Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:34 PM

Chapter 564

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"You birdmen, I feel like vomiting. Let's solve the battle quickly. I don't have the patience."

Lei Yin looks impatient and doesn't take the robot in front of her seriously.

GT robot: "smelly boy, don't speak too arrogantly. Don't think that killing a GT robot is strong. I'm a stronger model than that one."

Lei Yin disdained: "no matter how strong the mole ants are, they are all mole ants. I have ten thousand ways to defeat you. Why don't you go back and hand over your chairman, chef and chef to fight with me. Maybe you can fight for a long time."

"Well! There must be a limit to arrogance. When you die, go to hell and regret it! "

"Cut, it's you who regret it!"

At this time, the thunder was covered by a layer of red light, and four tails fluttered behind the unit.

Natalie could clearly feel the temperature rising around her: "what's this... This time?"

"Hum, don't play tricks anywhere. Let's die!" GT robot roared, bird's beak suddenly opened, and several light waves shrouded in the battle circle:

"killing chaos wave!"

Several strange light waves pierced the air and came face to face.

A moment ago, a ball of red and black appeared in Leiyin's right hand. Almost as the robot emitted light waves, the dark red ball in Leiyin's hand also came out:

"four tails · tail jade!"

The light wave collides with the red ball, and there is a loud noise in the battle circle. The energy carries the afterwave and spreads around.

GT robot's power is not as powerful as the tail animal jade. After being shaken back for dozens of steps, a layer of fur on the body was blown off, and a billowing smoke of gunpowder came out.

"But... Damn... You bastard!"

"Ha, didn't you just say that I had to go to hell to regret? If you don't have that strength, don't boast about it. "

Lei Yin said, a red energy ball appeared on his hand.

"Damn, is it coming again?" GT robot seems to be scared by the [tail jade] just now, and its body shape can't help but retreat a few steps.

"Don't worry, this move is different from the one just now. As a" preferential treatment "for you, you can see something new."

As he said, the red energy ball in his hand turned faster and faster, and became more and more bright, and the four bright and dark tails behind him became more and more obvious:

"rongdun · spiral hand sword!"

Like a bomb, Lei Yin picked up Natalie and flew back at a speed she couldn't react to.

GT robot has not yet reflected what is going on, the surrounding high temperature swept the majestic heat wave.

However, the temperature around the moment like no money like height, GT robot's body was quickly dissolved.

Melting away, its temperature is like the magma of red dog, even if it is a special metal, it also melts away. This is a move made by Lei Yin with four tails and spiral sword.

Natalie doesn't know what it's like to be strange since she's been following Raymond.

"OK, another Birdman!"

Lei Yin makes a "complete" gesture to Natalie, and they move on.

Five hundred kilometers to the north of heicao grassland is the forest with the largest number of beasts on the legal island. It is called "white forest".

Natalie took the map to show the way, with the demigod of thunder, and soon arrived here.

Just now, I met a big guy who was more than five meters long.

It's like a rhinoceros, with three rows of spines on its back and a two foot long horn on its head.

Rhinoceros, mammal, capture level Lv. 19!

Look at this guy, he's very handsome. Lei Yin didn't kill him, but stunned him with his overbearing color.

He said to Natalie. Just a moment. Leiyin's mind moved and his soul floated to Saint Buddha's ridge.

The faint rhinoceros was sealed in a scroll and released here.

The rhinoceros is still sleeping.

Tiger cat see thunder, suddenly rushed to thunder arms, out of the small tongue constantly lick him.

Buddha: "what's the matter here?"

Lei Yin: "Buddha, I want this to be my psychic beast. Is that ok?"

Buddha: "you have so many psychic beasts. Do you still want them?"

Buddha is right. In addition to summoning six tailed Beasts (sealed in the body), Leiyin's Tongling beast can also summon Baqi snake (in different space), tiger cat, and the ability of seizing and evolving "seal of God" with "Xianfa Mudun · Wuji phagocytosis" from Sakai.

Lei Yin smiles: "I'm just trying."

Buddha: "I really can't help you. If it's not a particularly powerful psychic beast, such as tailed beast and Baqi snake, you just need to take out the blood of both sides and make a simple blood sacrifice with Mudun. "

Leiyin does what the Buddha says, and horned rhinoceros also becomes the Tongling beast of Leiyin.Lei Yin touched the head of the little tiger cat when he left: "this time you have an extra partner."

Kitty tiger, cute, meow.

Leiyin's consciousness returns to the food world again.

Natalie looked frightened. They were surrounded by a mess of beasts.

A bear like horse with black and white stripes. Bear horse, mammal, capture level lv.14.

A bird with a dinosaur like body and an ostrich like head. MOA, birds and beasts, capture level lv.16.

There are still some people who can't be named. When they see people coming, they are angry and hostile.

Lei Yin's eyes glared.

An invisible wave rippling in all directions.

The beasts passed out one after another.

Those who didn't faint also felt a little dizzy, and then were killed easily by thunder.

There are so many monsters in the white forest. When they did not travel much, they met a strange guy.

One is more than six meters long, with two taps, two horns on each head, four limbs and long tail.

Zhonggoulong, mammal, capture level lv.28.

Zhonggoulong has a very significant characteristic, that is, if anyone beats it, he will regard who is the master and let the master mount. Until there is a stronger one, it will accept the director's order unconditionally.

Lei Yin: "interesting guy."

Natalie: I'm afraid its owner is GT robot now. The order should be to stop us, right

Lei Yin squeezed his fist: "there's no future with that kind of Birdman. I think you should change your master."

A word does not agree, thunder sound goes up to face loyal dog dragon is a fat beat.

After a while, zhonggoulong took it.

The fist of this product is really painful.

So zhonggoulong gave up GT robot and Leiyin became its new owner.

Then he made a simple blood sacrifice, and zhonggoulong became the Tongling beast of Leiyin.

Not only that, but also become the mount of Leiyin and Natalie... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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