Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:42 PM

Chapter 556

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At the end of divination Town, near the "Cave Beach", there is a four-star beach themed food hotel.

Leiyin's and Natalie's dining tables are filled with exquisite ingredients.

Fat eel, conch fruit, oil roasted red pig, stewed Earth Dragon turtle, big silver crab, etc. the drink is 100 thousand bottles of fruit plum wine, and the staple food is 20 minutes of fruit vegetable meat flavor rice ball.

Lei Yin doesn't pay attention to food. With Natalie, who is "very effective", the food in the plate is quickly destroyed.

The world is indeed paradise.

It's a perfect paradise for the strong. As long as you have strength, you can catch all kinds of delicious food.

Since we came to this world and began to eat, Leiyin's skin has become shiny, which is a sign of the initial activation of cells.

Two people this meal, ate several million yuan.

However, they have 300 million yuan on hand, which is nothing to them. It can be said that they are rich and willful.

While they were eating happily, three uninvited guests came.

"Boy, have you sold out the wine in the shop? What do you want us to drink?"

A man in a red T-shirt and a gold chain at the head said unkindly.

These people are local local leaders. Seeing so many expensive food materials ordered by Leiyin, they want to blackmail them.

Lei Yin didn't look at them at all, but said one word: "go away!"

Next to a horse: "MD, do you know who we are? We are the strongest food hunters in the area of "Cave Beach". If you know what you are doing, you should be filial, or you will have good fruit to eat. "

Lei Yin is trying to make these guys quiet. At this time, a group of people come in from outside the hotel. One of the leaders has long black hair with earrings. He looks extraordinary.

Just now, the three gangsters, who were still waving their teeth and claws, saw these people and immediately fell silent. They ran away like three mice.

Who is this man? He has such a great deterrent power?

"Welcome Mr. Abbott."

As soon as the waiters saw him, they looked respectful. The owner of the hotel came out to greet him.

Abbott, a cadre of Igo Development Bureau and an excellent food hunter, once killed the tiger walrus of capture level 13 with bare hands and air boxing.

Igo Development Bureau is the most mysterious and huge department in Igo. It also manages eight ecological zones.

He and his twelve retinues were sitting at the table in gold.

Abbett looks over and glances at Natalie for a few times...

this season is just in time for puffer whales to lay eggs in large areas, so many food hunters, even killers, thieves and Igo people gather here.

Therefore, the opportunity to hunt puffer whales does not come every day. Boss Nuo just entrusts Lei Yin with this opportunity.

The entrance to the beach of the cave is already a sea of people.

Many gourmet hunters and killers do not enter, but wait for other gourmet hunters to capture puffer whales and then rob them.

Abete, on behalf of the Igo, has arrived with his 12 entourage.

Before entering the cave, there was a gruesome sound.

One by one people straight goose flesh body quickly climb over.

Giant centipede, three meters long, lives in sand and shoal all year round, and its capture level is Lv. 1.

They smell a lot of people, so they go out.

Many reporters and onlookers turned pale with fright.

Hundreds of giant centipedes are crawling all over the hole. The picture is disgusting.

Even some well armed food hunters were deterred and retreated.

Abete, who is at the forefront, looks as usual.

He gathered his anger in the elixir field and waved his fist.

The heads of more than a dozen centipedes running in the front were directly crushed by the shock.

The rest have been injured to varying degrees, and some have not been hurt, as if frightened by something, have turned back.

Originally, there were hundreds of giant centipedes. Except for some half bodies, all of them escaped without a trace.

Some journalists with good psychological quality have filmed the scene just now and are ready to publicize it in the media.

"I've long heard of Abete's excellent boxing skills. He can play such a powerful game with his boxing style alone."

"No, Mr. Abbott."

The onlookers all gave praise and exclamation.

In the eyes of everyone's admiration, Abete took his entourage into the cave, and some reporters followed in, trying to shoot some powerful fighting video, and Abete didn't object.

Leiyin also asked his partner to go in together, but he saw that Natalie's face was not good-looking.

"What's the matter?"Natalie's delicate body trembled slightly: "I have been afraid of insects since I was a child. Just now, seeing those giant centipedes made me very uncomfortable..."

everyone has their own characteristics. In the face of Balong tiger, she is not afraid of insects.

Lei Yin put one hand on her shoulder: "I'm here. Let's go."

Natalie nodded slightly...

inside the cave.

"Wow! This is delicious! "

Natalie seems to forget just now unhappy, she picked a mushroom on the ground, crisp chew up.

GABA GABA mushroom, with the mixed flavor of three kinds of fried food, generally grows in the shoal and sand, and the capture level is less than 1.

"This guy is really like a child." Lei Yin looked at her and shook her head with a smile.

The hole is still bright at the beginning. The more you go in, the more you can't see your fingers.

Natalie has been prepared for a long time. She takes out a torch made of special materials, and Leiyin lights it with Huodun.

At this time, heard in front of the bursts of people creepy scream.

At the sound, Natalie was excited.

"In the front!"

Leiyin takes Natalie's hand and goes to see what's going on.

After running about two kilometers, the scene in front of us is absolutely a hell that people can't look directly at.

There are countless adult sized cockroaches (with black whiplash like hooks behind the thigh) that are gnawing at human beings.

Scorpion and cockroach are flesh and blood loving insects. Their mouths are like meat grinder. They are called "devil insects from hell", and their capture level is Lv. 7.

There was a man with blood all over his body and almost no good meat on his body. He was still fighting with scorpion and cockroach with fists.

"Go away! Get out of here! You garbage, you animals are not my opponents, aha ha ha

The man who is shouting hysterically while punching away scorpions and cockroaches is crazy.

He's Abbott, the food hunter who just hit hundreds of giant centipedes (capture level 1).

Lei Yin and Natalie have a female reporter hiding in the corner, shivering, cold sweat dripping on the ground.

All the places eaten by scorpions and cockroaches are broken meat and bones.

These are Abbott's entourage and reporters.

It's no exaggeration to describe it as extremely tragic.

Natalie felt as if she had been punctured. She was paralyzed and half knelt on the ground.

Abbott can't stand such a hellish scene. He is directly driven crazy, waving his fists indiscriminately, and can't even fight a complete style.

In the air of the cave, there is a strong smell of blood.

This is more exciting to the scorpion cockroach's facial features.

Abbott's fists became weaker and weaker, and he was soon engulfed by a large number of scorpions and cockroaches, leaving no bone residue.

Abbott killed only a dozen.

The remaining two or three hundred scorpion cockroaches are attacking Leiyin and Natalie like a black sea , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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