Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:38 PM

Chapter 619

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Gourmet hotel.

In front of the round dining table, all the people are like heaven.

Maggie and gt7 patch even cried.

They have never tasted such delicious food since they were young.

Maggie even wants to add this gourmet soup to her full menu.

Everyone is happy.

On that day, the party lasted until the next morning. Then century soup also got the official certification of GT. The legendary soup is on the menu of the restaurant. In the hotel, the reservation from all over the world is pouring in.

Because of jienai and Natalie, the food hotel has been upgraded from five-star to six-star -

the main hall of the food club.

The president of the Gourmet Club sits on the top of the podium, with his back to the people kneeling below.

Kneeling below is the president of the food club's bodyguard and waiter, and the strength of the deputy director of food is equal to alufaro.

Arufaro held a refined container in his hands, which contained clear to completely transparent soup. He knelt down with a respectful face and said to the president: "century Soup for you, Mr. President."

On the first seat, the president's long and messy hair fluttered, and the delicate container in arufaro's hand disappeared. In a twinkling of an eye, it was placed on the seat in front of the president's table.

He did not even dare to lift his head. After a while, he trembled and asked, "please, what do you think of the taste?"

The container on the table didn't move after it was put on.

Instead of answering him, the president of gourmet asked, "alufaro."

"My Lord."

President: "how many people are there in the headquarters who can enter the food industry now?"

"Headed by culinary chief kulomade, deputy culinary chief stajiu and Gu... Oh, I'm sorry --" alufaro said and realized that the two deputy culinary chief gulinbach and domilot were dead. "Besides culinary chief and Deputy culinary chief, there are also some possibilities for the first branch chief elger and bartender Limon --"

"alufaro." Before he finished, there came the president's low voice.

"Your honor?" Arufaro is a little scared.

President: "the taste of century soup is really good. I didn't expect that there are such kinds of ingredients in the world. But the food I like is still the food of the food industry. By the way, continue to send people to stare at the thunder - "

when it comes to thunder, there is a trace of fear on arufaro's face:" we sent several groups of people, but we didn't expect that guy's perception is very strong, they were killed. "

Hearing this, the president's face did not change: "it seems that the key time to take the necessary measures. Let's not mention him. Let's leave this soup for others to drink, so as to increase the number of people who can enter the food industry. From now on, our eyes should be on the ingredients of the food industry. Those who can't get in will use GT robots. Our ultimate goal is God. Don't forget that! "


Alofaro bows down to the president with awe in his heart -

the shallow sea residence of Igo president Yilong.

"Are you Lei Yin and Natalie? I've been waiting here for a long time. "

A man dressed like a doorman welcomed the young couple.

After successfully making century soup, they were invited by Yilong.

As for the number one figure of Igo, Lei Yin certainly wants to see it.

Natalie also said, "Hello, is the president here?"

The receptionist made a gesture of please: "yes, please come inside."

Under the guidance of the receptionist, they walk through a hall. What they see is a villa standing on the shallow sea, surrounded by a large circular platform.

A healthy old man with blonde hair and sunglasses is sitting on a reclining chair enjoying the soft sunshine.

"Mr. Yilong, Mr. Leiyin is here."

"Oh, you are Lei Yin, younger than I expected."

Seeing the young men and women, Yilong stood up and said enthusiastically without holding the airs of his president. The receptionist said hello to the three and then stepped back.

Lei Yin: "Hello, old man."

"Hello, Mr. Yilong." Natalie said respectfully.

"Beautiful sword God? I know you are a world-class swordsman, not even inferior to the old lady jienai. " Yilong praised Natalie.

Natalie: No, you're flattered

Yilong seems to like two young people very much: "come on, don't say so many polite words. Sit down and show you this."

Yilong said and put a bottle of wine on the table.

This bottle of wine in the sunlight, pan out of five colors of luster, a look is not ordinary goods.

"What's this?"

Yilong: "this is a wine made from rainbow fruit. The alcohol concentration is 78 percent."

Lei Yin: "it looks very good."Yilong laughs and opens the lid of the wine bottle with his thumb.

Yilong doesn't care so much. He takes out two goblets and pours them.

Suddenly, a strange fragrance.

While drinking, the three chatted.

"You've all heard about Rainbow Fruit, puffer whale, gem meat, century soup - by the way, you killed gulinbach and domilot at the Gourmet Club, right? "Thunder sound?"

Lei Yin took a big drink. He felt a little bit flushed at the entrance, but after swallowing it, a sweet warm current seemed to spread all over his body: "it should be. I killed some people at the food fair, and I don't know who they are."

"Hahaha, you are still crazy, but I'm really happy to hear your active things." Yilong laughs and drinks half a bottle of wine.

Natalie also took a sip, but immediately felt like eating seven or eight peppers, like swallowing a mouthful of fire, coughing. See, Leiyin quickly took a large glass of water to her.

Natalie's face turned red. This wine is too strong for ordinary people.

When Natalie slowed down, Lei Yin asked, "president, what can I do for you? Is there any food for us to hunt? "

Yilong laughs: "ha ha, of course, you should be interested in this?"

Lei Yin also laughed: "of course. Let's hear what it is this time? "


I don't know if it's a coincidence. When Yilong said this, the calm sea suddenly surged and splashed, but it soon calmed down.

Natalie and Leiyin were also slightly stunned.

God, the legendary god of delicacy, is the main course in the full menu of akasia, the king of ingredients. All the creatures in the world want to taste him. It is said that his capture level has exceeded 5000!

Lei Yin said, "president, do you want God, too?"

Yilong took another sip of wine: "no, forget it, just think I didn't say it."

Natalie was shocked: "is it true that God will appear in recent years?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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