Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:16 PM

Chapter 582

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Leiyin did not use all his strength, and Abbott was thrown out like a ball.

Just as everyone is gaping, Leiyin has led Natalie to disappear in the sight of the crowd.

"It's really prosperous here. Although it's the first time, it's like the first time."

Natalie looks around like a curious cat.

"I said that you are a world-class chef. Can you look a little knowledgeable?" Next to the thunder, I couldn't help but make complaints about it.

Natalie's beautiful eyes look a little "angry": "huh? How dare you say miss Ben has no sense? "

Then she reached out to catch the thunder. The thunder flashed to one side, and Natalie jumped on it like a little lion.

Two people in the chase play, came to the door of the food building.

The population density here has not decreased at all.

"This is a new vending machine, Lei Yin. What would you like to drink?"

At the top of a pink vending machine, there are three golden five pointed stars. Inside, there are all kinds of snacks and drinks. The packaging looks gorgeous.

Listen to her such a say, thunder sound walks past, the eyes can't help but stare big.

This less than 500 ml can and other snacks are priced at about one million yuan.

"It's cheating, isn't it? Why is it so expensive? " Thunder sound direct way.

Natalie pointed to the three golden stars carved on the vending machine: "do you see them? It's a three-star vending machine. The higher the number of stars, the more expensive the things they sell. "


Natalie said. She took out a gold card from her bag and flashed at Lei Yin: "what are you afraid of? We have more than 50 billion now."

This card is the small Treasury that two people do Commission task to save.

Lei Yin probably looked at the things in the vending machine, including the best fresh lemon and peach juice, crystal coke, blueberry beer...

anyway, the name is high-grade drinks - in fact, they are also high-grade drinks.

"These vending machines can only be placed in places with good security. If not, it will be like money and food falling on the roadside. Especially in the gourmet city, there are guys who steal high-grade food materials... That's why these vending machines are set up. If you try to destroy them, then the gourmet escort will come soon. " Natalie slowly launched a free science popularization of Leiyin.

I didn't expect that the little girl knew a lot.

Natalie bought a bottle of blueberry beer for Leiyin. Leiyin opened it and drank it. Immediately, she felt countless sweet blueberry flavors exploding on the taste buds. The taste was wonderful.

It's worth 1.2 million yuan.

Then Natalie takes Lei Yin by the arm and takes him to another vending machine without stars.

This one is much better than the one just now, and the drinks in it are all 12 liter cans.

The price is about ten yuan.

Lei Yin was stunned. Natalie continued: "vending machines without stars are very cheap. You can buy them here."

"I'll go, so big and so cheap? I'm thirsty, too

With a brush of the card, the twelve liter drink came out like a small bucket.

Lei Yin opened the ring and poured it down directly.

His forthright manner made Natalie laugh.

After a while, more than ten liters of drink was drunk by Lei Yin.

Very common fresh strawberry juice, and the taste of the real world is not much different.

Since she came to this world, Lei Yin's food intake has also increased a lot. She used to be full of water after drinking these, but now she feels that she has just laid the foundation. Maybe this is the reason for cell activation.

After drinking this small bucket, Leiyin wiped his mouth and was attracted by a strong smell of barbecue.

Saliva is secreted involuntarily.

"Have a look, have a look! The Barbie barbecue of jedela the strange bird

Hearing the cry, Leiyin pulls Natalie to run in the direction of the sound.

"Wow! It looks delicious. "

A large meat leg with a weight of more than 20 kg is still "Yiyi" with oil and gas, and the charcoal burning stove below is red, which makes the aroma overflowing. This smell undoubtedly makes a good advertisement for the boss.

The smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. Many people gather at the door of the barbecue shop. Lei Yin uses the old method to release a little bit of imperial pressure, which makes people around him get out of the way involuntarily.

"Sister, I got it!" Leiyin took two meat legs, both more than 30 jin, thicker than his thighs, one of them handed to Natalie.

"Hey, give me such a big meat leg. You think I'm a pig."

"The taste is so fine (yes) it doesn't hurt (wrong)..." Lei Yincai, no matter what the image, bites a piece directly towards the meat leg and looks at Natalie.

Natalie lost weight because of Aimei, she only ate more than two Jin, and the rest was eaten by Leiyin.Because of cell activation, more than 60 kilograms of meat and more than 10 liters of drinks were quickly digested by thunder, and his stomach was still not filled in.

However, compared with the world's top food hunters, Lei Yin's food intake is not worth mentioning at all. The top experts like Yilong and Sanhu are estimated to be tens of thousands of tons per meal.

Looking at Lei Yin's inhumane appearance, Natalie sweats down (just pretend she doesn't know each other).

There's a fish grill not far from the barbecue.

"Lei Yin, look, it's like boneless saury over there!" As soon as Natalie tells Leiyin, Leiyin goes forward in three steps and two steps.

"Boss, we'll take them all!"

Seeing such a battle, the boss was startled at first. Then he nodded his head and said, "I know.".

In front of Leiyin alone, Natalie will show her true self. She also wolfs down and has nothing to eat. But when there are many people, she will pay attention to her goddess image.

It is estimated that Lei Yin can see the appearance of Natalie when she is eating in a mess.

In fact, she was very lovely at that time.

This boneless saury, as the name suggests, has no bones. Even the head of the fish is meat, so there is no cumbersome process of picking bones.

The fish is roasted with coke and flavored with spiced cumin.

Lei Yin ate one and wanted to drink beer very much.

After eating these, they went to a noodle shop again. Lei Yin ate more than 30 bowls of ramen and 50 kinds of meat dishes in one breath. The cook was exhausted.

The continuous strengthening of food intake also represents the continuous rise of strength.

Lei Yin and Natalie came out and ate more than seven million yuan.

Oh, anyway, I don't care about a drop in the bucket.

Natalie is very happy to spend such a time with the people she loves.

All of a sudden, Lei Yin felt a cold murderous air behind him.

An arrow wrapped in frost came whistling at Natalie... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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