Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:41 PM

Chapter 616

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The relationship between red hair and eagle eye, in the words of the world, is that they are both old enemies and close friends.

They often exchanged swordsmanship, and both grew up to be four emperors who could talk with white beard equally. The scene of the duel was rated as "as profound as yesterday's battle" by white beard.

After that, shanks lost a hand to save Luffy and could no longer fight Hawkeye.

For a time, guns and guns were equally famous in Jianhao's country, and the cry of killing was loud.

"Would you please stop? It's been damaged a lot here. "

All of a sudden, a god like voice almost reached everyone's ears.

Although the voice did not take any command tone, but all of them stopped fighting.

The war, which could not be prevented, ended abruptly in an instant!

In mid air, a boy in a white robe was standing in the air, overlooking the whole battlefield.

He had a three foot long sword on his back.

He has long hair and a handsome face.

Lei Yin was stunned, and Robin and Baxter were also stunned.

Isn't this guy the steamed bread guy I met in the restaurant?

His feet are like stepping on transparent glass, standing in the air like that.

A gust of wind blowing, his white robe also followed the gentle flutter.

Floating like the emergence of immortals.

He also glanced at Lei Yin, and then said, "I know you are all the top strong men in the world, but this is my hometown. Please leave quickly and don't destroy it any more, OK?"

Although the sound of steamed bread was not loud, everyone heard it.

"Who the hell are you, asshole?"

Kato said, shaking his body. His body as high as a hill suddenly turned into an Oriental Dragon. The length of his body almost covered the whole sky.

It turns out that Kato is a dragon fruit with dragon form ability.

The opposite corner on his head is not ox horn, but dragon horn.

As soon as he flew up, there were dense clouds and even thunder in the gray clouds.

It is said that the dragon has the ability to control the weather. I don't know if the weather has changed because of Kato.

"The most powerful creature in the world. It's famous for a long time."

See this long dragon in the air and his confrontation, steamed bread face unchanged.

"Who are you? You don't look like a person with fruit ability. Why can you stay in the air? "

There are not many people and things that can make Cato interested, but the man in front of him really surprised him.

There are not many people in the world who have the ability to fly. In addition to the flying animal families, there are also some natural families, such as the shining fruit and the thundering fruit, as well as people with special abilities like Leiyin who have different worlds.

Therefore, the quantity is extremely rare.

After Kay became a dragon, he could suppress all the little people just with his momentum.

But the steamed bread seemed indifferent.

Seeing this, Kato felt as if his majesty had been provoked. In the mouth of the dragon, a golden and red ball of fire shot out in an instant.

Kaiduo's unique skill of dragon form, hot breath. This spits out more heat than the flame, and the attack distance can reach more than ten kilometers, even evaporating the top of a mountain.

The pillar of fire came towards the steamed bread.

Steamed bread has no intention of dodging.

Leiyin is ready to help, but see steamed bread will raise the right arm flat.

The hot column of fire hit his hand.

An incredible scene happened.

Steamed bread seems not to feel the heat. When the pillar of fire hits his hand, it slowly weakens until it finally disappears.

As if it had never appeared.

Both the Navy and the pirates were surprised to see this scene.

The heat that can flatten the mountain is like gentle wind and rain in the hands of steamed bread.

That's a Sihuang level attack!

In the crowd, katakuli's face became a little ugly.

He said to bigumam, "that guy is a swordsman with unfathomable strength. The strong sword intention on him counteracts KEDO's attack."


How powerful a swordsman can block Kato's attack?

Even hawk eyes can't be blocked with one hand, can they?

But the color of kataku chestnut is domineering, and it can even predict the future.

Lei Yin also felt it.

Under the eye of Lei Yin's Kaleidoscope writing wheel, he even saw that the right arm of steamed bread turned into a sword. The flame hit the edge of the sword, but it was offset by the powerful meaning of the sword.

The meaning of sword is even condensed into essence.

At that moment, Lei Yin understood that the steamed bread was not as simple as the bounty hunter who occasionally offered hundreds of thousands of Bailey a reward.Even Kato was a little stunned.

No one has ever been able to resist such a blow.

Even if you can stop it, it's not as easy as him.

Isn't that exaggerating?

Kato gathered a fireball in his mouth.

He wants to have a rest.

But steamed bread is not slow, straighten the right index finger and middle finger, in the void around a row, there is a "X" shape of the sword Qi condensed into essence, toward the kaiduo gallop past.

The hot breath spurted out again.

But when the impact is above "X", it turns into smoke.

After the heat breath was turned into fog, the momentum of "X" did not decrease at all, but cut directly in the chest of Kato.

All of a sudden, blood light everywhere!

Kato snorted, then turned into a human and fell down.

Bang, the ground was smashed into a big hole.

"Hello, are you kidding?" Seeing this, the voice and face of the pheasant became unbelievable.

At this time, the Navy and the pirates had stopped fighting, and their eyes were focused on steamed bread.

Steamed bread actually seemed to go down the stairs. In mid air, he went down a few steps.

This guy can walk in the air!

Different from yuebu, yuebu needs to quickly step on the air to generate strong power to complete the movement, and the way of steamed bread is to completely treat the air as flat ground!

Kaiduo scrambled out of the pit, and there was a "X" bloodstain on his chest!

That understatement of the sword can hurt the King Kong not bad Kato!

"I ask again, no matter who it is, if you don't belong here, please leave, OK? Please don't destroy our hometown any more. "

Even if it shows such incomparable strength, the tone of steamed bread is still modest, with no sense of domineering.

However, there are always some people who don't believe in evil.

"You're kidding

Even the old captain, Rox, did not have the strength to defeat Keduo with a single blow.

Bigumam didn't believe in this evil. He stretched out his left and right hands and raised a small cloud and a small sun.

Leiyun, Zeus.

Sun, Prometheus.


As bigumam drank, the sky became overcast again, and suddenly a pillar of thunder came down from the sky to the top of the steamed bread , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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