Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:50 PM

Chapter 607

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"It seems that these boys are seriously injured."

Seeing that ram, Lai Yi and Xin were wrapped like mummies, Jie Nai couldn't help saying, "I'm afraid it can't be cured."

Natalie: well? No? "

Hearing this, Maggie was worried: "grandma Jie, you are so strong, please try to save them!"

"Deputy group leader..."

Jie Nai sighed: "it's not that there is no way at all. As long as you go to the country named life, there may be treatment."


Leiyin light said: "it seems that there are more than three of them, Takimoto's situation does not look very good. If you want to go, you'd better go right away."

Mother Jie then said, "there's a regenerator with excellent skills there."

With these words, tie Ping scratched his head, but he was very proud with a smile.

Jie Nai looked at him, five black lines on his head: "what are you proud of? I'm talking about your master."

Maggie: it shouldn't be too late. Let's start right away

"Goal healing country, let's go!"

Jie Nai yelled, and the huge hatch of the flying jellyfish slowly closed and flew higher.

Because the flight is relatively smooth, I don't know how fast it is.

Natalie looked out of the window in a good mood at the endless land and the blue sky: "the land of healing, it's the first time to go there. Can life really cure them? "

Festival is not tight, slow way: "who knows? It depends on luck. "

Lei Yin was stunned: "ah? Does it depend on luck? "

Hearing her words, March also had no confidence: "the seriously injured Lai Yi, ram and Xin go there, can they really wake up?"

Tie Ping pointed to the other side: "the Taki pill over there is the same. We can be saved because of the thunder."

On the hospital bed, there were three of March's men, all wrapped up like mummies.

Tie Ping went over and looked at the three of them again: "because the extreme cold almost froze their blood, so their bodies also froze. But it's a good thing. It slows down the rate of tissue necrosis, even brain cells. "

Hearing this, Maggie was relieved: "fortunately, it's very cold there. By the way, tie Ping, what kind of bandage did you use for them? "

Tie Ping explained: "it's a kind of plant called 'regenerative aloe'. This kind of plant has extremely strong vitality. It can grow completely as long as it retains its roots. Needless to say, trauma, even frostbite and burns can be basically cured. That's the price of 50000 yuan per decimeter. Remember to give me the medical expenses later. "

"Why?" When Maggie heard the words, there were five black lines on her head.

Of course, tie Ping, this is a joke.

Then, Maggie said gratefully, "I didn't expect that one day our Gourmet Club would be saved by the rebirth family."

Tie Ping said: "well, we've arrested some gourmet gangs before, but they're all very aggressive guys, which, in a way, has damaged the balance of the food industry. They're still very different from you. I haven't arrested anyone on Mr. Long's side yet. "

When she heard this, Maggie couldn't help but be stunned? Do you know our team leader? "

Maggie is the deputy leader of the food Gang, and Mr. long is his boss.

Tie Ping said with a smile, "Mr. long and my master are still old friends. After Mr. long is injured, he will come to my master to treat him."

Maggie's look of amazement did not disappear: "difficult... Can we say that the regenerator he met is..."

tie Ping did not answer Maggie's words directly, but suddenly became positive: "this is not a strange thing, regenerators can not represent justice, if we have to add a Title, then we are 'friends of food ingredients' We arrested one of the four kings of delicious food earlier. "

Hearing this, Lei Yin took it to heart.

He said that one of the Four Heavenly Kings is...

"look at it! Here we are

When Lei Yin is thinking, Jie Nai reminds everyone loudly.

The flying jellyfish landed slowly.

All of a sudden, there are many butterflies of palm size around.

These butterflies come in two colors.

Red and blue.

The quantity is too large to measure.

The two-color butterfly seems to have a natural closeness to people.

Around, like a fairy tale world.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

Attracted by the scene, Natalie jumped out of the jellyfish to receive the welcome of the butterfly.

"Tie Ping, what's the matter with these butterflies?"

Tie Ping replied, "these are therapeutic butterflies. They can find weak parts or diseased parts of people or animals, and stay on them.""These two colors look really eye-catching."

Tie Ping continued: "the blue butterfly will stop at a relatively light position, while the red butterfly will stop at a relatively heavy position. If the symptoms are very serious, then both kinds of butterflies will stop."

People look.

All over the bandages, Lam, Lai Yi and Xin all had red butterflies on them.

There are a few red butterflies on Longwan.

Maggie had a lot of physical strength in the battle, suffered some trauma, and fell a lot of blue butterflies on her body.

Tie Ping and Natalie have only a few blue butterflies.

And then look at Lei Yin, who did not even half a butterfly.

It's proof of good health.

The whole country is surrounded by green vines, forming a huge wall, and into the inside to know the size of the country.

At a glance, there is no end at all, but there are a lot of wounded people who are helped to walk, just like a super large hospital.

"These are...

tie Ping:" should this be normal? Serious patients from all over the world have gathered in the healing country. We are not pursuing the most advanced medical technology, but the pursuit of natural cure. "

In fact, this is not true, because you look up and see a hospital.

It says "life hospital.".

The most advanced medical devices in the world are used here.

Of course, it is also combined with many natural drugs.

"Let's go in and have a look." March is very anxious. He wants to cure the problems of his three companions immediately.

Tieping reminded: "we are not going here."


"Come with me."

Everybody follow tie Ping to the East.

A huge hot spring pool called "hot spring shark".

On hearing the name, Natalie was startled: "hot spring shark? Is there a predatory shark in it

Hearing this, five black lines suddenly appeared on Lei Yin's head: "if there were that kind of thing, would there be so many people in the pool? Isn't it eaten long ago? "

Natalie stuck out her tongue sheepishly. "It's the same thing." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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