Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:40 PM

Chapter 558

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It is said that there are millions of toxins in the food industry.

And many food hunters usually inject small amounts of toxins artificially to form antibodies in the body to deal with toxic organisms.

It is said that there are more than 70 kinds of antibodies on the four heavenly king ALU, but more than 500 kinds of cocoa.

Once, cocoa was injected with a single dose of toxin that ordinary people could not bear. Many toxins formed more and more complex toxins in his body, so he became a "poison man" that many creatures dare not approach.

Snake sharp hair tube inserted in his body, coco issued a scream.

At this time, Coco's whole body turns purple, which is his unique trick "poison film armor".

The demon serpent is pouring a lot of poison into his body through the hair tube.

The pain can not be described in words, coco issued a gruesome scream.

"That's enough. You're tired of it."

Thunder sound a pair of extremely impatient expression, bright blue chakra appeared around, Natalie scared to release the hand.

Then, behind Leiyin, more than three meters high suzo pulled the bow and arrow composed of chakra.

The blue arrow made a sound of breaking through the void, as if to cut through the void.

A burst of blood, followed by a shrill cry.

The devil snake didn't even respond to what was going on and was directly pierced.

Coco fell to the ground and fainted after being injected with a lot of toxin.

Lei Yin went in an instant and took out the scroll to seal the corpse of the demon snake.

Natalie and the reporter were both stunned.

In their eyes, the man was like a god praying.

Is this really human?

Natalie's getting more and more confused.

Unable to restrain her complicated mood, the female reporter ran up to Lei Yin and said, "I'm a reporter from the food daily and the general manager of a supplier. My name is Anna. See Mr. hand extraordinary, so to make a deal with you


"Well, as far as your strength is concerned, it's definitely a food hunter that our newspapers and suppliers have been looking for. I'd like to entrust you with the task of hunting food materials in the name of suppliers, and then do an exclusive interview with you as a reporter." Anna looks like she's joking.

Lei Yin looked indifferent: "why should I promise you?"

"First of all, our newspaper is well-known in the world. If we give you publicity, your popularity will increase rapidly. Maybe Igo will come to you for a commission. Second, we are willing to pay a deposit of 1 billion yuan for this Commission and interview. Third... If you have any other requirements, we will try our best to satisfy you. "

This Anna is also a beauty, no less than Natalie, the first two points said nothing wrong, but the last sentence, words and eyes between some provocative meaning, it is estimated that her boss is also conquered by her.

Even four days King coco couldn't defeat the demon snake, who was defeated by this guy with such a strange move. In addition, the fire tornado (sword in the hand of explosion) just put killed hundreds of cockroaches and scorpions in an instant, which made Anna interested in him.

Women's senses are always sharp.

Natalie has smelled the smell of "looting". She seems to forget the fear and shock just now and stares at Anna angrily (you are here to rob my man).

Anna also looks at Natalie with a charming face. Her eyes seem to say: I'm younger and more beautiful than you, but if you rob me, what can you do to me?

Two people, four pairs of beautiful eyes stare at each other, that vision can kill people in general.

At this time, Lei Yin laughed.


"I'm not interested in what you said about popularity. I can listen to your billion dollar task. There's only one request, not exclusive interview."

Lei Yin doesn't want to interview her, which means that Lei Yin only regards her as the general manager of the supplier and directly ignores her identity as a reporter.

It's like rejecting half of her.

Natalie is a little proud of herself. She is not completely bewitched by this woman. My brother is very independent. Mm-hmm.

"I ask you to think about it again. With our interview, your reputation can be...

" as I have said, the task can be considered, and the interview is free. "

Lei Yin said, had taken off the coat, fruit exposed the upper body strong muscles.

Before the two women could see enough, he plunged into the nearby lake.

By the way, now that we are at the bottom of the Cave Beach, it's time to catch puffer whales.

However, the level of puffer whale is 29, not because of how strong it is, but because as soon as it detects a bit of danger and its whole body is poisoned, its meat will become worthless.

Lei Yin is tough, but can you hold it?

Under the lake.

It's the spawning season now, so there are many puffer whales. As soon as Leiyin got into the water, he saw several.But as soon as he jumped, the white body of the puffer whale turned purple.

Five black lines on Lei Yin's head: I've provoked you, and even poisoned you without touching?

We can't blame others. Leiyin just killed the demon snake, and his breath was too strong. As soon as he went down, the puffer whale felt the threat.

The response of this creature is amazing.

Thunder hides its own breath.

In the food industry, this move is called "Xiaoming", which has the same effect as Lei Yin's.

Fortunately, not long ago, there was a piece of white flowers in front of the convenience.

Dozens of puffer whales.

How to capture it?

If you are some experts, such as Jiro, you will use acupoints to instantly paralyze their nerves.

For Lei Yin, there are many ways.

Suddenly, his eyes glared.

A strong breath came out in an instant.

Not only the puffer whales, but also the fish around them.

The puffer whales didn't even have time to react, so their consciousness fell into the abyss and sank one after another.

Under the pressure of the emperor, none of them could poison...

"six... Sixty three?"

"Sue... Sue!"

Two women see this, sharp chin will fall to the ground.

Lei Yin just lit a bonfire and baked the water on his body.

"But... Can you sell me some? Our company has a very strong knife chef who can take out the poison bag. "

If such a drug is sold, the market price is 100 million. If the drug bag is taken out, the price will soar to 300 million each.

Lei Yin was a little bit moved. After all, he didn't take out the poison bag. The puffer whale can't be eaten. It's also a waste to put it in his own hands. If he sells it in this way, he can get 6.3 billion yuan and buy some other ingredients.

"You stop me. How good are your cooks? If I give it to you, it will be more wasteful. Natalie will never agree

Anna's eyes widened: "Na... Natalie?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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