Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:05 AM

Chapter 56

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Leiyin won two games in a row, which is expected for Kapp, but most of the students in the youth training camp don't think so.

What strength can he have as a second-class soldier?

What's more, the two men in the fight are girls, and maybe they both let him.

The relationship between Ayn and him can't be ignored, and the relationship between weierdan and him is also influenced by rumors.

Almost all of the students said that Lei Yin had no strength with the help of women, so many people despised him.

Soon ushered in the third qualifying examination competition, at this time, the promotion of the students have left 64 people.

The third game was divided into 32 areas, and Leiyin drew lots to topple the 26th area. This time, his opponent was called sharingood.

Charlene Goode, a Superman with the ability of "wheel fruit", can turn all parts of his body into wheels, and his body strength is comparable to that of the steel man. He is now a cadet of the youth training camp. The future captain of the Navy headquarters.

Before the competition started, the students stood face to face, and Charlene Goodall was a bear on the back, which made people feel an invisible sense of oppression. At this time, he stares at Lei Yin with greedy eyes...

in the eyes of the students, Lei Yin's good luck is at an end. Even if the first two women he knows are willing to let him, but sharingood and Lei Yin are not familiar with each other, will they let him?

Standing outside the venue, the eliminated students are waiting to see the good-looking Lei Yin...

"Charlene Goodall is in the top eight every year."

"Now, the second-class soldier who can only pick up girls is a loser..."

on the high stage, the eyes of the high-level Navy did not pay much attention to the thunder sound. For example, the attention of General Huang ape, red dog, lieutenant general mole, dalmesa and major General Tao TU was only focused on two people.

One is smog, the other is x-drake.

Drake, as the No.1 player every year, has long been known both inside and outside the youth training camp, and the high level of the Navy almost regarded him as a lieutenant general or even a general. The only natural fruit player in the youth training camp, simoge, has a unique advantage in fighting. The top four players every year are also the key cultivation objects in the eyes of the senior management...

although the senior management are basically concerned about Drake and simoge, Kapp's eyes are always on the competition field where Leiyin is located...

in the field, the 26th point competition area.

Many of the eliminated students are looking there. They want to see how Lei Yin died today.

And xialinguide looked at him. Kong Wu's powerful fists collided with each other, and he looked at Lei Yin with a provocative look: "Hey, second class soldier, I look down on women. Wait a minute, I'll show you what real power is. That's the end of your game. "

Thunder sound hears speech, just cold hum a, didn't reply his words.

"The game begins!"

As soon as the starter's order was given, sharingood's arms whirled at high speed and dashed toward the thunder, "reincarnation of blood!"

With the high-speed rotation of both arms, even the surrounding air is "whirring"...

looking at sharingood's strong momentum, many students can't help cheering for him off the field...

"come on, just rush over and knock him down!"

"Give him some color to see see!"

"Take out that private!"

Those who cheer for sharingood are all male students, because jealousy is human nature...

is there any relationship between the two?

In fact, it's not how good the relationship with sharingood is, nor is there any hatred with Leiyin, but... They are jealous of Leiyin.

As soon as I came to the youth training camp, I was confused with our goddess Ayn. After a long time, another goddess (Vera Dan) came to the camp. He is an old acquaintance with you. Do you want people to live?

Another point, Lei Yin is just a second-class soldier. If he wins, where do you put the faces of the people who lose the game? Isn't he more likely to win the hearts of Ayn and veradan?

"Come on, sharingood, beat him!"

In the face of the next wave of shouts, Lei Yin is not moved, but carefully watching the opponent's situation.

As soon as he came up, he used the unique skill of [wheel fruit] ability. It seems that he wants to make a quick decision.

"Since you want to make a quick decision, I'll do as you think." He thought to himself, in the face of the [blood samsara] coming from sharingood, Leiyin raised his knee and suddenly hit it up...

"the lion even plays!"

Lei Yin flies up, trying to push sharingood to the sky with his knees, and then launches the next attack. But he is told by sharingood that his rotating arms are shaking back a few steps.

And sharingood's situation is not much better, directly fell to the ground, fell a stagger.

The ability of this [wheel fruit] can be activated, and the strength of the body can be comparable to that of the iron and steel remoulding man. If it is the general physique, I'm afraid that the "lion's volley" just suffered from thunder has already won.However, in other words, those who can win two games in a row and enter the third game are not those who wait to die.

If the opponent is too weak, what's the point?

"Let's use this..." Lei Yin raised his hand with an unobvious arc in the corner of his mouth, standing in the same place. He saw a blue cyclone gathering on his hand, staring straight at sharingood....

outside the court.

"Look, what's that?"

"Is this... The power of some kind of fruit?"

Of course, people in the world of pirate king don't know what is called "the flow of chakra", so when Lei Yin used that skill, the students below were amazed.

PS: because of your support, I'm almost in the top 3000. Although the ranking is not very high, it's Xiaofeng's best achievement in history. I hope you can give me a hand again and stun me with the recommended ticket.

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