Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:40 PM

Chapter 617

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Jianhao Island, low sky.

A shining thunder column came down from the sky and went straight to the steamed bread.

But the steamed bread is still not slow, suddenly disappeared in the distance, Lei Zhu split down, will hit a hole in the ground.

When we look at the steamed bread, we have moved to another direction.

Faster than lightning?

"Isn't that a bit of a joke?"

Although the tone of the Yellow ape was as slow as usual, there was a look of fear in his eyes.

It was the second time in his life that he had this kind of look. The first time was when he was fighting Leiyin in the shampooland islands. It was the second time.

He would never believe that there were people in the world who could be faster than lightning and light.

"Boy, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

As he spoke, Huang ape had moved to the front of the steamed bread, and his right leg turned into a pillar of light, which suddenly fell towards the steamed bread.

The steamed bun didn't move this time. The sword behind him appeared in his hand and crossed his head. It easily blocked the kick of the Yellow ape.

When the Yellow ape saw the calm eyes of steamed bread, there was an emotion in his heart called "fear".

I am the light, but I can't be as fast as the person in front of me; my light wave can flatten an island, but I can't help the person in front of me.

Kato and bigumam are not his rivals.

As one of the three generals, the Yellow ape has never seen or even heard of such existence for forty or fifty years.

This man -

"no knife flow · wind pressure!"

When the Yellow ape hesitated, a hurricane came from the steamed bread and blew the Yellow ape out directly.

It seems that steamed bread doesn't mean to kill the Yellow ape.

"Is this guy a God or a monster?" even Kapp murmured.

Does this really exist in the world?

At this time, the Navy and the pirates had a complete truce, both looking at the steamed bread floating in the low altitude.

Compared with the three generals, the four emperors and the seven Wuhai, it seems that people in the air are the most dangerous.

Lei Yin suddenly thought of something and said to the air: "Hello! Bai, are you Mr. Bai? "

Bai, born in Jianhao island of the new world, is the master of "wandering jianhuang" Grice, and is named Jiandi.

He is a legend, known as the white of the sword emperor.

"The white of the sword emperor?"

"Is that more than a story?"

"Are you kidding?"

"It must be nonsense. If he lived to this day, he would be nearly 200 years old."

"Well, as you saw just now, it's not a dream, is it? If you have such strength, isn't this age strange? "

"Are you sure we're not dreaming?"

The Navy and the pirates were talking about it, and some people even doubted whether the visions they saw were illusions.

When Leiyin mentioned Grice, the eagle's brow wrinkled slightly.

He thought of the war a few years ago.

One day, grismouth came to kraikana to challenge Hawkeye.

They fought for two days and two nights, regardless of victory or defeat.

That war is also known as the legendary war.

Because of his superb swordsmanship, Grice wandered all over the world and won the title of "wandering sword emperor".

Is the master of the swordsman who competes with the world's first swordsman the one in front of him?

"I'm jorakol mihok. See you, Mr. White. Please advise me."

Seeing the strength of steamed bread just now, eagle eye believed that this man was white, and stepped on the moon step to ascend into the air.

Black knife · the night cuts a green awn, directly to the front door of steamed bread.

"The strength is good, the speed is not good."

Steamed bread mouth spit such an evaluation, three feet straight blade sword wave down.

When the two swords collided, the eagle's eyes felt numb, and the whole body was like a paper kite flying out of the line.

The world's strongest swordsman, "eagle eye" jorakul mihok, defeated!

Maybe he's No.1 in the world.

"Ha ha ha, it's interesting!"

White beard drank bravely and raised his fist. The air was broken like a mirror, and the power of shock spread.

"Ghost dog!"

"You're a child!"

Red dog and Green Pheasant also step on the moon step up, magma and ice also hit toward white.

"Burning sword!"

Jin, the head of the three disasters, waved his two demon like wings and went up into the air. On the blade of the sword, there was a fire more than ten feet long. He went down to baidang.

Almost all the vice emperor level pirates and admirals also took actions one after another, and countless attack moves hit Bai Yiren.

At that moment, time seemed to be still.

The energy of destruction will be white in mid air.Strong wind, thunderstorm, ice and fire are the world's top attacks.

White's figure didn't move.

At that moment, it seemed that he was really still.

With a movement of his mind, his three foot sword turned into thousands of swords.

Bai himself seems to be a God King bathing in the sword mountain and sword sea.

"Ten thousand swords return home!"

The swords galloped out one after another, immediately defusing all the attacks.

Everyone who rushed into the air was also shot down.

Bai Yi read a move, and all the blades rushed to the ground like rain.

is as like as two peas of solid sword.

But strangely, all the swords were on the ground, and no one was hurt.

This amazing way to make you gape again.

In other words, if you don't want to, you can kill all the people here as long as you raise your hands!

No matter the three generals, the four emperors or anything, their strength is the same as his.

It's really the man, the legend.

He is the white of the sword emperor!

Roger, white beard and others are all younger generation in front of him.

"Please give me face and leave my hometown. Don't destroy it here. If any of you don't play enough, I'll be here with you. "

The tone of Jiandi's white remains unchanged.

But at this time, his words have been persuasive.

In front of him, the four emperors were vulnerable.

No one is willing to touch the mold.

At this time, both the Navy and the pirates laid down their weapons.

The best way to stop a fight is to have more power than both sides.

At any time, power is the best voice.

The battle ended when people returned to their ships.

No one dares to mention the history text.

When Lei Yin came back to the ship, he found a large drawing on the deck.

Lei Yin picked up the drawing and opened it. There were some words on it that she couldn't understand.

This is actually a rubbings of the historical text.

Baxter and Robin also showed their joy.

Anyway, this trip didn't come in vain.

At the bottom of the history text, there are a few lines.

Brother Lei Yin:

thank you for inviting me to dinner. It's fate that you and I can meet each other. This is a reward for your meal. I hope you like it.

- white

Yes, steamed bread is the white of Jiandi.

This rubbing is exactly what he gave to Lei Yin.

The white of the sword emperor is mysterious and powerful, just like a God. His legend has been circulating all the time -

(end of acknowledgment volume)

PS: this volume is presented to my elder brother [white] in the group for his support all the time! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!