Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:02 AM

Chapter 59

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Because smorga is the only one with natural fruit ability in the youth training camp. Before the game, the referee came to Lei Yin with a black stick.

"According to the rules, smog is a natural ability, so in this competition, you can fight with him with a stone club."

In the youth training camp, there are very few students who can be armed with lust. Even if it does, it's not very good. Before Smog's opponents, all of them were fighting with him with the weapon of the stone.

You can't touch the entity, do you want to make a knitting with others?

"Thank you, but I don't need it."


As soon as Lei Yin said this, even the referee was stunned for three seconds.

"The second-class soldier, do you know what to say?"

"Even if you have some strength, you don't have to be so arrogant, do you?"

"Arrogance is nothing but death."

There was a lot of discussion among the students.

Even Wei Erdan, who was watching the battle, thought: when is Lei Yin going to pretend to be arrogant? There must be a limit to her arrogance...

Tina was smoking under the stage, but she didn't think it was that simple.

On the high stage, peach rabbit said: "Leiyin, do you think you have mastered the power of armed color?"

Red Dog hands in the chest, a disdainful expression: "hum, arrogant kid."

The natural system is recognized as the strongest fruit among the three families of the pirate king. Except for the dark fruit of Blackbeard, many people can't catch up with all the other natural system fruits just because they are empty.

If you want to get in touch with the natural fruit ability, there are only a few conditions: Armed color domineering, stone, sea water.

Lei Yin gave up this condition. Of course, the referee could not force the club to him.

Lei Yin's move, even Drake in the next field looked at him....

smog also looked at his opponent, did not know what medicine he was selling in gourd.

"The game begins!"

At the referee's command, Smog's right arm had been transformed into a cloud of smoke. His right hand was clenched into a fist, and he pulled out his arm and said, "white fist!"

His fists were like running clouds and running water, hitting at the thunder....

"as soon as he came up, he used the ability of [smoking fruit]. It seems that smog is going to give the second-class soldier a downfall."

"To suppress his arrogance."

"If you don't know how to fight against lust, you'll see what he can do..."

at the beginning, smog used the fruit ability. First, he made a tentative attack. Second, he wanted to know how Lei Yin dealt with his natural ability.

In the face of the sudden white fist, Leiyin's hands were flying up and down, and he had suddenly made a seal, "fengdun - great breakthrough!"

The wind attribute of level C Ninjutsu comes out boldly, avoiding smog [white fist], while blowing away the thick fog.

"Oh, it's the way to deal with Ayn."

"Is this the power of wind fruit?"

"At the beginning, I thought something was wrong. Does that guy belong to natural science?"

As for Lei Yin, since he won all the way, people always think that he has a lot of doubts, and he has always been an elusive character. Whenever he uses new tricks, there is always a lot of discussion.

A gust of wind came, smog barely held on and became dignified. Then, he quickly flashed to Lei Yin with [six moves - shaving]...

smog was not only a demon fruit power, but also proficient in [six moves].

When he got to Leiyin, smog punched him in a short distance, while Leiyin hit him with his fists at the same time. The two fists collided with each other without retreating half a step. It can be seen that the strength was equal.


This surprised the public.

What's going on?

Don't forget, although smog is just a blow, he is still in the state of nature.

"Is that... Is that armed and aggressive?"

"Should it be?"

"No... it doesn't seem to be..."

when people look at it carefully, the right fist of Leiyin, which is opposed to smog, is wrapped with light blue energy.

As we all know, the armed color is domineering on the skin. It's all painted black. What's the ghost of this blue?

The key is that it actually touches the entities of the natural system!

All the people have an incredible look and have different psychological activities.

Wei'er Danmei's eyes stare at Lei Yin in the field: that guy can always bring unexpected surprise...

Tina takes a cigarette: Lei Yin is really evil...

no one pays attention to Drake's game in the second field inside and outside the field and on the high stage. They all stare at Lei Yin and smog, and their eyes are not willing to leave half a millimeterWhat the hell is going on?

I'm afraid they won't understand even if they break their heads.

To put it bluntly, armed color is a kind of energy attached to the body, while thunder is to attach chakra to the hand, which is still an energy nature. Armed color can harden, and chakra can harden to be used as a shield.

In this way, in fact, armed color domineering and chakra flow have the same effect.

Therefore, Lei Yin chose not to use the weapon.

However, people don't know what's going on.

His opponent, smog, was even more puzzled.

"No matter how much, even if you are armed, so what?" In this way, smog turns all the elements in his body into smoke, fully opening the ability of fruit...

"white wind!"

Smorga yelled. The next moment, the whole stadium was surrounded by white smoke.

"Oh, has the big move of [smoking fruit] come out at last?"

Smog's intention is to cover the whole scene with the smoke of the elemental body, solidify the smoke, wrap the thunder sound, and quickly solve the battle.

Needless to say, the killing power of this move is really strong.

Leiyin is not to say a blow to smog, because the stadium is full of smoke, Leiyin can't even see the challenge arena clearly.

at this time, the thunder fell into a big crisis. He was like a man trapped in a thick fog prison, waiting for the decision of

. - --

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Today, in my busy schedule, I specially add a watch for you.

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