Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:58 PM

Chapter 599

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Barry Carmon is still boasting about his body structure: "in this condition, the softness of muscles will be reduced, the movable range of joints will be narrowed, and people's body temperature will be lowered, so the state will not reach the highest. It is because of this that he takes time to do warm-up exercise like an excellent athlete..."

"my body is frozen because of antifreeze It doesn't freeze even in low temperature. Not only that, it can effectively maintain body temperature through protein. That is to say... My body is always at its peak, but I can show my peak at any time! You who are slow because of the extreme cold now understand why you can't keep up with me? "

Listen to him this beep, March naturally is not satisfied: "mean, is this your home?"

Maggie said jokingly, thinking of what Barry Carmon said just now: it's because my action has become slow, and if my instant power is reduced due to the cold, the power and speed of my skill will not be able to fully play, so I need to be more... More energetic...

thinking about this, Maggie's body actually stands straight, closes her eyes, and blooms an extraordinary spirit Interest.

"Oh? Good. Are you going to die gracefully? Then I'll crush you into meat sauce right away

Barry Carmon thought he had made up his mind to die, so he wanted to go up and finish him quickly.

Bang, a loud sound, a shock hit his helmet, because its material is very hard, so it did not cause much damage to him.

It was a member of the gourmet gang who shot him.

"Do you just have no brain? Boar bastard

"Sometimes I have to change my direction!"

"Come on, come on, let's be your opponent!"

They knew that Maggie was saving power for that chop, so they deliberately provoked Barry Carmen to attract his eyes and buy time for Maggie.

"Ah? You three rubbish

The cells in Maggie's body are gradually activating and boiling: please just hold on for a moment. The time required to complete the full accumulation is... Three minutes!

These three members are Lam, Xin and Lai Yi.

On average, one person takes exactly one minute, and the task of delaying and blocking is temporarily given to them.


"Minced meat crumples!"

Pali kamun flew forward, made three quick punches, and knocked them to the ground in an instant.

Then he looked at them with disdain on his face: "Hey, at least one of them gave me ten seconds!"

Rahm: asshole

New: "Mr. march! Please build up your strength and trust us

"Please. It's not easy to keep angry, make my muscles tense, and make my body full of strength in a moment. Even so, new words make me calm again. I just don't try to calm down the uncontrollable anger, but hide it in my heart... When the accumulation is completed, the anger will multiply. " Maggie tried to calm down and concentrate.

"You worthless rubbish, die for me, die for me as soon as possible!" Barry Carmon was frantically trampling on a knocked down Lai Yi family.

Ram took out his Sabre and chopped it at Barry Carmen's head. Then he heard a loud bang, and the blade broke like glass.

Barry Carmon didn't brag. The helmet on his head was made of the shell of a collision tortoise of capture level 60.

"Well! Let's see, boar bastard The new dog leaps over the wall and takes out the ice machine gun to shoot at Barry Carmon again.

But it was exactly the same as just now. The bullets that hit him were pulled out one after another.

"You two rubbish idiots!" Barry Carmon swearing, one by one to grasp the collar of the two, hard helmet hard against the two heads.

All of a sudden, Lam and Xin felt a whirl, and felt that the skull was about to crack.

"It's easy to die. I'll send you on the road right away!"

"Minced meat crumples!"

"Minced meat mallet!"

"Minced meat kicks hard!"

Balikamon made a stormy attack on the defeated three, who were almost beaten out of shape.

"Hum! You deserve it! Do three people stick to it for two minutes? "

"It's still... It's not over yet..." the moribund Lai Yi still doesn't want to give up. He goes forward and hugs Barry Carmen's leg, and wants to continue to delay.

"You're such a pestering bastard. Go to hell now!" Barry Carmon yelled, his fists pounding at Lai Yi.

Looking at this situation, Maggie's anger has almost reached the limit.

"Bye... Please... Please take revenge for us..." ram is dying, and his bones don't know how many are broken."Hum, minced meat is finished. Even if it's made into minced meat, it can't be used for cooking!"

At this time, three minutes have come!

Barry Carmon felt a strong breath, but he still said with a smile: "the third brother gave birth to fresh garbage. This is your companion! I'm afraid you can't, because I'm afraid you're going to turn into garbage soon! "

At this time, Maggie's blade came out of its sheath.

Like a volcanic eruption, a dazzling cold light flashed by, and a strong sword air chopped at Pali kamun's head.


But nothing seems to have happened.

Maggie slowly retracted the knife and returned to the sheath: "your armor, I remember you said it was made of tortoise's carapace?"

And Barry Carmon is still shocked, because he didn't see his opponent's action when Maggie made the chop just now.

"I'll tell you, too, the material for making my weapons. This knife is made from the teeth of that dragon... Whose teeth can crush everything in the world...

"that dragon? Teeth? "

Maggie then explained, "the owner of the tooth is the Dragon King who lives in the sea, Leo! It's a monster that can smash the carapace of a sea turtle and prey on it

"No, it's impossible! It's impossible! "

Balikamon's face was full of amazement, and his helmet had split.

The capture level of reosaurus is far higher than that of the collision tortoise!

Therefore, this famous Dao is called "Dragon King"!

"Ram, Xin and Lai Yi, I've avenged you!"

"Cut off? This strongest armor was actually... "Up to now, Barry Carmon still can't believe what has happened.

"With the strongest accumulation of power and the strongest anger, Leo's hunting characteristic is the instant power when he enters the attack state from completely cutting off the breath. The famous Dao [Dragon King], this may be the first time to exert all his strength!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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