Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:59 PM

Chapter 598

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Buki Wuzi said, actually started the scene teaching, really dislocated his right arm.

"Hum, it's a skill that I master when I treat all kinds of creatures as hosts. Now I can not only enter the human body, but also invade even the complicated organisms. Do you understand More bones and joints can make the body make more complex movements. Hum, I've done a lot of experiments for a long time

Bukiwicz said it with pride on his face.

Takima felt that he had encountered a problem: can't I judge the trajectory of this guy's attack because of his numerous bones and complex joints?

Bukiwicz then said: "even so, I still want to appreciate that you can remove the lumbar vertebrae correctly. If you are an ordinary person, you have already won or lost. Unfortunately, even if you remove the spine, I can rely on other bones to support my body, and nerves can pass through the bones all over my body."

He said, and took out a twenty kilogram iron mound from his body.

"Weight?" Takima didn't understand what he was going to do.

"Do you understand? If you don't understand, I'll let you have a good understanding! "

With that, the skeleton of his right arm was dislocated, and then he hit it with an iron mound.

A burst of the sound of breaking the air, iron mound straight to the front door, he turned to avoid, iron mound came from behind, hit him in the back of the head.

"Hum, you must understand this time?"

Taki Maru of course understand, this guy is with the advantage of his body structure, making the whole arm into a chain that can move freely!

However, the flexibility of the "chain" was far beyond his imagination. The next moment, it was like a snake whip, and the iron mound gave takiwan a blow.

"Ha ha, can you judge my movements?"

In the provocation of burkiwicz's laughter, taki Maru has been smashed and vomited blood.

[no, it's not good. It's impossible to judge the trajectory of the attack. In this case...]

Takimoto seems to have made up his mind to die. He flies up again with his fists: "bottle opener shooting!"

It's still the same as just now, hitting in the position of the abdominal lumbar spine.

"Fool, haven't I told you it's no use?"

Bukiwicz laughed, the iron mound hit him on the head, Takimoto fell to the ground again...

on the other side.

"Beat the meat head hammer!"

Ballicamon's huge body fell to the ground again like a shell, and the surrounding ice was almost fragmented by the bombardment.

Before he attacked, March had dodged.

"Damn, don't run around!"

bad ass Tucao: "who make complaints about it?"

Barry Carmon: "hum, it's better not to judge by my appearance, you mindless gourmet Gang! In the final analysis, social rubbish is rubbish. It seems that I have no vision to judge my strength! "

Hearing this, the members of the gourmet gang were not happy: "we don't want to be treated as garbage by gourmet, idiot!"

And March waved to his men, "you three, step back!"

"Deputy group leader?"

"Well, it's no use even if I retreat. I'll die in the end!"

Barry Carmon drank and flew up again: "roumi Rouge!"

When Maggie saw this, he quickly drew his sword to meet him. When the edge of the sword broke through the air, his opponent quickly backed back on the ground.

[what a quick reaction! 】

and just as March was stunned by his speed, Barry Carmon hit the ground with one foot and flew to attack from the side.

This blow, March did not avoid, was hit in the chest, he vomited blood almost fell.

"Deputy group leader!"

"You stinking fat pig!"

Members of the gourmet Gang swearing and shooting Barry Carmen again.

But because of its thick and slippery grease, bullets still can't hurt it.

At this time, Maggie forbeared, with the intention of the sword coagulating on the edge of the sword, and launched a surprise attack on his opponent: "Juhe · sanduan chop!"

In the moment of drawing the sword, March cut out three swords.

"Shell barrier!" Look at Barry Carmon again, his body is still shrunk into a ball, only showing the position of helmet, hand guard and knee protector.

Three swords cut on it, giving out three clear and loud sounds of "Ding Ding Ding".

Barry Carmon fell to the ground, stood up straight again, looked at the shallow sword mark cut out on the guard, and couldn't help praising: "hoo, that's a good knife. After cutting my shell barrier, the blade didn't break."

Maggie sighed: "that's what I'm going to say. Even my Tao can't hurt the hardness. It's a good armor!"

Barry Carmon blew his hand guard: "hum! Of course, it's made from the shell of a certain kind of turtle... The domineering turtle running across the sea is called "live torpedo". It hits the turtle! The strength and durability of this guy's carapace are second to none in nature! Originally, the capture level of impact turtles is 60, so it's a precious thing that is rarely listed in the world! "Maggie didn't seem to have much interest in his armor: "well, compared with this, what surprised me more is the speed of your reaction to my attack. Why can you be so agile in this sub freezing environment without wearing protective clothing?"

Food gang member: "is that the sweat you secrete?"

Barry Carmon: it's not sweat, it's antifreeze

Antifreeze, inhabiting in Antarctica and other places, the temperature of the fish in the sea below zero, is made of antifreeze protein in the body, which can prevent the body from freezing.

Maggie: "antifreeze? So that's it. Is that why you can maintain your body temperature in a sub freezing environment? Even the bullets of the machine gun skidded on the skin, releasing a lot of antifreeze to reduce the friction with the bullets? "

Members of the gourmet group were even more puzzled: "wait a minute, why can you secrete antifreeze?"

"That's because I like to eat animals and fish in extremely cold regions since I was a child. For a long time, because of the activation of food cells, the oil has gradually changed."

To put it bluntly, this antifreeze is the grease secreted by balikamon.

"Even so, your reaction speed and agility are still puzzling."

"You don't understand at all


"It's not my speed, it's your speed... It's too slow!"

Barry Carmon said, flying in again, his fist like a shell, and hitting Maggie out again.

"Deputy group leader!"

"Mr. march!"

Looking at Maggie, who had been defeated many times, Barry Carmon said with a smile: "you don't think you can move freely here like me, do you? Don't forget, it's very cold here...

it's very cold here , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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