Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:19 PM

Chapter 579

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Lei Yin picked up one that just burst out, and it tasted like a freshly baked potato cake.

A bite in the mouth, even chewing did not come and directly swallow.

It's so delicious!

It's so delicious that I can't help swallowing it.

After the first bite, Lei Yin's appearance became more and more ugly.

At first, he took one with one hand and swallowed it directly. Later, he took one with both hands and swallowed it directly.

Natalie's food is not much better than his.

I can't stop eating.

Just swallow, the mouth is a mellow, and if chewing, it will increase the strong flavor. The throat will also be very smooth, no ordinary popcorn that kind of rough feeling.

In any case, as long as you take a bite, you can't stop. On the contrary, you feel more hungry and want to eat more.

The effect of this food on appetite is also very important...


after a few days.

Gourmet headquarters, a dark castle.

On a long dining table, there are all kinds of delicious food. At the top of the table is a man with a high chef's hat and a mustache.

Kuromad, head chef of the food club headquarters.

He picked up an insect dish and put it into his mouth, then chewed it with relish: "haven't all the people arrived yet?"

On both sides of the table sat the branch heads of the major branches of the food club and the deputy head of the headquarters.

But there are still two seats left on the right.

A Yu, the head of the second branch on the left, stretched out two fingers: "there are still Gu Lin Ba Qi and master stajiu left."

Jieli boy, the head of the third branch, picked up a banana with a strange pattern from the fruit plate and put it into his mouth: "Deputy chef stajiu is always late every time. The only ones who are never late are Lord domilot and gulinbach... Eh? Did Lord Gulin Bachi not come? "

A cold sweat on the head of deputy chef domilot: "are you too slow?"

Buki Wuzi, the head of the fifth branch, said: "it's better to restore the deputy chief chef from three to one just like before. What do you think of this? The chef? "

Kuromad looked at him: "I said you should think about me, too? If you're alone, you can't cook for the boss. "

The reason why the Gourmet Club has set up three deputy food directors is that their leader, Sanhu, has a stronger and stronger appetite. He has to increase his staff to collect food materials and cook for him. In the future, there will be more deputy food directors or the posts of food directors.

Just then, a man with an iron mask and a black robe came in.

"I'm sorry, chief chef, colleagues, I'm late."

The man said and sat down in his seat.

He is one of the deputy head of the food club headquarters, staju.

Although he came late, he was not arrogant, holding his arms in front of his chest: "it's my responsibility for the failure of the capture of the lijialu mammoth. This should be the discussion, right?"

"It's not your problem, Mr. starjiu, but the performance of GT robots. They can't transfer the real strength of the noumenon," said arufalo, a waiter at the headquarters of the food club

Saidoru, the head of the sixth branch, was covered with wounds and bandages for some reason, but now he seems to have recovered almost. At this time, he complained: "that is to say, if I can't improve the performance, I can't do it with great energy."

Alufaro turned to look at him: "Lord sedoru, your GT robot is the best, so it has played almost all of your performance."

It turns out that among the three GT robots competing with Leiyin for the flesh of gems on the legal plateau, the strongest robot behind the scenes is the sixth commander sedoru. Leiyin uses the "mini boiling hand sword" to blow it up. The manipulator thousands of miles away from Leiyin also explodes, and the manipulator is also injured.

Therefore, saidoru's injuries are also due to Leiyin.

When he said this, the Minister of the sixth branch was even more unhappy. His teeth sharpened and he cried out: "it's so noisy! So, you've made a more powerful robot

"In other words, the boy who has been against us repeatedly... Is still alive now?" When the two men were bickering, there was another dull voice from Starwood.

Yeah, how could stache not care about this, about the man who killed his brother?

Although this star Shi is not his own brother, he just sees that he has some strength, and the appetite of the three tiger boss is growing day by day. For a long time, he keeps him around as a helper, and takes a new name for him and recognizes him as his own brother.

In fact, for the death of Tashi, Tashi has no sorrow to speak of. What he cares more is what kind of people can kill Tashi.Not only staju, but also many of you are interested in it, because that man not only killed staju, but also destroyed many GT robots.

"It's said that he has joined the Igo, which makes him a hostile force that can't be ignored."

"His name is Lei Yin, right? It must be solved immediately!"

Just as he was talking, a bodyguard with a skeleton came outside.

Guard: "no, no! Mr. chef, ladies and gentlemen? "

Domino: what's the matter? What's the matter? "

"Lord gulinbach... He... He...

" is he coming? "

"No, he... He was killed!"

"What are you talking about


not only did the food party know, but soon the news spread that Gulin Baqi had been killed.

A few days later.

Igo Food Institute, director's office.

Mansam and Natalie sat aside, while Vice President Mao song looked at Lei Yin as if he had seen him for the first time.

After all, the guy who can kill the vice-president of the food club and keep himself safe is really a bit of a drummer.

What's more, the kid is less than 20 years old.

"I can't believe that there is such an existence in the world." Maumatsu murmured.

"What did you say?" Maosong's voice was very small, but the thunder didn't hear clearly, so he asked.

"Oh, nothing... Cough," Maosong cleared his throat and continued, "there's something I've discussed with President Yilong. I want to tell you."

Lei Yin: "what's the matter?"

Mao song: "Igo is preparing to set up a food battle team. I discussed with the president that we want you to be the deputy team leader. We can dispatch the food hunters under Igo to fight against the food club!"

Because Sanhu's appetite has been increasing recently, and the activities of the food club have become more and more rampant, Igo has decided to build a large-scale combat force to fight against it.

Will Lei Yin agree? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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