Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:33 PM

Chapter 565

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Zhonggoulong carries Leiyin and Natalie on.

On the dragon's back, Natalie holds Lei Yin and enjoys the pleasant time, thinking: it's nice to have such a man.

Before long, they came to a swamp.

Over the swamp, there are several large herbivorous birds, which will not attack people.

Natalie took out the map: "this is the devil marsh, the only way to the" devil arena. "

Lei Yin: "where is the devil arena?"

Just then, a crocodile head came out of the swamp and quickly went up to catch a herbivore bird. The herbivore bird hissed and soon swallowed.

He is a large carnivorous fish that looks like a crocodile, marsh tough fish, with lv.18 capture level.

When Lei Yin was about to catch it, he saw that there were many long slugs on the marsh fish.


Natalie: it's not a slug, it's a snail

Eight slugs came out of a giant spiral shell and entangled the marsh fish. Soon the marsh fish was strangled.

Baqi snail, mollusk, capture level Lv. 23! No matter they swim in the swamp or in the water, they are like walking on the ground.

Natalie: This creature is an unusual ancient creature. Why is it here

"Yes? I think it's funny, too. "

Lei Yin said, a flash disappeared in zhonggoulong's back.

Natalie: Thunder

Lei Yin killed the marsh tough fish with one blow, hit each of the eight slugs on the head, and knocked it unconscious.

Then he took out the props that the Buddha gave him and made a simple blood sacrifice.

Baqi snail has also become a psychic animal of Leiyin.

At this time, another guy who was much bigger than Baqi snail was scurrying in the swamp, and suddenly his head came out.

This is a huge shark with scarlet eyes.

Crocodile mackerel, fish and beasts, capture level lv.27!

It wants to swallow the eight Qi snail.

"Stop teasing, little loach!"

Lei Yin's eyes were fixed and his fingers were like swords, cutting through the sky in the void.

"White blade!"

A big white sword light came out of his fingers. Before the crocodile shark understood what was going on, his body became two parts.

For such a scene, Natalie is not surprised, she loudly reminded Lei Yin: "that crocodile shark is very valuable, seal it up!"

Lei Yin took out the seal scroll and sealed the bodies of two crocodile sharks in it.

The eight Qi snail gradually wake up, slug head is very close to the thunder sound coquetry.

It's just like the Tongling beast of gangshou. This thing has a good thunder sound.

Lei Yin touched the head of Baqi snail: "please give me more advice in the future, Baqi snail."

Baqi snails make a vague "Wuwu" sound in their mouths, which is their language of intimacy.

Lei Yin can't help feeling the power of the blood sacrifice of Mudun in Shengfuling.

As long as there are monsters who have gone through the blood sacrifice ceremony with people, these monsters will become the master's psychic beasts and obey the master's orders all their lives until they die. But there is a major premise, that is, the strength of the master must be the strength of the spirit beast, otherwise the power of blood sacrifice alone can not control them.

Of course, thunder is much stronger than them. I don't know how many times.

Leiyin and zhonggoulong also made a blood sacrifice, and then sent it back to Shengfuling.

Natalie was very happy when she saw Baqi snail. She touched the slugs' heads, and they also spoiled Natalie.

Lei Yin didn't expect that although Natalie was afraid of insects, she liked them.

The swamp loyal dog dragon can't get through, so this time the eight Qi snail carried them on.

Unlike flying and moving, riding a psychic beast is definitely the best way to install X.

The devil's arena is said to be a place where evil spirits play.

It is composed of huge pillars. There are several routes composed of pillars. You can choose one of these routes. You can get through the customs when you reach the destination. Each route has ten pillars.

Only by defeating Warcraft on the pillar can we move on. And the more backward the pillar, the more powerful the Warcraft is.

Lei Yin is just like playing. He doesn't even have a choice of route. If he finds one at random, he can hit the sixth pillar at a fairly fast speed.

The monster in the sixth pillar is a bird more than two meters high and two meters long. He has a wrinkled face like an old man, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Strange bird Lu bang, capture level lv.30!

"Lei Dun, thousand birds sharp gun!"

A piercing thunder gun went out and pierced Lubang.

However, Lu bang, who was pierced, was in vain.

"In the back!" Natalie called out.Suddenly, as like as two peas, I saw a rubang just like the back.

Natalie: are there two

Lei Yin said with a smile: "no, this guy... Can separate himself."

Natalie: separation? How could it be as like as two peas? "

, indeed, the strange bird, the state of Lu, suddenly appeared, and there were six identical figures.

Leiyin light ha ha a: "if than separate words, thousands of you will not have my number more."

He said, his hands quickly sealed: "the art of multiple shadow separation!"

In the war circle, there were ten thunders standing, and Natalie's eyes were almost spent. She couldn't tell which was her real body.

"Lei Dun, thousand birds sharp gun!"

All the ten sub bodies sent out ten thunder guns to pierce the strange bird Lu bang.

Move on.

Still did not spend much effort to hit the tenth column.

Walking through the devil's arena, not far ahead is a 3000 meter cliff.

This is the entrance to the legal plateau.

Lei Yin solved the psychic skill and sent the snail back to Shengfuling. I carry Natalie on my back and fly up, which means that my brother (younger brother) takes you to pretend that x takes you to fly.

In the process of flying up, I saw holes more than eight meters high and six meters wide on the cliff. In each hole, there was a monster that was as black as night and faced the ugly monster like a gorilla.

They are known as the legal wall overlord, snake cliff, mammals, capture level Lv. 30.

They usually hide in the cave like a queue. As long as there are birds flying by, they will directly attack and hunt.

Lei Yin's flying up certainly startled these guys.

One by one snake roared out of the cliff and took the initiative to attack it.

They have suction cups at the bottom of their limbs, and they crawl on the vertical cliff like walking on the ground.

Although Natalie knows the thunder is powerful, but now she is on a cliff thousands of meters high, and with her back, there are so many fierce beasts attacking. What's the best way?

Several snake cliff out did not catch this pair of men and women, and then startled all the snake cliff, they like ants smell sweet food out.

"One by one, it's really boring."

Lei Yin murmured, and his hands had already started to seal quickly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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