Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:39 PM

Chapter 559

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"Natalie? Is that Natalie, the 32nd best cook in the world

"Well, it's Miss Ben." Natalie's beautiful eyes, incomparable satisfaction, but also very much to see the thunder, which means: miss is not an ordinary person oh.

Anna's face froze.

As a food daily reporter, how could she not have heard of Natalie's name? It turns out that the world's 32nd largest caterer is known as the "knife ghost", and the craftsmanship of the knife is superb. And Natalie challenged her to win the 32nd place in the world with a subtle gap of 0.1 mm.

Lei Yin can't help looking at her.

"I didn't... I didn't expect to see" beautiful sword God "here. Please accept my exclusive interview." Anna looks at Natalie expectantly.

Lei Yin: "roar!"

At this time, the closed hole came a roar again, and the eardrum of the shocked people was sore.

"No, no, no!" Anna's face changed color again.

Another big demon snake.

Natalie's heart also "clattered.".

Lei Yin put Natalie on her shoulder with her right hand, drew out the grass shaved sword, cut the snake into two parts, and took out the seal scroll to seal the two corpses.

"See you later!"

When Anna reacts, Leiyin and Natalie have disappeared in her sight.

The whole process took less than five seconds.

For a while.

"Come back to me!"

The whole cave was filled with Anna's loud voice...

the speed of thunder was amazing, and it didn't take long to fly to a town 100 kilometers away from the "cave of the beach".

When Natalie was shocked, they found a three-star hotel and opened a luxury suite.

Able to carry her own high-speed flight on one shoulder, Natalie may not be surprised by the strength and ability of thunder.

The hotel is very considerate. There is a kitchen in the suite. Guests can buy their own food without ordering in the hotel.

Sixty three puffer whales.

Natalie took out a delicate box from her bag. What she saw was a kitchen knife with warm glow, more than a foot long.

From the knife, we can see the host's careful care for him.

"Please start your performance."

Lei Yin jokingly said, which caused Natalie's eyes to turn white.

Suddenly, Natalie's eyes changed.

It's not like she used to be a hippie. Instead, she's a woman with a lot of concentration.

To cook a puffer whale, you need not only delicate knife work, but also keen intuition. If there is a deviation of half a millimeter and the poison bag inside leaks, the whole puffer Whale will become worthless.

According to incomplete statistics, the success rate of even a top chef is less than one tenth. That is to say, a very good chef may not be able to take out a poison bag if he cooks ten.

Natalie's knife has been cut off.

The air around seemed to solidify.

It seems that only Natalie and the puffer whale on the chopping board are left in the world.

Natalie's concentration is almost indescribable.

Lei Yin feels that this is totally different from her before. At this moment, Lei Yin takes a new look at her and even breathes respectfully.

A knife cuts the stomach of the puffer whale, exposing the purple poison bag.

Natalie put down her knife and reached in carefully.

At this moment, she had forgotten to breathe.

Because the hand as long as there is a trace of vibration, will make the puffer whale poison.

Slowly... Slowly take out...

the whole process lasted more than two minutes.

The whole bag was taken out.

It's a success!

Then the puffer whale glowed with gold!

Lei Yin's eyes showed a rare color of consternation.

In the original work, Komatsu, the cook of Four Heavenly King ALU, managed ten puffer whales and managed to manage one.

Although Lei Yin didn't know how to do it, he could feel how difficult it was.

If Lei Yin does it, 10000% of them will fail.

The first one made a good start.

The astonishment in Lei Yin's eyes is more admiration for Natalie.

She was impressed by her uncanny craftsmanship.

This chick is really good.

Natalie looked at Lei Yin and knew what he was thinking. She was very happy.

Then, it's time to take care of the next one.

More than an hour passed.

Sixty three, 34 poisoned and 29 successful.

The success rate was 46%.I don't know how the knife work of floze, the partner of ARCASIA, the legendary god of food, is.

The 29 puffer whales that successfully removed the poison bag all became golden.

For Lei Yin, this is absolutely impossible.

He couldn't help admiring the woman.

Two people's eyes to together, don't know how to have a strange feeling.

Perhaps in order to ease the embarrassment, Natalie hastened to serve the golden puffer whale.

Ten minutes later.

Natalie's hand is really very skillful. He sliced the puffer whales, roasted them on the alcohol lamp, and placed them in the shape of flowers.

The whole room was filled with a strange smell.

Lei Yin's saliva fell on the table involuntarily.

Natalie laughed as she watched.

Every piece of meat is golden, just like beef with fat.

It's beautiful fish.

Lei Yin is like a hungry wolf who hasn't eaten for three days. He picks up chopsticks and puts them in his mouth.

The smell of meat and fat immediately fills the whole mouth. It doesn't chew in the mouth like Tuna Sashimi. After swallowing, the taste disappears. Instead, it tastes like puffer meat.

The more you chew, the more delicious.

It's just like the deep sea of delicious, endless happiness.

This delicious feeling, it is to let people indulge in the past.

Natalie's side, too, began to wind up.

At this time, Leiyin's body suddenly heard the sound of frying meat.

He felt that all the fatigue was gone!

"I heard that puffer whale meat has the effect of nourishing and strengthening the body. I didn't expect that it would be so obvious." Natalie said vaguely as she ate.

Soon, ten jin of fish on the table was swept away by them.

Lei Yin has never experienced such a happy feeling.

He couldn't help looking at Natalie.

Natalie looked at him, too.

"Thank you... For giving me such a delicious food, nata... No, sister." Lei Yin spoke to her from the bottom of her heart.

Natalie: ha? Come on, I'm not used to you being so polite to me. "

"This time, i... I sincerely invite you to be my cook. Do you agree?" Lei Yin looked serious.

"Ha, kid, don't make it like a proposal." Natalie still looks funny... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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