Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:30 PM

Chapter 628

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The world, the way to the food prison.

This is a winding and rugged road, and on both sides of the road is an abyss that can not be seen to the end.

Maybe the weather here is gloomy all the year round. It's dark and oppressive.

Leiyin and Natalie are walking along this road.

In the distance is a huge beehive.

"In other words, is that honeycomb like building a gourmet prison? It's more lovely than I thought. " Said Natalie as she walked.

"If only it were such a good place."

Because far away, Leiyin felt some violent breath, so he said.

"Here comes Mr. Lei Yin. I've been waiting for you for a long time. And miss Natalie

At the end of their journey, a stone step rose from the abyss, on which stood six or seven people. The leader was a tall man with several scars on his forehead, eyes and mouth like beasts.

The man facing the evil is Ou Pang, the deputy warden of beehive prison. The uniformed soldiers in the back are the jailers here.

Ou Pang said politely to Lei Yin: "the matter has been learned from the president."

A little frightened, Natalie whispered in thunder's ear, "I suddenly feel terrible here again."

"Mr. Leiyin, Miss Natalie, please follow me." Ou Pang said, and the guards led Lei Yin to the stone steps, and the stone steps fell down, "Mr. Lei Yin, do you know the climate nearby?"


Ou Pang: "it's too dangerous because we are about to enter the" season ", so we can't go out randomly. Hurry up, the warden is waiting for two."

Just after climbing the stone steps, Natalie felt even more scared. She thought to herself: we are going to be brought into a terrible place by a terrible person. It's really creepy to think about it.

Thinking like this, she got closer to Lei Yin.

The descending stone steps pass through a transparent passage, and what you can see around them is even more chilling.

"I forgot to introduce you. I'm Ou Pang, the deputy warden here. Let me show you around the beehive prison." "There are food prisons all over the world that have violated the eight laws on food stipulated by Igo, and there are only three execution prisons that have committed A-level felons in the world. They are the three largest food prisons in the world built in the sea, land and air respectively," Ou said

"The first one is in the sky prison at an altitude of 10000 meters, where tornadoes often happen around and strange birds like human flesh are wandering, so it is impossible to escape; the second one is in the sea. In the deep prison at a depth of 2000 meters, the surrounding water has a pressure of about 400 atmospheric pressure, and there are violent carnivorous fish swimming, so there is no escape; the most important thing is that The last one is here - "

" land prison, beehive prison, the world's largest prison that can accommodate more than 100 million prisoners. Tens of kilometers from the "gate of the yellow spring", at least hundreds of prisoners are transported every day. On the way, there are A-class execution animals wandering for guard, and huge switch bridges set at 12 locations for more than one kilometer, Of course, we have to use the food ID to confirm it from us. "

"Usually only very strong escort animals can pass. Even so, there is a danger of being attacked by forest monsters in the season and losing information. "

After listening to Ou Pang's long list of introductions, Natalie asked, "what is a forest monster?"

Ou Pang smiles: "Nuo, this is it."

All of a sudden, Natalie was startled to see a big half human eye outside.

This is the entrance of the beehive prison. These are what ou Pang called the execution animals.

This is not the only one. There are a lot of monsters around the passage.

Although the channel is transparent, it is made of special materials. Even if the monster is angry, it can't break it.

Natalie was terrified: "Wow! So much! "

Ou Pang explained: "this is all tamed by the governor of Labu prison. Most of the prisoners lost their fighting spirit here and were disheartened."

Lei Yin said with a smile: "the warden is really a powerful man to tame so many beasts. It's really exciting. "

As they spoke, the steps had reached the bottom.

We went down the stairs, and in the middle of the hall sat a watchman.

"Is there anything? Chubali Ou Pang asked the guard.

Chubali said: "no, deputy warden, more than 20 prisoners have been attacked, but now they are very peaceful. So is zebra."

This chubali is not only a guard but also a clerk here. He looks like a devil escaping from hell. Ordinary people will be scared half of their courage when they see him.

Ou Pang then said, "is that so? Is the warden in the room? "

Chubali: "yes, but she seems to be in a bad mood."Ou Pang sighed slightly: "I know that the director is also very opposed to zebra getting out of prison now."

Chubali showed a very strange smile: "ha ha, indeed, he is very angry now."

Natalie looked trembling and thought: your face is more terrible than that.

The escorts, tamed by the warden, gathered around her. Natalie was so scared that she went into Lei Yin's arms.

"It doesn't matter, they won't do anything to us," he said

At this time, Lei Yin pointed to the iron fence in front of him: "is this the place where prisoners are held?"

Ou Pang: "yes, the execution menu for prisoners in beehive prison."

"How do you say that?"

Ou Pang: "the fourth menu is for the greedy prisoners. The name is the set meal for grabbing food. Let's have a look. Anyway, we will pass by. In the era of delicious food, the greatest happiness is eating, and the biggest pain is that food is taken away. "

Lei Yin: "indeed."

Ou Pang led everyone to look down. A group of people gathered around the big table and ate all kinds of food.

It's just that they're all handcuffed and shackled.

One of the watermelon heads yelled, "what's the matter with this cake? It's not sweet at all. What's the matter with the rice here?"

Looking at him, Natalie thought, and then said, "Oh? I remember seeing that man in the newspaper

Ou Pang explained: "the man who ate overlord's meal in a high-end hotel for more than 20 billion yuan is the first-class food fraud. He is known as" overlord's meal eater "talido, and is a very famous fraud."

Natalie continued: "by the way, I remember, it seems that his notice was posted on the food tower -"

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