Published at 26th of May 2022 12:47:01 PM

Chapter 596

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Leiyin has been protecting Natalie from the beginning, and carefully observing the situation of the other side, so she has never made a move.

"It seems that you are not worthy to be my opponent. I am the president of the fifth branch of the Gourmet Club. Please give me more advice, bastard!"

Bukiwicz grinned and watched Taki Maru being hit.

And March came forward and tried to stop buchiwutz with his sword.

"Your opponent... Is Laozi!"

A big man came up and blocked March's blade with his body.

And the sword that Maggie cut, it was like cutting in lubricating oil.

This is Barry Carmon.

March's sword had no effect, and Barry Carmen said with a smile, "didn't I tell you so long ago? Uncle, this grease can resist the extremely cold weather, but your toy knife can't hurt me at all. "

His famous Dao [Dragon King] was said to be a toy Dao, and Maggie was naturally upset.

"Since the knife doesn't work, how about trying this one?"

A member of the gourmet Gang said and took out a light blue machine gun.

"Ice machine gun, even in this weather, the barrel of the gun will not be damaged by freezing, give me a sense of it, big bastard!"

Members of the gourmet Gang pulled the trigger, and the light blue bullets shot like a storm.

And that Barry Carmon is still standing in place, let the bullet hit on the body, but still have been cut, no one embedded in its body.

"Well! Miscellany is miscellany. No matter how many toys there are, it's just a toy. Let's have a move! "

Barry Carmon said, his body was like a shell, and he attacked them fiercely. Maggie and the members of the gourmet gang were in a hurry to escape, but he broke the thick ice.

Looking at their embarrassed appearance, Barry Carmon said with a smile: "hum, running around like a mouse, but it's also a wise choice. If you stand still, you will be crushed into powder!"

"That bastard!"

"The machine gun has no effect on him!"

Seeing this, Maggie sighed: "well, in that case, I'd better use the famous sword [Dragon King] to deal with you!"

At this time, the famous sword [Dragon King] actually reflected a dazzling cold light in the cave...

on the other side, only one wall penguin was completely enraged, roared and roared, stormed away, and launched a crazy attack on people.

"It's so noisy, asshole!"

Domilot was annoyed by it, and released aggressive insects in his hands.

It was a mosquito the size of a slap, its mouthparts were even longer than its body, and the air was buzzing with its wings.

GEEM mosquitoes, insects, mammals, can absorb all kinds of animal and even plant juices, and its blood intake is amazing, it is said to be tens of thousands of times its own volume, capture level Lv. 39!

These gems released by domilot soon surrounded the wall penguin and drained its blood almost instantly.

The size of the mosquito is almost a circle, and the wall penguin is like a balloon punctured by a needle.

"Good... Too much!"

Looking at the tragic death of wall penguin, Natalie, who has been hiding behind Leiyin, feels very angry.

Originally, their arrival disturbed those hibernating guys. It's not their fault to go after the root. At most, they can take anesthetics. However, these guys of the food club killed them all.

The kind-hearted Natalie is enraged, but she doesn't care. She takes out her bone knife and rushes to domilot.

"Danger Lei Yin quickly stepped forward to stop.

"Oh, is there another one? I'll let you have a taste of this! " Domilot grinned and opened his right palm like a tear. Then a centipede with a length of tens of meters flew out of it!

This centipede has a pair of sharp pliers in front of its mouth, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Its name is dish worm, insect and beast, and its capture level is lv.40. It is said that the pair of sharp pincers in the front can penetrate everything.

Leiyin knew that Natalie couldn't stop this guy at all, so she quickly moved in front of her with the flying thunder chopper. The grass shaver lifted his sword and fell, and the head of the dish worm fell directly.

Domilot was slightly stunned. The head, neck and whole body of the dish worm were even harder than steel. It seemed that the boy cut it off without any effort?!

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something.

However, although the head of the dish worm was cut off, its long body was still moving, and its countless feet were as sharp as razors, which not only cut countless cracks on the ice, but also involved rayon and Natalie like a meat grinder.

Natalie was eager for revenge just now, but now she was too scared to control herself. Leiyin held her in her left hand, waved her sword blade in her right hand, and cut the dish worm into pieces.However, just like the Qiaojia spadeworm just now, although it was cut into several sections, these broken parts struggled and slowly pieced together.

"Lei... Lei Yin, these things are terrible. It seems that they can't be killed!" Seeing this wriggling body, Natalie felt her scalp tingle.

And Leiyin is not in a hurry, holding Natalie in one hand, a little bit, fly low.

"Do you think it's all right to run up there? Don't be so naive, rayon Domelo was drinking, and his hands released countless Qiao Jia spade insects and gram mosquitoes to attack them one after another. The whole sky was almost shrouded.

[does this guy know my name? 】

"eh hee hee hee! Look where you're going this time. It's best to escape to mid air. The sky is my world of flying insects, and you're just like that, Lei Yin! " Domilot put * * smile, it seems that the two have become their plate meal.

But the next moment, people's faces changed again.

Lei Yin's other hand quickly made a seal, and even Natalie felt a rising heat:

"fire escape · fire bomb!"

The hot fireballs shot out in a flash, and the mosquitoes that attacked them turned into a wave of fire. The ones that were close to them turned into ashes immediately, and even the dish worm that had been restored and assembled turned into a flame.

Leiyin and Natalie slowly fell to the ground, and they didn't even have a piece of clothes damaged.

Domilot's face sank down: "is that you who killed gulinbach?"

Lei Yin said bluntly, "that's right."

Domilot: "hum, it seems that you still have two times, but that fool gulinbach's practice is not at home yet. He and I are different."

Lei Yin smiles: "really? Generally, people with poor strength love to talk big. I don't think you are much better than Gulin Baqi. "

"Asshole, I'll let you see it next!"

"Well, let me see how many kilos you have!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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