Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:53 AM

Chapter 6

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Looking at only 20 or 30 people led by the mayor who dare to resist, they are holding their swords and thinking about baki's killing, baki can't help but feel funny.

"Don't these stupid people know what it's like to beat a stone with an egg?" So he murmured, and then Bucky ordered, "come on, fire me!"

The pirates had to order them to push the shells into the gun bore, light the fuse, and then the dark shells were fired out...

five shells fell on the people who rushed up, and they exploded huge sparks one after another. With a roar, the townspeople were scattered.

Looking at the bloody townspeople who were bombed, Bucky touched his big red nose and laughed more complacently on board.

The pirates were also influenced by the victory in front of them. They asked Bucky, "Captain, let's go down and fight with them!"

Bucky said with a smile, "don't worry. Let me give them another blow."

With that, Bucky stretched out his foot, and three bullet holes appeared on the right side of the shoe, "special Markey cannonball!"

Then, from one of the bullet holes on the shoes, a shell only the size of a bean shot came out and landed in the residential area. Then, a roar several times larger than just now arrived.

In the place where the shells exploded, smoke billowed, and many buildings on the island were damaged to varying degrees.

Bucky likes to attack people with shells, and this [Markey shell] is a shell with great destructive power developed by Bucky.

"Little ones! Get down here and take this town! "

"Woo Hoo!"

At Bucky's command, the pirates rushed off the ship with guns and swords, like chicken blood. Mocky rode the lion Ricky, and kabaji rode the unicycle to kill the innocent people wantonly.

Wailing and begging for mercy were heard all the time.

But still can not stop the ruthless sword and bullets.

This is a one-sided massacre, a battle without suspense.

Time goes back to the present.

Because yesterday's physical consumption is too much, and sleep very late, so that now Leiyin just got up. He did not hear the sound of fierce fighting in the morning.

Lei Yin just escaped from the bottom cabin and frowned when she saw the mess of orange town.

And Bucky's order is to lock Lei Yin in the cabin for two nights. Naturally, no one paid attention to him.

At this time, the pirates on board all went to the island to burn, kill and plunder, while Lei Yin, who just came out, jumped out of the boat and approached orange town...

"how did you get out?" Some of the pirates saw him.

Hearing the pirates' unkind questions, Lei Yin casually pulled out his ear: "how can you stop me with your broken wooden door?"

At this time, Bucky, who was counting the results of the battle, came over and said, "smelly kid, I let you sneak out..."

Mocky: "Captain, this guy dares to disobey your orders. Let's put him to death now."

"Yes, yes..."

the pirates also echoed.

These pirates have killed Tuzhen red eyed just now, so they want to kill the weak Lei Yin at the same time. What's more, this guy has offended the captain?

Lei Yin said with a smile: "it's not me who slander you. Just you assholes and rotten eggs can't help me at all."


After listening to Lei Yin's words, everyone was surprised at first, and then burst out laughing with one voice.

"Isn't there something wrong with this guy's head?"

"Ha ha, I'm so happy..."

"Hey, I heard you right just now, he said we can't help him?"

"This guy, is the spirit of being bullied abnormal?"

Scornful laughter came and went one after another, and some of the pirates even began to cover their stomachs with laughter...

laugh, laugh, you can't cry later...

kabaji on one side couldn't help himself. He rode a unicycle and said to baki with a sinister face: "Captain, I'll kill him for you."

Bucky put his hands on his chest: "that's fine."

Hearing the speech, kabaji waved his Western sword and stabbed at Leiyin...

Leiyin dodged his stab, then hit kabaji in the ribs.

Kabaji received the punch, flew several meters directly from the unicycle, and then fell to the ground with a scream.

Of course, this fist is not an ordinary one, but Leiyin attaches chakra to the fist, so it has such power.


Looking at kabaji wailing in pain on the ground, the pirates couldn't believe their eyes.

Bucky couldn't believe it. The puzzled clown's face became more funny. "What did you do to kabaji, you guy?"

Lei Yin clenched his fist: "are you blind? Didn't you see it all just now? I know what I'm asking. "Bucky's face became more and more ugly: "you are so brave, how dare you talk to Uncle Ben?"

"That's what I said. What's the matter? I've put up with you for a long time, bloody red nose Lei Yin's eyes were sharp, staring at Bucky.


The pirates were shocked.

In less than three days, there were two people named Bucky big red nose, and the last kid yelled so blatantly, which was against you!

In the eyes of the public, Lei Yin has been sentenced to death.

"Dare to... Dare to call me big red nose, you irritate me, I'll blow you up to no bones left!"

"Come on, big red nose!"

When Bucky heard the words, he began to roll his eyes: "good... Good, I changed my mind. I'll kill you myself, and then I'll get rid of my hatred!"

With that, Bucky took the four throwing knives at his waist in his right hand, and then he fired them at Lei Yin, "fall apart

Looking at the flying and holding the right hands of four throwing knives, Lei Yin finally launched his own Ninja...

Lei Dun - thousand birds!

When baki's [fragmentation cannon] came, Leiyin's body had already been entangled by lightning. He raised his right hand and made a defensive gesture...

but when baki didn't touch Leiyin's body, he just touched the lightning he released, he was suddenly convulsed by electricity.

Bucky's right hand is separated from his body, which is just the ability of the devil's fruit. In fact, his bodies are interlinked.

When you look at Bucky again, even his big red nose is blackened by electricity.

Bucky's split fruit is not afraid of chopping, and even can use the fruit's ability to escape quickly.

But this does not mean that he is not afraid of lightning or fire and other elements.

"Captain Bucky!"

Seeing that Bucky had been electrocuted to death, several of his confidants rushed to Lei Yin with their swords...

all came to die!

Lei Yin thought that he would not be polite to lead the thunder and lightning to these rushing pirates , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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