Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:30 PM

Chapter 568

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After getting the flesh of gem, Leiyin takes Natalie out of the first Habitat.

Looking for a good geomantic treasure land, Natalie began to take care of it.

She cut the flesh of the gem into pieces, each of which was neat and looked the same size.

Looking at Natalie, who is very serious with her knife, Lei Yin is a little absent-minded.

Then she took out a blue square slate from her bag.

Lei Yin is curious: "what is this?"

"Oh, it's called the barbecue board," Natalie explained. "It can keep the original flavor of meat, and when the meat is about to be burnt, it will gradually turn red to warn people."

Thunder is strange to itself.

Soon, a large plate of meat with perfect color, flavor and taste came out.

"I've been waiting a long time, your precious flesh!"

Natalie looked at Lei Yin and said playfully.

The wonderful brilliance of the roasted meat is beyond description.

At this time of night, the moonlight poured on the earth, but compared with the brilliance of gemstone flesh, it was a little dim.

It's as bright as day.

Lei Yin can't help it any more. She grabs a piece and puts it in her mouth.

This is like incandescent lamp general soft light, bite in the mouth, gravy like fireworks burst.

Outside is so luxurious, the original taste of delicious but full of mouth.

Chewing up, but as if in a fairyland.

Gem meat from the mouth into the esophagus, and from the esophagus into the appetite.

Suddenly, Lei Yin's whole body actually sent out some dazzling light.

It's like every cell is shining happily!

Natalie ate a piece, she felt as if the countless layers of meat and fat in her mouth suddenly loosen the feeling, this kind of mouth is the feeling of absolutely memorable.

Suddenly, Lei Yin felt some pain in his eyes.

However, there was a mechanical electronic voice: "congratulations on the upgrading of the host level to" ghost peak ", your personal information update..."


age: 18 (food world)

Ninja level: ghost peak

blood inheritance limit and pillar force: Eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye (right), reincarnation eye (left), whirlpool blood inheritance limit, one to six Skills: wind, fire, thunder, water, civil evasion; white teeth (s); talisman swordsmanship; second segment of flying thunder (a); spiral pill and its derivatives; three color domineering and so on.

Item list: Seal scroll, bitterness, grass shaved sword, sword in hand

psychic beast: one to six tails, cat tiger Warcraft, Baqi snail, horned rhinoceros, loyal dog dragon, and Exorcism (primary stage).

Immortal mode: civet cat Fairy Art in Shengfuling; Mudun Fairy Art

chakra amount: 3.12 billion

money: 67000 Liang (Huoying world) + 50.3 billion yuan (gourmet world)

I don't know how long it has been, and the level has finally been improved...

and so on!

It seems that some new abilities have been added.

Exorcism image (primary level)!

It's one of the unique psychics of samsara eye.

In essence, the exorcism statue is a body with ten exorcised from chakra (sealed in the moon by the six immortals, but summoned by the reincarnation eye).

Of course, Lei Yin's new acquisition of this exorcism statue, of course, can't directly absorb Nine Tailed beasts to synthesize ten as soon as it comes out.

After all, it is only the "primary stage" defined by the system. Just like xuzoneng, it needs to evolve.

Now Natalie is eating at her side, and thunder is not good enough to call this thing out to scare her.

However, Lei Yin estimated that this "initial stage" was similar to the one summoned by the young vortex gate at that time. It was just a pure nine eyed psychic beast.

Sure enough, the delicious food in this world will activate the cells, making Leiyin break through the bottleneck that has never been broken for many years.

The amount of chakras has increased from 2.6 billion to 3 billion. It seems that as Buddha said, it is absorbing all the excess chakras deposited in the body into the cells.

In this way, it is true to reach the realm of a half step emperor!

Lei Yin's joy is beyond expression. At this time, he sees that Natalie is eating happily, and her whole body is also blooming with brilliant colors like a diamond version.

His beautiful face is just like a fairy in nine days.

Lei Yin is a little crazy.

The two people who ate this meat were full and soon fell asleep...

fortunately, Natalie reserved three kilograms of meat in advance, otherwise all of them would be destroyed by Leiyin.

She also does not know why, since followed Leiyin, own appetite also rises fast, but the weight is not long.

Natalie's cells are also rapidly activating.Originally charming, she became more and more coquettish.

According to the mission instructions and the map given by boss Nuo, their next stop is the director's office of Igo Research Institute.

"105, 106, 107..."

a bald man is doing push ups, and on his back stands a huge monster with leopard print.

"Director! Director mansam

A staff member of the institute came in and reported to the bald man.

The bald man is called mansam, director of Igo Development Bureau and director of food institute.

Mansam looked up at him: "eh? Did you just call me handsome? "

A cold sweat on the staff's head: "no... no... that, the food hunter and his caterer are here."

The monster flapped its wings and flew away. Mansam stood up and said, "ha ha ha, is it finally here..."

Leiyin brought Natalie here.

Although director mansam looks fierce, but he is a very easygoing person. He came out to meet Lei Yin and the two of them: "Mr. Lei Yin and miss Natalie, I can't imagine that they are so young."

When mansam came over, the sharp thunder felt a strong aura - better than the birdmen he had met at the food fair before.

"Hello, director mansam!" Natalie said hello warmly.

"Hello." Lei Yin also said.

"Wow, ha ha! It's a great honor to meet you, Miss Natalie, who ranks 32nd among the world's cuisine people

Mannham held out her hand to show her friendliness, and Natalie held it together.

"This is Mr. Lei Yin."

Mansam looked at the sound of thunder, it was still a brilliant smile.

Lei Yin: "you are welcome, Mr. director."

At this time, the monster just stepped on mansam's back came, and looked at the thunder with a look of covetous eyes.

Ha Yi ang leopard, a large leopard with wings, has a wingspan of 25 meters, a body length of 18 meters, and a capture level of lv.35!

It's mansam's pet. It's called leech.

I don't know why, it feels very uncomfortable when it sees Lei Yin. It seems that it may eat Lei Yin at any time , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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