He just waved his fingers like this.

We haven't used 20% of our strength yet.

If we increase some strength, I'm afraid the whole island will be cut open.

Natalie is like a pigeon hit by a bamboo gun.

The shock was beyond words.

This kid is not a normal person at all!

There was no expression on Lei Yin's face, as if the chopper was not from him at all.

At this time, Kane's eyes were wide open. He didn't know whether he had lost too much blood or was shocked to death.

Except for Natalie, the whole team was destroyed.

Lei Yin indifferently went to a strong tree and cut off the branches to make a barbecue.

Then pull out the blade to cut the meat into pieces.

From beginning to end, Natalie watched him quietly.

Stick the meat of the alligator with a wooden stick.

Then, Lei Yin's hands were sealed with the speed that his eyes could not see:

"Huodun · haohuoqiu skill!"

Make a fire.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you still have the power of fire? "

As if she had forgotten the haze of all her teammates (the relationship between those people and her is very general), Natalie's beautiful eyes are full of doubts about the man in front of her.

The fat on the alligator's meat is "Yiyi" by the fire. Instead of answering the woman's question, Lei Yin takes up a piece of meat and hands it to her.

What else did Natalie want to say, but she was instantly attracted by this strange fragrance.

The roasted fat on the meat glitters like a gem.

Lei Yin picked up a piece of meat, also slightly stunned.

Visual and olfactory enjoyment.

Saliva can't help flowing out, dripping on the ground.

Put it in your mouth.

That indescribable fragrance immediately blooms in the mouth.

Lei Yin dares to say that this is the most delicious meat he has ever eaten. No, it's the most delicious food.

The drips of saliva and gravy mixed on the ground are totally unknown.

"Wait a minute."

Eating happily, Natalie suddenly stopped.

Then she took two bottles of wine from her bag and handed one to Lei Yin: "try this...

" what's this Lei Yin wiped his saliva and asked.

Natalie: it's Bourbon at 50 degrees. How good is the meat? How can it be without wine? Don't tell me you're not old enough to drink. "

"Thank you." Lei Yin opened the bottle cap and took a big breath.

Wine into the mouth, making the meat alligator more mellow, coupled with its own wine, delicious almost can not be compared with words.

No matter in which world, there can be no such blessing.

"It's a heaven like world. It seems that I really have to thank Buddha." Lei Yin murmured and bit off a big piece of meat.

Even if it's a beautiful woman, she has no resistance in front of the delicious food. Natalie has no food to eat, one bite after another.

Although they did not eat as much as the four-day King ALU, they ate almost half of it.

Most of them are eaten by Lei Yin.

Lei Yin has never felt so full since she was born.

He touched his belly contentedly.

By this time, the night was deep.

Natalie: there's so much left. What should we do with it

Lei Yin: "just get up and eat it tomorrow."

"It's a pity to eat them all. Besides, tomorrow will not be so delicious. Its meat is 200000 yuan per kilogram."


"That's right."

However, it is reasonable for Lei Yin to think about it. No matter in which world, ordinary civilians are always the vast majority. Even the capture of level 1 monsters requires 10 fully armed professional hunters to compete with them. It can be seen that the capture of level 7 gella crocodiles is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Such a price is not unreasonable.

After removing the bones, there is about a ton of meat left.

One ton is 1000 kg, if calculated by 200000 yuan per kg, that is 200 million yuan.

A ton of meat has been cooked, even if Leiyin carry effortlessly, but still some inconvenience.

Facing the present situation, Lei Yin has already thought about it.

His mind moved, and a small scroll appeared in his hand.


After a few simple seals, the meat piled up next to the hill just disappeared like magic, and then thunder closed the scroll.He used the seal scroll to seal the food in it.

Natalie's beautiful little mouth has become an "O" shape.

"What's the ability this time? Who the hell are you? " Natalie can't understand him any more.

"I'm a man who wants to be strong." Lei Yin took a sip of whisky and joked.

"Don't be careless, I'm serious!"

"I'm serious, too."

"You..." Natalie stares at him with her beautiful eyes, but she can't ask anything.

After drinking a bottle of 50 degree bourbon, the woman was slightly drunk. Her face turned red and looked more lovely in the light of the fire.

And thunder is like drinking a bottle of water.

"Where can I sell the meat?" Lei Yin asked.

"Tell me who you are first." Natalie has refused to give up.

"I'll find it myself tomorrow." Lei Yin finished and fell asleep.

"You wait for me..." Natalie was rather grumpy to him. "In the food center market, which is more than 500 kilometers away from here, I'll go with you by boat tomorrow."

"Please lead the way tomorrow..."

nothing to say all night.

The next morning.

"Our boat is still at the mangrove entrance. It will take about two days to get there." Natalie stretched out and showed off her proud figure.

Lei Yin recited her and said, "you show me the way, I'll take you."

"Ha?" Natalie was at a loss.

"Hold on, don't let go." The thunder sound foot a little ground, then took her to fly high altitude.

"Hello, you... You actually..." Natalie looked at the gradually smaller scenery on the ground, suddenly felt dizzy.

"Don't make a fuss. Tell me how to get there."

"That's... That's the direction..." Natalie trembled, as if in a dream.

She became more and more curious about Lei Yin.

With your fingers alone, you can make such a powerful chopper, spit fire, and fly.

Like the pirate world, people in the gourmet world have different abilities.

"That's the extent of the four-day king of food, isn't it?"

Natalie thought to herself, holding Leiyin more tightly, she felt that this man's back was... Very strong...

the central wholesale market of food, where all kinds of delicious food materials from all over the world are concentrated, is called "the kitchen of the world". It covers a total area of 3000 hectares, imports 900000 tons of food materials every day, and the transaction volume is nearly one trillion yuan, also known as "monster market". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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