Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:46 PM

Chapter 611

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Sword Kingdom, east coast.

A huge pirate ship, like a giant sea demon, is moving forward.

The pirate flag alone is frightening.

A polite skull was wearing lipstick, and the palm of his hand beckoned like death.

Even the average Navy should stay away from this flag.

They are a pirate group with the family as the core group.

Junlin, one of the four emperors on the sea, is the bigumam Pirate Group!

"Ma Ma! Why is the island so quiet? I don't think that old guy Kato has come yet

A tall, fat old woman with a telescope was observing the situation on the island.

This man is the captain of the ship, one of the four emperors, Charlotte Lingling, bigumam, offering a reward of 4.388 billion Bailey!!

He and KEDO have formed an alliance, this time together to get the history text.

Both of them are not satisfied with the position of the fourth emperor. They want to take a step closer and become the king of Pirates like Gore D. Roger and conquer the sea!

"Ma Ma, does it matter whether he comes or not? In my opinion, we alone can destroy this island a hundred times. "

It was a long legged beauty with a sword on her back.

Bigumam has four generals.

He is a vice emperor who is equally famous for the three major disasters of his subordinates.

Extremely powerful!

This is Charlotte Lingling's fourteenth daughter, ranking second among the four generals. The juice minister, Charlotte smudge, offers a reward of 932 million Bailey!

"Yes, Ma Ma, you worry too much. We don't need their help at all."

This is boxmus, a cadre fighter of bigumam pirate regiment, offering a reward of 330 million Bailey!

The same long legged man said, "I don't think that's the point. We want to help Ma Ma become the king of pirates. If the text is taken away by Kato, then our chance will be smaller. "

This is also the senior combatant of the Pirate Group, the egg Baron, offering a reward of 429 million Bailey!

Charlotte snag, the fourth of the four generals, hugged her arm and said, "Ma Ma, he has discussed with Kato, who first found out that the text must leave a rubbings for each other. Although the old devil is not very good tempered, since we have formed an alliance, that guy will not break his promise."

"No, no!"

Charlotte katakuli, the head of the four generals, suddenly exclaimed, attracting everyone's attention.

"What's the matter, brother?"

"What happened, my son?" Asked bigumam.

Katakuli face is very nervous: "Ma Ma, this island, there is a very strong presence!"


Jianhao Island, South China Sea.

Make a pirate ship head for the island.

A man with red hair was lying on the deck with his head on his only arm, looking at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Chief! It should be ahead. We're almost there

A fat man gnawed at a chicken leg and reported to the captain.

When a red haired man hears this, a carp gets up from the ground and looks at the island with his palms between his eyebrows...

the weather before the storm is always very quiet.

People on the island do not seem to know how much disaster will come here.

But the mantis catches the cicada, the Yellow sparrow is behind.

These come to the pirates do not know, there are people watching them.

And all people will not think, what kind of existence will appear next.

Marine headquarters, marinfando.

"Report to marshal, lieutenant general flying will find a large pirate ship about 550 nautical miles away from Jianhao island. From the appearance and flag, it should be the first of the three major disasters under the account of Kato, ember

The herald respectfully saluted the marshal and reported truthfully.

In fact, the Navy had information before.

Knowing that there was a historical text on Jianhao Island, they knew that there must be actions from all sides, so they sent some spies to investigate the movements of Sihuang and some big pirates.

After hearing the report, the Warring States period pondered for a moment and said, "well, I know that all the pirates act together and get together. The disadvantage is that it is not easy to deal with. The advantage is that it may be an opportunity for us to annihilate them at one stroke. "

"Yes, this is a double-edged sword. If the four emperors unite, it will be a great headache for us. We must contact the holy land," he said

"That's what I mean. In this way, I'll send three generals, red dog, green pheasant and yellow ape, to approach Jianhao country from the East, North and south, and inform the G-15 branch to cooperate fully. I'll contact the commander-in-chief immediately and ask them not to use force first. ""Yes, marshal!"


at the height of seventeen kilometers above Jianhao country, the white sea.

A huge man with a pair of horns was looking down at the endless sea and land.

People on the empty island are called Qinghai.

The huge man looked down and seemed to be looking for a suitable burial place for himself.

There seems to be no fear and nostalgia in my heart.

His fist, like a millstone, burst through the clouds, and his huge body fell down directly...

kingdom of swordsman.

Leiyin, Bacchus chott and Nicole Robin walk towards the palace after dinner.

Lei Yin expressed some doubts about her views just now: "Robin, are you sure it's in the cemetery of the palace?"

Robin said with a smile, "Captain, have you forgotten about alabastein?"

Lei Yin certainly remembers.

There are two historical texts in the cemetery.

According to Robin's analysis, the kingdom of swordsman is likely to do the same.

First, because the text is all stone tablets, it is most suitable to be placed in the cemetery.

Second, neither the king nor the minister is likely to put such an eye-catching thing beside him.

Because they knew in their hearts that these were the things that the four emperors coveted. In this case, how can they stay in a big way?

Sometimes, even the king himself did not know whether the text was in his own country or not.

Because the text stone tablet has a long history, the Yutian family's carving in the country of Hezhi has been handed down for 800 years, and a total of 40 or 50 pieces, basically disappeared.

So, maybe it was the father or ancestor of the kingdom or even the older king who secretly left the stone tablet here, maybe it was for other reasons.

And there are always some people in this world who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos.

Although they knew the information, they couldn't take away the stone tablet, so they spread the information.

It doesn't matter if it's spread. Once it's spread, it will attract all the big names from all sides.

What is the fate of waiting for the kingdom of swordsmen? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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