Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:09 PM

Chapter 589

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Bar house, a gathering place for food hunters.

At this time, Leiyin and Natalie come in.

But no one knew them. They just thought they were ordinary food hunters.

On the other hand, Ma Qi, deputy leader of the "gourmet Gang", and Takimoto, a member of the "gourmet Knight", are still bickering.

Maggie looked at him provocatively: "boy, don't try to be brave. Don't you want your face to be like my uncle?"

Taki Wan's face is not half afraid of the color: "weak guy will be injured, uncle, your defense ability is very poor, so will be injured?"

On hearing this, Maggie felt very angry and was ready to pull out her sword.

"Hello! You are not allowed to fight here There was a roar in the tavern, which broke the tense atmosphere here. "Please calm down. Mr. Carnell is coming soon!"

This is the owner of the pub. People call him old man Sen.

Sure enough, after a while, a group of people in black uniforms rushed in.

"Mr. Cornell is here!"

Everyone was surprised, put down the hands of the action, and then the black uniform behind the people appeared an old man less than one meter tall.

He's so short that I can't believe he's a food magnate and the president of the food club, Kanel mokeyi.

He is the client of this mission.

"I'll give you 10 billion yuan. Please finish this task beautifully."

Carnell's words surprised many food hunters.

But it seems that some people are still questioning his identity.

"This man is Mr. Cornell?"

"The president of the company that sold 20 trillion yuan that year?"

"It's a company that buys a lot of food materials in the food department store every day."

"He is the convener of this mission."

All the food hunters were in an uproar.

As soon as Natalie came in, her face became strange. I don't know what happened.

"What's the matter with you?" Lei Yin asked her.

Natalie whispered in his ear, "Maggie's here, too."

"Maggie? Which is March? " Lei Yin asked.

Natalie: the one with the scar on his face. He is the deputy leader and second in command of the gourmet gang

When she said that, Lei Yin remembered. Natalie turned out to be a mercenary team of the gourmet Gang, but this mercenary team was completely annihilated by the gella giant. Only Natalie was saved by Lei Yin.

"Have you seen him?" Lei Yin asked.

Natalie: "only once, with Captain Kane and a dozen of his teammates. I don't know if he remembers me after such a long time."

Lei Yin: "it's OK to remember. Don't be afraid. I'm here."

Other food hunters are still amazed by Kanel's arrival.

"Mr. Cornell, is the fund raising that you are talking about serious?" Food Hunter bulbo asked.

And dranka, the king of the big stomach, had a look of disbelief: "no, compared with this, I want to know the location of the thick soup!"

Carnell's haughty face did not match his height: "it's a stupid question, century soup. If you want, come with me!"

This remark made the tavern boiling.

Next to him, a man in a black uniform asked, "boss, do you need a test?"

Cornell: No, take it all

The man in black had some doubts: "well, yes."

"I want to increase the probability of finding soup, even one in ten thousand," Carnell explained. And... They don't need me to assess them at all, because the nature there is a test for people. "

Lei Yin knows in his heart that the place he is going to is a "land of ice" that can freeze everything!

Indeed, there is no need to deliberately select food hunters. I'm afraid some people can't bear the temperature just there.

Natalie was a little scared and asked Lei Yin, "is it really cold there?"

Lei Yin nodded: "if you are afraid, I will take you back now."

Natalie: No, if you want to go, I will go with you

Although it's silly to say this, it's warm to hear it.

So all the food hunters in the pub went with Kanel.

They got on a luxurious ship.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for giving me the honor to come here to answer the call." With a pipe in his mouth, Carnell said to the food hunters in front of him, "first of all, let me pay tribute to your courage and courage. Now I'll tell you where the thick soup is..."

"come on, Mr. Carnell, we can't wait!" Cried a gourmet hunter.

Carnell: the place we are going to be is the frigid continent that can freeze everything. Advance to the hell of iceOnce this remark was made, there was another uproar.

Food hunter a: "ice... Hell of ice?"

Hunter B: "is that extremely cold hell where the annual average temperature is only - 60 degrees below zero?"

Hunter C: "not to mention the monster's capture level, the climate alone has designated it as a dangerous area!"

Carnell went on to explain: "some super powerful food hunters will spring up their endless food resources there, all of which are also known as" food refrigerators. ". But a few days ago, we received such information... "

part of the ice in the continent of ice has melted because of methane hydrate.

Methane hydrate can raise the temperature of the air, and its appearance also shows the appearance of century soup!

Methane hydrate bursts out once every 100 years, so it's called century soup!

"So we should find it anyway! Only once in a century will there be soup He continued.

His intelligence network is really amazing.

Everyone changed into a tight black warm suit.

This kind of warm clothing is made of materials with very high cold resistance, which can keep friction between layers and keep high temperature during activities. The market price of this dress can reach 12 million yuan per set.

"Hello, are you Lei yin?"

When Lei Yin and Natalie change their warm clothes and come out of the cabin, a man on horseback and wrapped in a headscarf greets them.

This man is Takimoto, who almost fought with Maggie just now.

"Oh, you know me?" Lei Yin felt a little strange.

"It's hard to kill Gu Lin Ba Qi, the deputy head of the food club, and destroy so many GT robots." Taki said.

"Who are you?" Lei Yin asked deliberately.

Before he could answer, Natalie said, "are you a gourmet knight on horseback?"

Lei Yin: "food knight?"

Natalie: "they are a group of gourmets who are loyal to protecting the world's food ingredients. Although there are not many people, they are a group of people with this noble spirit...

they are a group of gourmets who are loyal to protecting the world's food ingredients , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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