Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:01 AM

Chapter 60

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Four into the second finals of the first division, not only thunder was surrounded by fog, even the entire stadium is out of reach.

Is that all?

In the gradually solidified smoke, flashing a pair of bright eyes...

"sangouyu writing wheel eyes - open!"

In Leiyin's eyes, there are three gouyu, because it opens the "writing wheel eye". Even if Smog's body is empty, Leiyin can still clearly see the center of smog. At this time, on the arena full of smoke, it is very clear in Leiyin's "writing wheel eye".

"Flying thunder god chop - big jade - spiral pill!"

Just as the smoke was about to completely solidify, the thunder quickly moved into the air, and the cyclone ball gathered on the hand fell down to smog's place!

Taking the [spiral pill] as the center, with a huge roar, it exploded in all directions, and half of the arena was trampled.

Smog couldn't resist the powerful attack at all. At this time, his eyes turned white, he vomited a mouthful of blood and fell directly on the ground. He recovered to the original state, and the thick fog on the field immediately dispersed.

The referee even announced: "four into two, the first division, the winner, Lei Yin! He... He will go straight to the finals to fight for this year's championship

Off the court.

"That second-class soldier is really not simple."

"You can't judge a man by his appearance."

"In other words, what are his unique skills?"

"We've never met."

"Let alone seeing, even hearing..."

at this time, there is no doubt about Lei Yin's strength in everyone's mind, and no one dares to underestimate this kid with the lowest rank. Even if it is the lowest rank, with his ranking examination results, it is enough to be promoted to lieutenant general.

Not only among the students, but also the red dog on the high stage looked slightly sideways: "this... How is this possible?"

Major general peach rabbit showed a rare smile: "it seems that the youth training camp has a strong guy."

Mole lieutenant general: "well, Lei Yin, should also be the key training object."

Kapp's face brightened when he heard what people said: "hahaha, that's natural..."

and in another arena of the four in two promotion, Drake also beat his opponent and won.

In other words, this year's final is the final match between Drake and Leiyin!

The final competition will be three days later, when the strongest cadets of the youth training camp will be out. By that time, marshal Fozhi of the Navy headquarters and the three generals of the Navy headquarters will all be present.

Who will win the final?

Everybody wants to know.

Leiyin defeated smog, walked down from the challenge arena with a flat face, and saw Tina head-on.

Tina didn't know why, when she saw Lei Yin, her face turned red: "Lei Yin, congratulations...


What's the matter with this guy? Don't you always talk to yourself fiercely?

Lei Yin looked at her: "nothing."

Tina looked at Lei Yin, her face was still flushed, and then she ran away like a kitten.

"What's wrong with this guy today? Did he take the wrong medicine?" Looking at Tina's running back, Lei Yin muttered to herself.

That night, in order to forget the sadness of AI Yin's leaving, Lei Yin practiced harder.

Since entering the Navy headquarters, Lei Yin has not only practiced Ninjutsu, but also the strength of the body.

In order to exercise their physical fitness, usually, they are tied to about 100 kg sandbags in training, since AI Yin left, Lei Yin doubled the number.

Physical pain, may weaken the sad miss it.

"Ha ha ha, so hard."

Lei Yin was sweating when an old man's voice came.

It's not Kapp. Who is it?

Lei Yin saw him, wiped the sweat on his forehead, "Oh, old man..."

Kapp came to pat him on the shoulder, "smelly boy, you're doing well. I'm really glad to see your performance."

Lei Yin laughs: "it's nothing..."

suddenly, Kapp's hand comes down from Lei Yin's shoulder: "Ai Yin has gone, you feel uncomfortable..."

when Lei Yin hears the speech, he says: "nothing, we are just friends."

"You don't have to explain this to me, so in order to ease your depression, I told Tina to introduce her to you." Kapp put up a finger.


Lei Yin has a big mouth, even can plug a football.

"Don't you lie to me, old man?"Kapp laughs brightly: "of course, I have said to Tina today," I think you and rayon are very suitable. Why don't you try to get along with each other? " Tina's face turned red when she heard this sentence. I think she also has some interest in you. I didn't expect that you are really good, hahaha...

no wonder Tina saw herself today just like she took the wrong medicine. It was Kapp.

Previously, when Leiyin first came to the youth training camp, Kapp said that he would introduce Tina to him. Originally, he thought it was a joke. Unexpectedly, Kapp, the old man who didn't slip away, really said it.

"Don't you, you're too much of a mess, aren't you?"

"Hahaha, it's not Ayn's gone. I think you're depressed. That's why I gave it to you."

Hearing this, Lei Yin's head is full of black lines, and ten thousand alpacas pass by in his heart: "old man, if you do this, I will be more depressed. I have to take part in the finals. How can I have time to think about such things?"

"Can you try it first. Don't waste the heart of my matchmaker. "

"You look like a" red Lord "at most. I don't have that mind....

ah, for Kapp's always disorderly temperament, Lei Yin has no temper at all.

Sure enough, the next day, Tina came to find Lei Yin.

When Leiyin saw Tina, she felt uncomfortable all over and showed a pale and painful expression.

Tina looked a little wry: "that... Yesterday... Kapuzhong came to me in the future."

When Lei Yin heard this, she suddenly felt that she was not good: "Oh, that thing, I think you misunderstood..."

Tina: "what do you mean by this?"

Lei Yin said: "last night, the old man told me that, but I didn't know when he told you, so...

" so, are you playing with Tina? " Tina's face turned white when she heard this.

"No, I didn't know about it before. Please don't get me wrong." Lei Yin waved his hand.

Tina is already furious: "you bastard, it seems that Tina wants to talk to you... Hum! You big idiot

After hysterical shouting, Tina ran away in a huff and puff , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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