Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:53 PM

Chapter 604

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Taki Wan took the medicine and spat out two mouthfuls of blood.

"Ah? Tie Ping, what's wrong with takiwama? " Looking at takima's appearance, Natalie was a little scared.


This side just cured Maggie's right leg. I didn't expect that there was another problem there.

Previously, takiwan was surrounded by Glasgow bee. Although he was dispelled by thunder sound with fire, he still left many small wounds on his body. Now he has fainted.

Tieping did not expect that the toxin would be so violent.

He stretched out his right thumb, and his fingernail became 67 cm long. Then he took out a small medicine bottle containing green liquid from his arms, and the long fingernail on his thumb stretched into the medicine bottle to wash the liquid out: "this is the healing tree extract to remove the toxin. Although it has strong efficacy, it should be able to bear with Taki Wan's physique. The first thing to do is to restore blood pressure and body temperature." As he said this, he stabbed his nail into the artery of Longwan's arm: "the toxicity of grass bee venom is not particularly strong, but it attacks quickly. I wanted to use the pills just now to suppress it, but I underestimated its development speed

In this way, green liquid slowly into the body of Takimoto.

After a while, taki Wan spat out two mouthfuls of blood and opened his eyes slowly.

Tie Ping smiles: "how do you feel after waking up?"

"Oh... It's tie Ping..." with that, takiwan was about to sit up.

"Wait a minute, you can't move now. Although you have recovered temporarily, bee venom has eroded some tissues and cardiopulmonary functions. You are still seriously injured." Tie Ping said, and took out a green seed like a marble from his arms, "Taki Wan, eat this."

"What's this?"

"Fertile seed."

On one side, Natalie heard this and said, "ah? Fertile seed? Isn't that a therapy that limits the use of eight methods of food? "

"That's right." Tie Ping put the fertile seed into Takimoto's mouth. "He's not only a bee venom now, but also an internal injury left after fighting with bukiwicz. The combination of the two is very serious, so he must eat this."

"It's very bitter. As long as you don't chew and swallow, it's OK. Although there is a small amount of toxin in it, which will kill a small number of cells, there will be a greater recovery. Originally, it is a medicine that can maximize the healing ability of the body. "

Although Maggie's right leg was thawed, he was still paralyzed and didn't walk very well. He came over and said, "Mr. regenerator, why did you come to save us?"

"I've been involved in the regeneration of food materials for many years, so I know very well that it's impossible to regenerate the life span of food materials, rotten food materials... And do anything else."

Tieping's answer is different, and he goes to the food display window.

"Ha?" No one really understood what he was saying.

There was another violent tremor in the ice cave.

Bonis of hell and the parasite return to the top of the food display.

The two countries are still fighting fiercely.

Such as two ancient beasts fighting, blood and flesh, red light everywhere.

Capture levels are 72 and 81.

The destructive power caused by these two factors is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The food display window, which is already hard to support, shows signs of collapse again.

"Are these two bastards finished or not?"

Lei Yin really can't go on watching.

Then he put his hands together and his eyebrows turned purple.

A strong breath can't help but attract everyone's eyes.

"Xianfa Mudun · Wuji phagocytosis!"

Left hand water, right hand earth, hands together, the wood property of chakra has been formed, plus the immortal model, its breath is as lush as the forest.

"What's the matter?"

Tie Ping eyebrows slightly a Zheng, a mass of black as black hole energy material actually suspended in the hands of Lei Yin.

Then, the mass of black matter extended like black water, burying Bonis and the parasite in the rolling darkness.

"It feels like Blackbeard." Looking at the extended black air, Lei Yin murmured in his heart.

Then, the vibration in the ice cave gradually decreases until it disappears.

The darkness faded like a tide.

When the darkness completely disappeared in his palm, Lei Yin's eyebrows also returned to their original color, and the immortal mode was relieved.


Bonis of hell and the parasite have disappeared.

"What... What?"

What shocked Tieping the most was that he even cried out involuntarily.

These two are ancient Warcraft, especially the hell Bonis. They have been guarding the food display window for thousands of years. Their level 70 or 80 strength has few rivals in the world, so they are gone?

Is it really this kid who did it?!

Wuji phagocytosis is a kind of Mudun immortal skill handed down to him by Buddha when Leiyin is in the world of fire shadow. It can absorb the material and ability of the target organism or non organism for its own use!However, the level of swallowing the target must be lower than two levels, otherwise there is a risk of being backfired.

At the beginning, the so-called "God of Ninjutsu" of the early generation of Huoying qianshouzhu did not learn this move!

Say, in the world of fire shadow, he also used this move to devour Sakai.

So he got all his moves.

When people were thinking, the food display window trembled again.

It's going to collapse!

After thousands of years, the food display window has become a bit rotten. After the toss of Bonis in hell and the parasitic King worm, it's like the last straw to crush the camel.

"Damn it, ram! Lai Yi! New

March's three companions couldn't move. He could only carry one at most. Seeing the cave collapse, he was very anxious.

Takiwan's body hasn't recovered, and it's very hard to move.

Natalie was a fool, too.

Everyone is in danger.

Tieping saw this and threw a pea like green seed to the ground.

Miraculously, the seeds infiltrated into the ice, and Tieping took out a test tube and dropped some orange liquid. The seeds took root and germinated quickly, just like the wildly growing Parthenocissus, which supported the food display window.

"This can only delay time for a while, and the hole will still collapse! Let's get out of here! " It turns out that this one made by Tieping only serves as a temporary support and can not fundamentally solve the problem.

"What about the century soup?"

Maggie, they have come here for the sake of century soup. If the ice cave collapses, it means they have come here in vain. What they have done before is futile. How can we not let people down?

"If you don't run, you'll lose your life. What kind of soup do you want to drink?" Tieping warned loudly.

That's exactly what he said.

But at this time, Lei Yin said, "I think March is right."


Leiyin light said: "we go through all the hardships to come here, so disheartened to go back, it is not too disappointing?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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