Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:03 PM

Chapter 594

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Although the weather here is extremely cold, but everyone's passion to find soup is very high.

"It's only now that the journey officially begins. In order to be in an emergency, we must conserve our strength." Said March with a smile.

"Take a break, Maggie." Takiwan said so.

"At least you have to build up some power to surprise you." Maggie thought to herself that she had found a quiet place to rest first, and then to recover her strength.

Just now, from his state of taking off the force to the most tense state, the greater the force emitted instantly, the higher the destructive force, but that should be completely proportional to the strength and physical strength. Because of the cold, March looked tired.

Natalie asked a member of the gourmet Gang, "well, Mr. March, why did you come to get century soup?"

"The food Gang's subordinates replied:" naierge street, that's the street where we live

Natalie: "I heard that it's a slum. Igo is not a city like nilge."

"It's an illegal area where the sale of food materials is prohibited. About one tenth of the prisoners in the food prison are from the naierge street, which is their production factory," he said

"I'm so sorry, it's our hometown," said a member of the gourmet gang

Another said: "although it seems that March accepted the Commission for reward, in fact, he did it for the orphans waiting in his hometown."

Another added: "we were three street children, a group of dirty children. At that time, the only one who responded to our begging was no one else. It was Mr. March, who was the deputy of the gourmet gang at that time."

"Mr. March, he has made us children who have only eaten food rubbish eat delicious food that we have never tasted before."

"I haven't experienced any more happiness than that so far."

Lei Yin sighed: "it turns out that you joined the gourmet Gang because of your kindness at that time."

"We were saved just because of the delicious food. Although it was a big surprise, we also changed from hyenas to humans."

"Mr. March once said that he used to be a hyena, but now the group leader saved him."

"The group leader once said that if you want to repay your kindness, it's not for me, but for those hungry children in the slums!"

Natalie: "that's why..."

a backbone of the gourmet Gang: "the biggest evil is poverty. Orphans can be said to be victims, and children are innocent."

"The gourmet Gang is a troublesome organization that lives in the darkness of naierge street and is disgusted and loathed by the Igo Federation, but we can't agree that children who just live in naierge street and can't even eat enough are also treated differently."

"Mr. march always said that the first thing to eat is to have enough. Good people or evil people are the next thing."

After listening to the words of the perfect food Gang, others can understand what kind of gentle soul there is under Maggie's vicious appearance.

Natalie also felt admiration: "it's commendable to want to let children drink soup. I think Mr. Carnell, who put forward the task, will certainly approve of it."

Lei Yin spread his hands: "I didn't think about that old man from the beginning. I just want to know where the century soup is."

A member of the gourmet Gang asked Takimoto, "this job is fine. Do members of the knight really know? It's century soup. I think it's a good way to drink and admonish vegetarians. You're going the other way. "

Takimoto lowered his head slowly, as if he felt a little guilty: "the other members didn't know about this work..."

Lei Yin said: "at the beginning, I thought it was a bit strange that you were the only one who came to" food Knight ". This is not a task that a new person can complete. Then why do you take on a big job by yourself? "

Takima sighed: "money, I need a lot of money."

Lei Yin suddenly became interested: "Oh?"

"Life in the healing country, I need the medicine there to cure captain aiwan." Takimoto said with tears.

Because the food Gang's doctrine is to entrust life to nature, let it be, and use artificially developed drugs against the doctrine. Life in the healing country is quite different. There are many medicines and natural healing ingredients. If it is natural food or medicine, it will not violate the doctrine.

For this kind of behavior, the people of the gourmet Gang also expressed their appreciation one after another.

Both Maggie and Takimoto came to this dangerous place to help others.

"And you? Mr. Lei yin Everyone turned their eyes to Lei Yin.

Lei Yin said faintly, "I want to taste it, that's all."

"Ha ha ha!" At the same time, on the other side of the ice cave.

The three members of the food club are also on their way to find century soup."It's amazing. It's like a maze here." "It's really difficult to find the aurora from it, Lord domi," sighed bukiwicz, head of the fourth branch

Domi also said: "it's really troublesome... In this case, destroy this iceberg!"

"Well?" Bukiwicz and balikamon were stunned.

Let's hatch, blasters! 】

domi's hands secreted mucus, and then he secreted insects like grasshoppers.

Seeing this kind of posture, the two branch leaders were shocked: "Wow! Lord domi, please don't detonate yet! "

"Be born! Detonator

Domilot screamed. Countless locusts spread in the cave. When these insects hit the ice wall, they burst open one after another.

These insects are not ordinary insects, detonator, a head like size, capture level Lv. 25.

One by one, these insects are like heavy bombs, and the sound of explosion continues to be heard...

on this side of the cave, I heard these noises.

Lei Yin had already noticed something was wrong. She stood up and said, "I'll pack up right away. I'm going to start!"


Lei Yin: "that's the enemy. We'd better think so."

Takima does not understand: "enemy?"

Lei Yin: "yes, as far as we are concerned, they are the enemies who come to rob food materials. I'm afraid they did a good job just now."

(sure enough, the gourmet party is coming. They have lost a lot when they are looking for the meat of gems. This time, they should invest more fighting power.)

Sure enough, after a while, something flew by in the distance.

"Be careful, there seems to be something over there!"

Takimoto reminds us in a loud voice that there are strange looking flying insects flying in the distance... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!