Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:31 PM

Chapter 627

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Food world, forests under the cliffs of zebel island.

It's still drizzling.

Looking at the Rain Bird monster just killed by himself, Lei Yin felt thoughtful.

At this time, many rain birds came from all directions.

Did they kill their companions just now and find these things for revenge?

Looking at these dense rain bird monsters, the color of thunder remains unchanged, and they have pulled out the grass shaving sword behind them.


The monsters screamed and rushed up.

At the same time, there is a strong breath.

Then, a figure flashed by, and five or six rain birds fell to the ground.


This is a middle-aged man with a strange airplane head. Lei Yin feels familiar when he sees him.

These rainbirds seem to be enraged and attack the man.

The middle-aged man did not panic at all. He took out two double tube anesthesia guns from his waist.

For these rain birds, they are all operations.

His hands are like two high-speed machines, constantly moving towards those monsters.

Lei Yin looked at him not far away, just like a thousand handed Shura. The fish, birds and monsters who were ordered were blasted out one after another, and they all fell down.

After a while, hundreds of rain birds fell down, and none of them could move.

"It's amazing." Lei Yin said lightly.

"Young man, let's talk over there."

"All right."

They made a fire. The middle-aged man took out some of the ingredients and made some simple barbecue.

Without his introduction, Lei Yin knows.

This man is the second disciple of the gourmet God akasia, the famous acupoint burning Jiro! It's Yilong's younger martial brother and Sanhu's elder martial brother.

"I didn't expect that I would be saved by the legendary gourmet. I really don't know how to thank you." Although there is no Jiro to come, Leiyin can deal with these beasts, but he deliberately said so to be polite.

Jiro is also very easygoing: "thank you. Speaking of it, Lei Yin, right? I've heard of you. Are you in the food business for the first time


Because it's under the cliffs of zebra Island, and rayon is so young, it's not surprising to guess.

All of a sudden, Jiro's palm came up. His palm edge was like a knife, and he went straight to Leiyin's neck.

And Leiyin seems to have expected, suddenly disappeared in the same place, in an instant has reached Jiro behind.

Jiro's perception is not bad at all. He immediately turns around, makes a fist with his palm, and hits it directly.

Lei Yin also makes a fist to fight against it.


When the two fists collided, there was a dull sound, and they both stepped back the same distance.

It was an almost equal blow.

"Good boy, I wanted to test you, but I didn't expect it to be much more powerful than I thought."

Jiro stood still and couldn't help saying so.

Lei Yin: "I happened to be lucky."

Who is Jiro?

It's said that the disciple of the world's strongest God of food, akasia, who is now in the top three in the world, is even with a fledgling boy.

It's really something that Jiro himself didn't think of.

Lei Yin's face was flat and asked, "Mr. Jiro, why do you feel that the gravity here is heavier than that on land?"

Although Lei Yin can move freely in this place, he can still feel it.

Jiro replied: "of course, compared with the human world, this is a place with an altitude of minus 20000 meters. It's called the Angora forest. It's closer to the core of the earth than the ground, so the effect of gravity is relatively strong. Now our weight is several times that of the ground. But don't worry. With your strength, I don't think it's a problem. "

Lei Yin asked, "well, since this is a negative altitude, there should be plenty of oxygen, but why do I feel that there is a lack of oxygen here?"

Jiro replied, "you feel right because you are very close to the tree of the air."

Lei Yin: "the tree of the air?"

Jiro: "well, it's a tree that absorbs air. It absorbs air very fast. Although it's at a negative altitude, the air is still as thin as a plateau. But the fruit of the air tree is also a kind of food. It's a super special food. "

"[Angula forest] also has other ingredients such as [thermal cactus]. In order to make itself have strong gravity, it can combine with the gravity of the earth. It can move freely nearby, but relatively release inaccessible heat."

Hearing his words, Lei Yin smiles: "is this the food industry? It's getting more and more interesting. ""Hahaha, it's amazing. When I was young like you, I didn't have the qualification to enter the food industry." Jiro said, put a large piece of leg meat in his mouth and chew it.

Lei Yin: "Mr. Jiro, you are too modest."

Jiro swallowed his leg and said, "by the way, I have something to tell you."

"You said

Jiro: "well, it's a task. Normally, I shouldn't meddle in Igo's business, but the old guy Yilong contacted me and let me tell you if I met you. "

Lei Yin seemed to understand: "together, you have been waiting for me here?"

Jiro said with a smile: "not exactly. I happened to be nearby recently, and then I went to other places in the food industry to collect food materials. Since I met you, it's easy to do."

Lei Yin: "well, what's the mission?"

Jiro: "would you like to meet someone in [food prison]"

one day later, the city of food, a five-star hotel.

Lei Yin accepted the task entrusted by Zilang and returned from the food industry.

I was having dinner with Natalie.

There are millions of dollars of food on the table, which is very delicious.

"I didn't expect you to come back so soon. You won't get another assignment, will you?" Asked Natalie, taking a sip of red wine.

"You're right. We're going to find zebra, one of the four food kings in the food prison."

"Poof!" Lei Yin just finished this sentence, Natalie a mouthful of red wine spray out, "you, what do you say?"

Lei Yin looks flat: "it's said that Igo needs him to do something, and I forgot. Anyway, I'm going to release him."

"Hey, do you know who this zebra is?" Natalie seemed very surprised.

Lei Yin: "the king of food."

Natalie: No, it's said that the guy is extremely vicious and has a very irascible personality. He is the "problem child" among the four heavenly kings and the strongest one among the four heavenly kings

Hearing what she said, Lei Yin laughed: "is that right? In this case, I would like to see him even more - "

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