Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:04 PM

Chapter 593

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The ghosts and gods appeared behind Leiyin, which made everyone suddenly surprised.

Are ghosts coming?

When the frozen bison saw the bright giant blue suddenly appeared in front of them, they could not help but retreat.

"Want to run? It's very different from the momentum you just showed. "

Thunder banter, idea move, bright blue fist with heaven and earth panic of power, boldly fall!

One blow set off a thousand waves, these frozen bison were blown away, and the sound of wailing on the ice sheet continued.

Lei Yin's eyes gradually returned to normal shape, and the huge xuzuo behind him disappeared.

Looking at the immediate relief of the crisis, March came forward and held out his hand: "you are really not ordinary people, brother, thank you again and again for saving us."

Looking at his sincere thanks to himself, Lei Yin said with a smile, "it's nothing. Let's work together to advance."

Takima and Machi are responsible for removing the fur of the frozen bison. They are very skilled and seem to be old hands.

Maggie hands the fur to Leiyin, who puts it on Natalie. It's really useful. I feel warmer when I put it on.

The wind is still cold and howling.

"As long as you enter the iceberg, the strong wind should subside," Takimoto told everyone

"I see...


at the same time, the gourmet party and others passed the place they just passed by.

On the road, there are food hunters who have been frozen into ice sculptures.

One of the middle-aged men was frozen, but his consciousness was clear: "but... Damn, how could Uncle Ben die in such a place?"

When he was too cold to take half an inch and murmured to himself, a sharp and sharp hand, like a spear, pierced his chest and abdomen.


The middle-aged man screamed in pain, with a gloomy face without nose behind him.

"It's so pitiful that I still have consciousness when I'm frozen like this... Don't thank me. I'll help you out. Who makes me a kind person?"

What pierced the middle-aged man with his hand was the vice chef of the food club, domilot.

It was easy to end his life.

"It seems that these food hunters go in two ways," Barry Carmon said

Bukiwicz: "this group has been destroyed by us all."

"Haha, this time is not in vain. The game of hunters is really interesting."


Lei Yin and his party have come to a crystal clear iceberg.

"This is the iceberg of ice hell!"

"Look, there's a cave down there!"

"We went through all the hardships and finally...

" let's move on now! "

Arriving here, that is to say, the eight characters have finally got a glimpse of the hope of finding thick soup.

In the ice caves, there are crystal clear ice blocks that do not melt all the year round.

Natalie took off her gloves and stroked the ice on the rock wall! The ice of ice hell is so beautiful. "

Lei Yin: "Natalie, it's OK to take off your fur now."

Natalie did, "really, it's much warmer here."

Lei Yin: "because it's windy outside!"

Takimoto went forward to explain to you: "that strong wind is a local wind unique to this land. Its formation is because the air gathered by the iceberg warming under the influence of carbohydrate is pushed back by the air from the sea."

Because the story is too scientific, Lei Yin, Natalie and march all seem to understand.

"But if it wasn't for this bad weather, it wouldn't be able to thaw century soup," March said

Takima continued: "I didn't expect it would be so cold that even the gatekeeper of the ice world would be frozen."

Lei Yin said, "are you talking about the ice dragon just now? Yes, he was killed with a sword, but before that, he had been seriously injured

Natalie was surprised: "ah? Why do you know? "

"Because when it became half, I saw that his internal organs had been seriously damaged. My sword could only cut it open, and it would not damage the internal organs. That is to say, someone had done something before!"

"What?" After listening to Lei Yin's words, everyone was surprised.

And Maggie is indifferent: "whatever, century soup once in a hundred years, maybe other powerful food hunters have come to capture it. There are icebergs and caves ahead. Let's have a rest first. It's time for lunch. "

March refers to the ice dragon that has been killed.

We drag the ice dragon into the cave, take out the portable stove and start cooking."It's really delicious."

Just put a piece of leg meat into the pot, a fresh smell of meat will float in the whole cave.

"After all, it's more than level 50."

"What about century soup?"

While we were chatting, we suddenly found that on the top of the cave there was a light curtain like transparent silk, which was gorgeous and colorful.

Natalie: Wow! How beautiful

"It's said that this light curtain is also known as the curtain of delicious food because of the strong soup flying with the wind in the century," Takimoto said

Lei Yin said: "it's like a hotel that has been closed for 100 years has opened its curtain to welcome the guests."

"It seems that we have taken this as a signpost to guide us to the century soup."

"I remember that old man (Kanel) seemed to say so."

"The old man? He does seem to have said that. "

Lei Yin: "that is to say, in such a big iceberg, we need to track the aurora first."

Maggie showed some disdain: "the aurora is a signpost, which is really a fairy tale."

Natalie was a little scared: "yes, if we meet a stronger beast on the way to find it, it's more like a fairy tale."

Lei Yin said: "I don't think this method is feasible. It's just the soup of the century. We can trace back to the source and maybe find it."

Takiwa: "I also agree with Lei Yin."

Maggie: Well, by the way, I have some silver grizzly bear meat here. Let's try it

Natalie's eyes lit up: "really? It's said that this kind of meat is very good. It tastes delicious when eaten raw. I like it very much. "

Takiwan: "ha ha, I didn't expect our taste was the same. But it's like drinking warm soup quickly. "

Lei Yin patted him on the shoulder: "don't worry, we will find it."

Although Lei Yin said so, he had already felt that a force was also looking for it, and the force was not good. It seems that before we find the century soup, we will inevitably go through a battle , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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